Friday, June 22, 2012

Four For Friday - He Tried To Kill Himself

As I do every Friday, it is announcement time. It's less than two weeks until reveal day. That means you are running out of time if you want to send in your reader photo. Make sure you send them in prior to July 3rd. After that, it is too late. Also, if you send it in earlier you can have it posted during the week on here AND on reveal day. Send them to

Make sure you tune in this weekend. As I do every Saturday I will have a reveal for you. Yes, last Saturday turned into Sunday, but I don't plan on staying out until 5am drinking this Friday night so tomorrow should work out fine. If you have not done so, please follow me on Twitter because it is a whole other world over there and I rattle on about different things and have different blinds. The add thing is over there -------> If that does not work, then I am @entylawyer.

This actor will probably always be A list. He has done it all. Movies and television and his name will always make him A list. He has had his ups and downs, but there is no turning back for him. Going forward it's all A.

It has not always been like that, and our actor has struggled with demons that most of us cannot imagine. Over the course of his career he has tried to kill himself at least four times. The first time was after he rocketed to instant fame. He says that he was not trying to kill himself and that he just was partying too hard and took too much of the wrong drug and fell asleep. The thing is he had been telling people that he couldn't handle the fame and was going to do something about it, so most people believe he was trying to kill himself. The second time was when he was at the depths of his career. The sudden fame had turned into a bottomless pit. His love life sucked. His life sucked. No one would hire him. He was strung out and the only way he got any work was when his best friend at the time who is also a television and movie actress recommended him for a part. When he thought he had been turned down for the role, he tried to kill himself by cutting his wrists. You can still see the scars if you look hard enough. A friend who was staying with the actor heard some commotion and ran into the other room and found the actor. He got him bandaged and talked to him for two days straight. At the end of the two days, the actor got the call that said he got the role. It was the beginning of the comeback.

The third time he tried to kill himself was when his wife left him. His wife walked away from the marriage and his life and said that the actor was driving her to an early death. Our actor is always depressed and gloomy. Our actor rarely smiles and is even more rarely in a good mood. He is a great actor and knows when to act the part, but at home his demons come out and his wife left. She was gone six months. During that time our actor locked himself up in his house, drank and ate himself silly; would not talk to anyone; and tried the drugs route again. Again it didn't work. he didn't take enough. He was huge at this point and it made him very sick, but not dead.

His most recent attempt was not that long ago. He was on the set of a movie and there was a car chase scene. Our actor tried to walk right in front of the cars as they were chasing each other but didn't see a production assistant who grabbed the actor. At first the assistant thought he had saved the actor's life, but when the assistant didn't get thanks or appreciation they realized that the actor had been trying to do something that was best left unsaid. Of course they did go and say it and after that, the actor had someone watching him at all times, including bodyguards that were flown out to the set by his wife. Yes, she came back. One of these days the actor will succeed. So many demons. So many secrets. Tired of hiding them all.


  1. John Travolta?

    Another Josh, I did think of RDJ also.

  2. Jesus, whoever it is my heart breaks for him.

  3. RDJ has never been "huge", not in the physical sense. Gotta be Travolta, friend was Kirstie Alley who got him the Look Who's Talking Movies.

  4. I'm on the Travolta train.

  5. I was thinking RDJ too until the part about getting fat. The fat part reminded me of Val Kilmer, but I don't think he fits the rest of this.

  6. ^Yeah, I thought Val too b/c of the fat part, but he's not a permanent A lister, hasn't been A list for about 10 years or so.

  7. Wow, that is very grim. With the fourth time happening recently, I hope someone can help him if he's driven to do it.

  8. Was RDJ ever huge as in fat?

  9. This guy needs help, and fast. He needs more than people watching him, he needs some serious therapy and some anti depressants. My heart goes out to him.

  10. I wouldn't say Travolta is permanent A list recognition sure, but acting? only halfway good ones were Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction. He hasn't done tv since the 70's right?

  11. "Yes, she came back.

    One of these days the actor will succeed.

    So many demons.

    So many secrets.

    Tired of hiding them all."

    Oh, Enty, the drama, the drama.. have you started drinking already?

  12. I'd say Travolta. His career slumped a bit after _Staying Alive_ and rebounded (the first time) with Look Who's Talking. That sorta makes me think it's him, Kirstie Alley being the known-for-TV-first friend and costar.

  13. Jim Carrey? But the wife thing doesn't fit.

    Travolta's a good guess.

  14. Yeah, I thought Travolta too. Sad.

  15. Pic of RDJ with either a beer gut or a baby bump:

  16. Am I the only one who immediately thought this was Anthony Hopkins?

  17. Was matthew perry ever married? (prob not A list actor either though)

  18. I thought of Keither Sutherland but Travolta fits too

  19. I think RDJ fits some of this, except he doesn't fit the "rarely smiles" very well....he must smile enough because I have ALWAYS been crazy about his smile.

    I have the same problem with everyone else I keep thinking of....John Travolta fits, except I don't think he typically appears gloomy.

    Unfortunately, I can't think of anyone who is a grumpy A-list actor on tv and movies

  20. Anthony Hopkins is an interesting thought, Grey... but he seems much more devil-may-care than morose to me though. I know he was much larger in the past than he is now, and he's definitely A-list. tv though?? I don't know.

  21. John Travolta ought to be smiling a lot considering all of the happy endings he gets.

  22. @Another Josh - good one!

