Four For Friday - He Tried To Kill Himself
As I do every Friday, it is announcement time. It's less than two weeks until reveal day. That means you are running out of time if you want to send in your reader photo. Make sure you send them in prior to July 3rd. After that, it is too late. Also, if you send it in earlier you can have it posted during the week on here AND on reveal day. Send them to
Make sure you tune in this weekend. As I do every Saturday I will have a reveal for you. Yes, last Saturday turned into Sunday, but I don't plan on staying out until 5am drinking this Friday night so tomorrow should work out fine. If you have not done so, please follow me on Twitter because it is a whole other world over there and I rattle on about different things and have different blinds. The add thing is over there -------> If that does not work, then I am @entylawyer.
This actor will probably always be A list. He has done it all. Movies and television and his name will always make him A list. He has had his ups and downs, but there is no turning back for him. Going forward it's all A.
It has not always been like that, and our actor has struggled with demons that most of us cannot imagine. Over the course of his career he has tried to kill himself at least four times. The first time was after he rocketed to instant fame. He says that he was not trying to kill himself and that he just was partying too hard and took too much of the wrong drug and fell asleep. The thing is he had been telling people that he couldn't handle the fame and was going to do something about it, so most people believe he was trying to kill himself. The second time was when he was at the depths of his career. The sudden fame had turned into a bottomless pit. His love life sucked. His life sucked. No one would hire him. He was strung out and the only way he got any work was when his best friend at the time who is also a television and movie actress recommended him for a part. When he thought he had been turned down for the role, he tried to kill himself by cutting his wrists. You can still see the scars if you look hard enough. A friend who was staying with the actor heard some commotion and ran into the other room and found the actor. He got him bandaged and talked to him for two days straight. At the end of the two days, the actor got the call that said he got the role. It was the beginning of the comeback.
The third time he tried to kill himself was when his wife left him. His wife walked away from the marriage and his life and said that the actor was driving her to an early death. Our actor is always depressed and gloomy. Our actor rarely smiles and is even more rarely in a good mood. He is a great actor and knows when to act the part, but at home his demons come out and his wife left. She was gone six months. During that time our actor locked himself up in his house, drank and ate himself silly; would not talk to anyone; and tried the drugs route again. Again it didn't work. he didn't take enough. He was huge at this point and it made him very sick, but not dead.
His most recent attempt was not that long ago. He was on the set of a movie and there was a car chase scene. Our actor tried to walk right in front of the cars as they were chasing each other but didn't see a production assistant who grabbed the actor. At first the assistant thought he had saved the actor's life, but when the assistant didn't get thanks or appreciation they realized that the actor had been trying to do something that was best left unsaid. Of course they did go and say it and after that, the actor had someone watching him at all times, including bodyguards that were flown out to the set by his wife. Yes, she came back. One of these days the actor will succeed. So many demons. So many secrets. Tired of hiding them all.