Homeless People And Cloud Nine
I have to tell you that I am worried about the homeless people in this country. I have a feeling they are about to be harassed and abused and detained and kicked out of cities and towns. As if their life is not tragic enough, the spread of this over the counter version of bath salts called Cloud Nine is going to be trouble. The drug, which causes people to take it to go into possible cannibal mode has been blamed for seven cannibal attacks in the last week. The drug, which is entirely legal is taken primarily by homeless people. Police in several cities are already warning police to be careful when dealing with homeless. Know what that means? Police are going to start rounding up homeless and get them out of town. It is inevitable. People are going to think that every homeless person who asks them for change is actually trying to eat them and complain and the complaints will get louder and the police will respond by being aggressive and moving them to the next town and letting someone else deal with the issue. How do you get them to leave? By treating them like crap. Arresting them. Harassing them. Throwing away all their belongings. Not letting them sleep on benches or sidewalks. So, they leave. At some point though, they all have to end up some place.