  23. My first thought was Travolta and then I scrolled down and saw the non-smiling picture of him, along with the story about the Randolph book, and it now feels like a slam dunk... sad, sad, sad.

  24. I hope whomever it is gets the help/coping skills he needs. C

  25. Anthony Hopkins always seems grumpy and moody to me, has done tons of TV movies, weight fluctuates, and also is an AA member

    FOr discussion sake, a quick google search of actors with big comebacks turned up:

    Mickey Rourke
    John Travolta
    Jason Bateman
    Alec Baldwin

  26. Out of left field... but Denzel Washington?

  27. How about Tom Hanks. I remember him being big once. And "So many demons" could be reference to the movie "Angels and demons".

  28. @Ellen, for me too, RDJ's ready smile has always been his best feature.

    Travolta seems to fit except for the typically gloomy look, but who knows what his demeanor is like when not in front of a camera.

    I'm also a bit skeptical of guessing anyone who's become the go-to choice for a myriad of blinds, and Travolta has certainly become that.

  29. This is terrible. John Travolta seems to fit the clues. Do you guys thibk Pulp Fiction was the role he thought he wasn't gonna get and the on set attempt was on Savages? But Travolta and Preston never split for six months did they? Unless Enty's trying to alter it some way to make it more difficult

  30. I think Enty has fudged some of the details, but I think this is Travolta.

    His Scientology predates his fame, so it makes sense that he never sought any sort of psychological or psychiatric help -- and this blind reads as such.

    His instant fame era also coincided with the death of Diana Hyland, which would have also contributed to his depression and despair.

  31. This is heartbreaking. I hope whoever it is gets the help they need.

  32. Travolta ?- new movie is " Savages "

    Clue?? " His last attempt was not that long ago. He was on the set of a movie and there was a car chase scene".

    He tried to walk in front of cars?
    Anybody know if Savages has car chase scenes?

  33. The JT guess fits best. And yes, he is permanent A list for name recognition alone. Besides SNF and Pulp Fiction he did Grease and Urban Cowboy which were huge hits too. Look Who's Talking fits nicely with the actress friend as well.
    So so sad.

  34. @Tahla Aziz, I think it's entirely possible that they split for 6 mos, but it wasn't public. There are always rumors about them anyway. If it was during one of his low periods (career wise), it could have easily gone under the radar.

  35. Oh god, I'm embarassed, I took the "he was huge at this point" as in "he was back to being a huge star"


    1. I think it could be taken that way as much as any other way.

  36. This is terrible. John Travolta seems to fit the clues. Do you guys thibk Pulp Fiction was the role he thought he wasn't gonna get and the on set attempt was on Savages? But Travolta and Preston never split for six months did they? Unless Enty's trying to alter it some way to make it more difficult

  37. I do like the JT guess but the only thing that doesn't fit for me is the wife part. This implies the wife was naive. Kelly Preston seems very controlling, manipulative, and "in the know" about everything JT does

  38. Unfortunately I think this is RDJ.

    Kelly Preston has never left JT. She has managed to handle their 'marriage' all these years. Plus I don't think JT has had a major drug problem and has not been strung out as described.

    RDJ's known drug problems in the past add weight to this guess. And he is definitely permanent A list after Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.

    JT is debatable permanent A list.

    1. She's never left him as far as we know. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  39. I could see this being Travolta. The guy has had, what, two, three "comebacks" now? So I can see the viewpoint that he will always be A-list.

    Regardless, this is just a terribly sad situation and I hope that he gets the love and support he needs to break this cycle.

  40. I like the Denzel guess.

  41. Enty told us months ago that JT and Kelly were seperated. So there's that.

  42. The IMDB Trailer for Savages with Travolta looks like a movie that you could get killed on if you wanted to bad enough. Pretty sad situation.

  43. John Travolta has never, ever touched drugs or alcohol. He shuns people who use either, even if its only recreationally. Its a CO$ thing. Plus he's always smiling for pap photos and in interviews. Not him. I think this may be Deniro.

    1. It's also a CO$ thing to not be gay.

  44. I don't think it's RDJ if only because he's always been open with the press about his problems.. It might be Travolta, but the drugs don't fit. If she hadn't come back, I would almost think Johnny Depp

  45. RDJ doesnt fit for me either because the blind mentions that the actor recently tried to walk in front of cars.

    He just made 100 million for the Avengers. His career just keeps going up and up.

    Unless this blind involves a severe mental illness, it seems like the blind is referring to an actor who is having lots of problems lately. which would be JT....but again, the wife part doesnt fit and neither do the drugs.


  46. Travolta seems like the best guess so far. Can't really go by whether the actor smiles in public or not, most likely he does smile a lot, based on this blind. He's depressed and gloomy at home, but knows how to "act the part" otherwise. So he appears, publically, to be happy.

    For at least 10 years now, Travolta has had a very obvious undercurrent of absolute misery about him. Meanwhile, he's also smiling. Probably just got a massage. :-)

  47. Not all the clues fit but I thought of Russell Crowe when reading this. Not much known about his personal life but I know his weight fluctuates and that he does have a gloomy/never smiles personality. Can't make rest of the clues fit though. . .

  48. OK, I'm now thinking that this can't be either JT or RDJ thanks to our well informed commenters.

    JT won't touch drugs, and RDJ just welcomed a new baby into the world and has hundreds of million$ rolling in his career is so hot.

  49. I think this is Johnny Depp. Heroin user, eternally gloomy...

  50. The actor did TV. Of the guesses the only one who's had a "big" TV hit would be JT in Welcome Back Kotter.

  51. Travolta is permanent A-list. He is aging into more of a character actor than a lead, but he has done so much, so many huge hits, and everyone in America knows his name and face.

    The phrase that convinces me is, "...he rocketed to instant fame." that describes JT exactly. I recall an interview in the past (probably when LWT became a hit) in which he talked about how hard it was to be so immediately famous, how unexpected and unplanned for. And right after he became famous, he had to watch his GF die of cancer (I believe it was cancer?). He spoke openly in at least that one interview I remember that he really struggled emotionally. It got a lot of sympathy for him at the time, and people were rooting for his comeback.

    It wasn't a recent interview, though. Like I said, probably the "Look Who's Talking" days.

  52. robert deniro.

    keifer sutherland.

    jim carrey.

    denzel washington.

    nic cage.

    colin farrel.

  53. keanu reeves except for the wife part....

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I don't care who it is. What I care about is why isn't someone getting this poor man some help? And I mean active psychological help -- professional counseling and medication -- not bodyguards. I think it is appalling that anyone who knows him would sit by and do nothing. If someone has tried four times, they will keep trying until they succeed, babysitters or no babysitters.

  56. The recent movie with car chasing could be John's new movie Savages.

  57. RDJ currently filming Iron Man 3. And there is a car chase scene.:


  58. Gotta be JT. Seems all the pieces fit. How in the hell would you know if someone's a secret drug user if they keep it secret? Good grief, if we've learned anything from CDAN, it should be that people are not oftentimes what they seem to be.

  59. I can't say I "know" or have any strong feelings that JT doesn't touch drugs. How do we know that? Because he says he doesn't? So by that standard, we know he's not gay, either. Right?

    So back in the day, it would be ludicrous to think John Travolta would ever have been doing a line of coke off the rock hard abs of one of those male porn stars he knew, huh? Because he would never do that. Because he says. Or implies.

    As for Kelly ever leaving him, how would we know if they didn't make it obvious? He's always off making movies, or flying his plane, or trying to get flown or blown or whatever. If it was during one of his many career low points, the media wasn't even paying attention.

    All the reasons I've read so far, about why we should discount him, are things we don't definitively know. Doesn't mean it's him, just that we shouldn't rule him out. We don't know if he never actually had a drug problem, could be one of those "many demons," or if his public smiles reflect true joy, or if his wide ever left him.

    I also like the Tom Hanks guess, though I imagine he stays too stoned most of the time to get around to any demons.

  60. Johnny Depp started in TV.

    1. He'd be a good guess, except I can't recall any big career low.

  61. Also, I think if you're too young (hee hee, love it), you can't really conceptualize how quickly JT became a superstar in the '70's. Can't even think of a good modern-day comparison. And then his career was in the toilet before Look Who's Talking, and again before Pulp Fiction.

    1. This! That's what made me picture Travolta immediately. He was HUGE. He is the epitome of "skyrocketing to fame." He makes Beiber's rise to stardom look like some slow-mo grandpa.

      Travolta isn't just a star or a celeb. He's an icon. That's why he will always be A-List.

  62. This is sad. :(

    I hope I'm wrong but maybe John Goodman? From 2007 to 2011 he did mostly voiceover work. Maybe his work on Damages and Community could be his "comeback"?

    Also he is working on a flick called Argo which sounds like it could have a car crash scene.

  63. RDJ was not 'instantly famous'. He was one of the bullies in "Weird Science", and he did a lot of little roles like that before anyone knew his name.

    Jennifer H, I SO WISH Tom Hanks would get caught with a joint, or something---just so Middle America might begin to re-think marijuana policy in this country. I hope he, Ron Howard, and Andy Griffith (is he still with us?) all get caught in a hot box. Can you imagine?

  64. Everything fits for John Travolta and I realize that Enty sometimes fudges details, but it seems odd that he wouldn't mention that the actor is secretly gay...

    1. I figure that could be one of the "demons."

  65. I still agree that this has to be Travolta; based on the clues, he fits best. These others guesses, Johnny Depp, RDJ, when were they ever in recent memory anywhere close to being fat as the actor in the blind is said to have been "huge"? And yes, huge here means in the physical sense, not their popularity; popularity doesn't inhibit drug absorption, I don't care how popular and famous you are. Granted we don't see celebs 24/7, but we'd know if one of them suddenly gained a lot of weight, like Travolta has. The picture of posted of RDJ with a supposed gut on vacation is ridiculous, not only is he not "huge", even if that was more than just a bad angle, the rest of the photos from that trip don't make him look like he does in that picture. I'm not an RDJ or Johnny Depp fanboy, but I'm just saying they don't fit and that they're terrible guesses for this blind. Perhaps the subject of this blind hasn't sought professional help b/c they're part of a group or religion that forbids it...

  66. Also re: JT

    "He has had his ups and downs, but there is no turning back for him."

    Reminds me of dancing, like disco dancing.

    Do the Hustle! do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do!
    (You're welcome for that stuck in yo head, now. haha)

  67. He's certainly no quitter.

  68. I know while Kelly was "pregnant" with her strap on baby he was out in WeHo with the boys and the gossip is why is he not at home with his wife. So could very well be during that time they were living separate lives. Got back together for the happy family image just before the pillow was born maybe.

  69. I honestly thought this might have been DiCaprio until I got to the wife part. JT fits this best, unfortunately.

  70. Johnny Depp. He was definitely looking chubby there for a little while during and just after The Tourist.

    He wears tons of bracelets to cover up the scars. He had drugs problems, it's totally him. Even if it doesnt fit exactly, it's just to throw us off. Totally 100 percent Depp.

  71. I remember JT starting out in Welcome Back Kotter back in 1975, and he was THE big breakout actor from that show immediately--I don't remember if he left after the 1st or 2nd season, but I do recall the screaming girls on the laugh track whenever he came into a scene. Then it was The Boy in the Bubble in '76, IIRC, and then Saturday Night Fever in '77, for which he got an Oscar nomination for Best Actor...if that isn't a meteoric rise to fame, then I don't know what would qualify.

    As for the other suggestions, none of them have had that kind of instant fame, plus a number of them either aren't currently married or have been married several times, which would make it hard to tell which wife we're talking about here. Now, while I was reading it, the first half was making me think RDJ (with Mel Gibson being the life-saving friend), but the second half sank that for me--AFAIK, he & his wife haven't been separated (if she did leave, I get the impression that would spur him to clean up his act ASAP to get her back, not send him further into the abyss), he seems to be in a pretty good place mentally and emotionally right now, what with the new baby (and hey, $100 million doesn't hurt, either...), and, again, it took a few years, a season on SNL, and several movies before he started becoming a big deal, and even there, his fame in the late '80s wasn't anywhere near what JT's was about 10 years earlier. While I wouldn't be totally surprised to learn he'd tried to kill himself years ago when things were really rough (saddened, yes...), my gut instinct is that this just isn't him.

    So yeah, out of the current suggestions, JT is looking like the best one for this... *sigh*

    robert deniro.

    keifer sutherland.

    jim carrey.

    denzel washington.

    nic cage.

    colin farrel.

  72. @Another Josh, The article says the car chase is going to be shot "a future scene will be some sort of car race/chase." While the article is now several weeks old with Enty's record of time frames I'd say this doesn't qualify. Also if the gossip got off of that set that quickly I feel it would have leaked to multiple sources and not just Enty. "Not that long ago" to me seems to be within the last few years.

    John Travolta was in "From Paris With Love" which definitely had car chases. Also Savages seems like it has car chases as well. I could see JT being the actor.

    However am I the only one that took, "He was huge at this point" as meaning celebrity wise and not physically? Re-reading it the sentance does seem to mean physically but when I first read it I thought it meant that the actor was a huge star at that point.

    Also as for the debate on whether John Travolta is still A-lit. The Blind does state the actor, "his name will always make him A list". John Travolta is without a doubt an A-lister in name. Everything else is debatable but you say john Travolta to someone and they know exactly who you are talking about. That is A-list without a doubt.

  73. Robin Williams. Instant fame on TV, huge drug problem, often with John Belushi. Not sure it all fits but he was the first person I thought of.

    1. That's who I thought too

    2. That's who I thought too

  74. I was thinKing Johnny Depp. He's always muster gloomy.

  75. I'm not 100% sure this is Travolta, but anyone who doesn't think that is A-list forever must just be very young. Like someone earlier said, he's iconic. He went from complete unknown to super, super, super stardom and then down to "whatever happened to" status and then was a superstar again with the Look Who's Talking movies and Pulp Fiction. I could see him being a secret drug user. His weight balloons up like a coke addict's weight does when they stop using. Coke does a number on your metabolism if you use a lot or for a long time. It makes you a very swollen, puffy kind of heavy when you gain weight.

  76. I was thinking Robin Williams until I got to the part about the car chase...

  77. Jeez, only a couple of guesses for Jim Carrey? You don't have to stretch the clues much to make the BI fit him, and it's well known that he has depression issues.

    The only reason that Depp couldn't fit, it seems to me, is the "his love life sucked" clue. When has Depp's love life ever sucked? He's been beating women off with a stick since he was on 21 Jump Street.

    Travolta would definitely fit the A-list description of this BI. It's about someone who is all-time A, not currently A-list. But COS just wouldn't let him live this out of control, mentally.

  78. Tom Hanks started in tv with Bossom Buddies. Hit it big with Big.

  79. Hairydawg - that's funny. He won't touch drugs or alcohol and doesn't approve if others use recreationally but has no problem harassing or forcing himself on other men!!

  80. Guys, Johnny Depp isn't married....

  81. Between JT showing up in his own article today together with the somber expression on his face, and those who proffered their reasoning about why this blind could be about him, make it difficult to imagine it being anyone else at this point. You guys are really good.

  82. Was Mckey Rourke ever married? He shot to pretty much instant A-List fame with 9 1/2 Weeks. Went away for a while, had a comeback...

  83. This seems like Johnny Depp to me, I don't think I've ever seen him really smile unless he's Jack Sparrow. He hits me as a really gloomy and depressed person and not in a hipster-chic way either.

    RDJ smiles a lot and is often jovial in interviews ("Our actor rarely smiles and is even more rarely in a good mood"). Though you definitely can tell that he fights his demons on a daily basis, unless Enty's fudging this bit, it's not him. Unless the "He is a great actor and knows when to act the part" is a hint that Enty's fudging that part.

  84. Johnny Depp is not married
    Mickey Rourke has been married but is not currently married

  85. @B. Jim Carrey is known for moodiness, but besides that, he's not married right now, he didn't rocket to stardom, rather playing bit parts in movies, then starring in In Living Color before the Ace Ventura/Mask/Dumb and Dumber era, and he hasn't really had a comeback from the valley his career seems to currently be in.

  86. why would you hide secrets that could set us free from this satanically idolized obsessed prison?

  87. Replies
    1. Wedding crashes for the sudden fame. 2007 for when no one would hire him, he only had 1 movie that year Darjeeling Limited .

    2. Crashers* stupid iPhone. 2008 for the come back role marley and me. I Think the married part is a fudge , him and Kate Hudson broke up and got back together numerous times, also while he isn't married he does have a Long time girlfriend and they have a baby. As for the cars parts besides him being in the animated movie cars, don't know, I mean a lot of movies have car scenes/ chases

  88. Remember JT in the movie Michael?

  89. The thing about the actor never being in a good mood has me believing this is not RDJ. Even at his lowest he would still crack a joke or two at his own expense.

    I'm getting a Nic Cage vibe from this. Don't know why. Or Billy Bob.

  90. Some people were throwing Anthony Hopkins out there into this mix suggesting he is moody and depressed. I disagree completely. He is actually a very sweet and genuine man. He is good to people on set. My father was an extra in a movie he was once in and said that he was a real prince even to the extras. He actually got to talk to him and chat a bit. Most stars demand that people not even look at them while on set, but Hopkins regularly would eat lunch with the crew and chat with everyone. My father worked with Lance Henrikson too and said the same thing about him. But he said Julianne Moore was a bitch. She wouldn't talk to anyone and was down right rude to anyone who got close to her. This is when filming happens in Virginia anyway.

    1. That's nice to know. I'm disappointed about julianne! Thanks for the scoop!

  91. Owen Wilson attempted suicide once. It was official, so not a blind item. An he isn't married.

    1. Once that was made public. Usually it's not a isolated incident

  92. It doesn't say the man is currently married or not, or whether or not he's had more than one wife. It just says that his wife came back after six months.

    No one else thought of Charlie Sheen? He's a grumpy bugger with lots of drug issues who's had comeback after comeback. He shot Kelly Preston. Denise Richards AND Brooke both left him only to return again. Also, I could totally see him doing any and all of these things.

    On first reading, however, I was thinking RDJ. Mainly because of the "he fell asleep" line. RDJ broke into and was found asleep in some little girl's bedroom in Malibu way back when.

  93. When he says the wife left I thought it meant something like she was away working or something like that. Although I'm not sure how that fits I thought the Hoff.

  94. How about Mark Wahlberg who seems moody, got really doughy for a while, and I could believe his wife left him and came back without it getting in the press. He has had some career ups and downs but now seems to be firmly A list with award nominations. And his name "Marky Mark" is A list for recognition.

  95. Anonymous12:55 PM

    If not currently married..Sean Penn.

  96. Nic Cage sounds good! But what tv did he do? I think he got his big break in Valley Girl.

    I'm also thinking Jim Carrey.

    Did either work recently on a film with car chases?

  97. What about Johnny Depp?

  98. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Poor RDJ. In the last 48 hours we have declared him gay and sucidal. He's the new Ben afflic. Who is a very nice person. Im not saying faithful. But very nice...Jen, ehhhh

  99. It doesn't matter that Johnny Depp isn't married. Ent always changes the clues slightly- he's definitely done so for all the blinds I've provided him with.

    It's Johnny Depp or I'll eat my hat.

    1. That would be changing a fact more than changing a clue. I have found if there is some factual tidbit Enty doesn't want known, he just doesn't get that specific. For instance, "married" could be "significant other" because it encompasses more possibilities, yet doesn't exclude "married."

    2. Well, crap. I just read what I wrote and, I swear, that made sense in my head when I wrote it. To be more clear (at least for myself), if Enty didn't want us to know the subject of the blind was not married, he wouldn't say "married," he would just say something more broad, like "significant other."

  100. I think the giveaway that it's John Travolta is the "so many demons. so many secrets" line...that alludes to the secret gay life, I think...after hearing some accounts of the massage stories and the hotel staffers talking about what an asshole he is, I think that really showed how dark and unpleasant John Travolta can be...poor guy, this is what happens when you get involved with the CO$...if he had proper meds and therapy, and lived the life he wanted to live, he'd probably be a happy guy.

  101. Jim Carrey did kinda rocket to stardom. He was pretty much nobody and then became a big hit on In Living Color and then a film star with The Mask. The stretch with him would be the "comeback" part, but he did have a fairly major dip in his film career at one point.

    1. I'd say he's currently in that major dip and awaiting a much needed comeback.

  102. Mark Wahlberg is in the dailies today and made me think maybe this is him....

    He does have A-list name recognition and definitely career ups and downs.

    I dunno.

  103. Travolta may smile in photo ops and during interviews but that's probably just a façade for what's really going on inside and behind the scenes. Notice that in most paparazzi pics he's NEVER smiling?

  104. Marisa,

    Now you have spiked my to share with us a few blinds you supplied Enty? :)

  105. If it is Johnny Depp, I wonder who is the actress friend...

  106. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Long time lurker, first time poster... I was picturing JD reading this as well... I checked Imdb and he was married for a little while in the 80s

  107. Travolta doesn't fit because he's seen smiling all the time. Plus his wife hasn't left him yet.
    Kilmer's a maybe, but whether or not he's A List is debatable. He doens't seem all that glum.
    Mark Wahlberg's wife hasn't left him, that I know of, nor has he had a career slump, that I know of.
    Owen Wilson's never been married.
    Sean Peen I mean Penn is a possiblity, but his marriage just broke up and he doesn't seem to be falling apart. Plus his career's been doing pretty well.

    Considering the alledged close ties between Enty and RDJ, I'm voting for him. Or should I say Himmmm?

  108. Or Kiefer Sutherland.
    Or Nick Cage.

  109. Hmmm, I'm being persuaded it is Depp. The bracelets thing fits. His very good friend and hero, Hunter Thompson, left this mortal coil via suicide. He may have lingering guilt over how River Phoenix died as well.

    But why would he be depressed now? His career has been in the stratosphere since the first Pirates film. Depressed that his "marriage" was falling apart? I don't see that.

  110. No one else mentioned here rocketed to fame anywhere near as fast as John Travolta. Depp, RDJ, Robin Williams, Carrey, etc- it was more gradual. Travolta btwn Welcome Back Kotter & SNF & Grease (and how popular they were and close to one another they were) totally made it seem like Justin Beiber spent years honing his craft before becoming a star.

    Just because Kelly P & John T never announced they were apart six months I don't doubt they very well could have been.

    I also don't think that bc he is CoS that precludes him from using drugs. I mean CoS is supposed to keep you from being gay too, right? So why is it such a stretch that he could be a drug user in private?

    I think this is totally John Travolta. Very sad despite who it is and I hope they get help before they succeed in their efforts.

  111. I think for gossip purposes, if you have lived with one person for many, many years, the term "wife" or "husband" applies.

    No use splitting hairs. One long term partner can equal spouse/husband/wife for the purposes of story telling. It gets the point across.

  112. I like John travolta and agree we may have not heard of the wife leaving the actor. I just don't see Kelly leaving him. It's well known she goes along with their arranged marriage and I don't think she would leave him. She benefits too much from it.

  113. I changed my mind.
    After reading JTrav's bio on IMDB, he's the best fit based on the clues.

    Poor guy. He needs to get away from CO$ and into real therapy before he kills himself.

  114. RDJ really doesn't fit at all, in my opinion. He is exuberant to the point of appearing manic. He emanates gratitude and happiness, as far as I can tell. At the very least, he isn't someone who the word "gloomy" could reasonably applied to as a clue.

    Here's someone I haven't seen gain any traction in the guesses yet, who is in today's pictures, known to be mentally unstable, had a very public weight gain, and career ups and downs, as well as substance issues. He's questionable as a "permanent A-lister", however: Alec Baldwin. Certainly a huge name, if not really the matinee idol sort we've been listing. I have no idea what his rise to fame looked like, but worth a shot :)

  115. Jack Nicholson was BIG for a while....

  116. Don't forget that John Travolta was once married to a woman who died....cancer? I can't remember.

  117. "I also don't think that bc [Travolta] is CoS that precludes him from using drugs."

    No, it doesn't, especially not alcohol. Scienos are notorious for being hard drinkers and heavy smokers. But harder drugs, no, they're not going to let one of their pet stars OD if they can help it. They'd force him into a purify/rundown thing and then keep him under watch by the clam SS to prevent it happening again. Preston would be on the phone to COS Celebrity HQ so fast get him back on the leash if the issue were drugs. The last thing COS wants is one of their poster children to die due to obvious and untreated mental illness.

    It's not JT.

  118. Ok, here's one of my "just to be different" guesses, which I was thinking of dudes who got big from eating (clue: "...drank and ate himself silly ... huge at his point...". I think it's arguable, tho, whether he is permanent A list:

    Danny DeVito.

  119. My first thought was Alec Baldwin...

  120. Baldwin is not a permanent A-list type of star and he's been locked down doing 30 Rock 7-8 months of the year for the past six years. Between Tina, Lorne, etc., there would have been a number of interventions to get him help. Plus he does tons of benefits, public appearances, announcing for the Metropolitan Opera, etc. No time for him to be having secret meltdowns.

  121. How about Russell Crowe?

  122. Gee, isn't this convenient?
    John Travolta has scandals and now all of a sudden there is a blind item heavily thought to be him wanting to end his life.

    If he dies suddenly in the near future I hope it's heavily investigated.

    Just sayin'

  123. I like the Mickey Rourke guess; 3 shots at fame being Diner, 91/2 weeks and the Wrestler as the come back. He talked openly about being suicidal. Permanently A-list may be a stretch through...

    Mel Gibson is who I thought of. So many demons, also has spoken of being suicidal. Says the wife came back, doesn't mean she stayed... Can't think of any tv, but I'll leave it to the IMDB sleuths here to vette..

  124. JT lived with actress Diana Hyland, who was briefly the mom on "Eight is Enough." She died of cancer. I don't think they ever married.

  125. I like Johnny Dipp as a guess, but he has worked consistently since 21 Jump Street. He was married briefly in his 20s and good friends with Nic Cage. His love life has always been rocky. He's been engaged a bunch of times, Sherilyn Fynn, Kate Moss, Wanna Ride Her, etc.

  126. JohnTravolta is the new Ben Affleck, so my guess is this one is ACTUALLY Ben Affleck!

  127. I was on the JT train, but the more I think about it, it's Johnny Depp. I think the female friend is Helen Bonham Carter who has costarred in many films with him (particularly considering their connections to Tim Burton). JT just doesn't publicly look gloomy. Depp rarely smiles. Depp also has a documented history of self-harm, with several websites stating that he has scars on his arm from cutting himself. This BI is so sad.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. Wouldn't call him A list myself, but every clue points to Vincent d'Onofrio.

  130. Didn't Matthew McConaughey try to commit suicide? Whole thing got swept under rug. He has done TV too.

  131. Never mind McConaughey. I was thinking of Owen Wilson. He was in movie Bottle Rocket..."Rocketed to fame..." Hmmm... Kinda fits.

  132. I really think this is Johnny Depp. Travolta is like a happy little kid ,in his drag an all, hollywood knows he is gay ,its just the paps and rags giving him a hard couple months, but he really is a happy guy. Well in hollywood sense

  133. I personally think it's JT as well.

    What's weird is that all of sudden, after all these years, all of the stories are coming out about JT, seemingly all at't not as if most of Hwood already knew about his orientation or activities, it was the public kept in the dark. Does anyone think the CoS has something to do with it? If JT and/or KP were recently attempting to leave the church, as has been rumored, the retaliation could be what we're seeing now. They play fairly dirty from what I've heard - perfectly willing to smear or attack former church members.

  134. well RDJ hardly rocketed it instant fame, while Travolta did with Kotter and then SNF blew him the fuck up. Then the comeback with Quentin, and I can believe he is trying to kill himself because of the gay stuff...why would RDJ want to kill himself.?

  135. It's not Johnny Depp. The only reason he doesn't smile is because he won't show his teeth. On Graham Norton he was quite upbeat and lively.

    Just to throw something different out there - What about Chevy Chase?

  136. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Woody Harrelson??????

  137. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I agre with the Owen Wilson guess. Hee wasn't married but Kate Hudson had left him before the suicide attempt. IMO a celebrity can hav an a-list status based on the either FACE/CAREER/NAME recognition. Sometimes u don't KNOW a Celebs name but u are familiar with their work.

  138. Gandolfini? Richard Gere?

  139. re: the Johnny Depp guess

    Johnny married only once to Lori Anne Allison.
    It lasted for 2 years (1983–1985) and he never remarried.
    That doesn't fit what the blind says about his wife or married life at all.

  140. Oh, and Owen Wilson has never been married.
    I'd say that excludes him too.

  141. Not trying to be rude but it doesnt seem like people actuallr *read* these blinds with the suggestions that are given. How many permanent, PERMANENT, as in there is nothing they could do that could not make them A list at this point have known to physically, PHYSICALLY be huge, huge enought to MAKE THEM SICK AND done film AND TV AND have a see-saw career AND have secrets and demons. I think that narrows things down pretty well...

  142. Not trying to be rude = trying to be rude. Anywho, came across an interesting article re: RDJ's weight:

    And he has plenty of reasons to want to kill himself. He has a long history of horrible drug addiction and rumors of mental illness. Money ain't everything.

  143. Sounds like Nic Cage. He is A list. Was married to Patricia Arquette, who left him and returned to him later. He was just involved in a domestic violence situation with his new wife in New Orleans and he bought a house with a terrible, haunted history (the La Laurie house). He definitely seems like he has a lot of demons.

  144. I'm thinking this is someone older and more obscure, hence the qualifier for "will always be A-list". What about Timothy Hutton? Rose to major fame after winning the Oscar for Ordinary People in 1981, then had a major career slump. He's also rumored to have dated Angelina Jolie, which could be how he got into drugs. Also, he's married, but according to Wikipedia, he and his wife separated for a bit in 2009. He's not an obvious choice for A list, but given the Oscar, it could fit. I don't know if he has a gloomy demeanor, but he does seem like a serious guy in all the interviews I've read.

  145. I do think this is JT, however plenty of the other names mentioned here have their own reasons to be miserable.

    About JT:

    1. Wouldn't the death of his son Jett be worthy of an attempt of some sort?

    2. The fact that JT smiles in press photographs has nothing to do with how miserable he really is. Don't believe what you see and hear via deliberate media communications.

    3. JT not a drug user? Well, he may be sober now (don't know about that) but that was far from the case back in the 90's, when he lived in Florida, in that housing community with the runways....

    And KP may or may not have left him before, but this is now.

  146. I thought Owen Wilson. It would be interesting to see any candid photos of these actors with scars on their wrists. Sonce we are all being morbid....

  147. I thought Owen Wilson. It would be interesting to see any candid photos of these actors with scars on their wrists. Sonce we are all being morbid....

  148. The Gandolfini and DeNiro guesses are good ones.

  149. RDJ is my guess. He lives in a depressed world. Sad. I've always felt sorry for him and most don't understand because of his A-List status with money and fame but, someone with deep issues will self-sabotage themselves no matter the situation they are in. Worse when they succeed at such a high level. Most people fear success.. sounds funny but its true. It really is the fear of failing once success is achieved… that pressure of always having to succeed.

    Most people don’t know that RDJ recorded an album titled THE FUTURIST. I bought it. He has such a sexy voice! My FAVORITE song is “Man like me”. The lyrics say a lot.. basically he isn’t worthy of a relationship. “Hannah” mentions suicide. “Smile” is a remake written by Charlie Chaplin and about smiling when you are down to get you through. I like the “Little Clownz” song too.. talks about then end and tells the little clownz to hang on. The album overall is depressing in a sexy slow way with a few upbeat moments.

    Its unfortunate that someone is so depressed like RDJ. He is the only one who can make himself happy.

    I don’t think its JT… I know someone who knows him and she always has nice upbeat things to say about him… I always got the impression that he was high energy. He could have been putting on a front.. but, I don’t think its him.

  150. doesn't RDJ have enough experience with drugs to know what dosage would send him to the other side? seems like if he wanted to die by OD, he wouldn't fail at it, but idk.

    Timothy Hutton... Ordinary People is one of my favorite movies.

    any pictures of Travolta's wrists?

    i like the Depp guess. "married" is a pretty subjective word.

  151. I keep thinking of Marlon Brando, but I know this isn't him.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. The blind only refers to the actor as having one wife who left for a period of time and then came back. That's the clincher for me. JT married for the first and only time in 1991 to Kelly Preston.


    The last lines of the blind say "So many demons. So many secrets. Tired of hiding them all."
    RDJ's demons have hardly been a secret while Travolta's have been until relatively recently.

  154. Nic Cage. Dude has some serious demons.

    1. No, it's the other way around. Demons have Nicholas many Nicholas Cage. Poor demons.

  155. I´d say its Alec Baldwin... "and his name will always make him A list" bicg comeback after TV show... looks depressed and gloomy...

  156. Hopkins is very active AA with multiple years sobriety. RDJ is doing awesome right now ( also still sober ).

    Travolta has ALWAYS seemed sad to me.

  157. I'm with Popnursing on that and jump on the bandwagon saying Mel Gibson. This man is troubled in so many ways, it wouldn't surprise me, if he tried to off himself at least four times.

  158. I was on the Depp train until I saw Rolf's comment re: Mel Gibson. Like it or not he'll always be A-list. He's self-destructive-to say the least.

  159. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I don't think there's any way this is RDJ either (thank God).

    I am with the Nicolas Cage suggestion. Enty said "his name will always make him A list." you don't get much more A list for a family name than Coppola.

  160. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Deploy has not had a seesaw career. He has worked steadily and its only kept going up and up. Deniro offing himself while devoted to tribeca and grandchildren in his new phase as box-office star seems a stretch and certainly did not rocket to stardom. Owen Wilson has no seesaw career either. Rdj possible but what real TV has he done. JT was a star with kotter then mega star with grease and SNF then bombed and was a nobody until look whos talking then permanent cool cred with pulp and then more box office hits then dipping again but he will never be at the low he was in the late eighties early nineties.

  161. Assuming the comeback movie was :
    Pulp Fiction (single-handedly raised John Travolta's career from the dead )

    Can somebody answer Enty's Clue :
    "His best friend at the time who is also a television and movie actress recommended him for a part" (assuming it was Pulp Fiction) ?

  162. @Agent, my assumption is that the comeback role referred to is Look Who's Talking, with the actress who recommended him for the part being fellow Scientologist Kirstie Alley.

    I'm going with that because the blind says the role "was the beginning of the comeback" after a long dry spell, whereas with Pulp Fiction he finally achieved permanent A list status as the quintessential comeback kid.

  163. @angel, makes sense to me !

  164. I found this, explaining how Travolta got the Pulp Fiction role:

    "Tarantino cast Travolta in Pulp Fiction only because Michael Madsen, who had a major role—Vic Vega—in Reservoir Dogs, chose to appear in Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp instead. Madsen was still rueing his choice over a decade later."

  165. For me this screams Keanu Reeves, but the clues don't seem to fit. Only thing I got is claim to huge fame: Speed. Actress friend Charlize Theron (eventhough I don't think she does TV). He always seems depressed, first he lost his unborn child with his then girlfriend/wife Jennifer. Then she died because she was high and hit a tree on her way home from a party ('driving to an early death'). But because of that the wife--part doesn't fit. But when I think of gloomy Keanu is the first name that comes to mind.

    So my 2 cents: actors I know of with a huge comeback: John Travolta, RDJ, Mickey Rourke.
    I don't think Johnny Depp ever needed a comeback, but do know the fame of 21 Jumpstreet was hard to handle for him and he has a drugpast, just like RDJ. RDJ/JD never got fat though. Both RDJ and JD seem to be very open about their past though, so I doubt this is them.
    Mickey Rourke had a carchase scene in Ironman 2, he actually had to walk in front of cars on a racetrack in that scene. Don't think he is married/was married lately though. But he do needed a comeback and he got fat.

    I'm on the JT-train: got fat (and even fatter in a fatsuit for that hairspray thing) has gone through drama in his life, has a lot to hide, instant rise to fame, in need of a comeback, actressfriend Kirsty Allen (or whatever her name is).

  166. What about Michael Douglas btw? His instant claim to fame was One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest, which he directed and got huge awards for. Because of his name he will always be A-list (son of Kirk Douglas). Had huge addiction-problems. CZJ was been in mental facilities while being with him. He has had health-issues, his son has been in jail etc etc. A lot of drama. Not sure if he ever needed a comeback though; he has gotten a lot of awards over the years and has worked steadily.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. Also between 1989 and 1992 Douglas didn't do anything because he was injured in an accident (could be seen as the bottomless pit in his career). Maybe Sharon Stone got him the part in Basic Instinct in 1992. It could be seen as a literal comeback; because he didn't do anything in 3 years, just sat at home being miserable. Then he 'came back' and did Basic Instinct.
    In 1992 he also went to rehab, maybe because the friend who found him with his wrists slashed convinced him to go.

  169. I agree w the Depp guess. Weight gain evident in "The Tourist." I think Enty's exaggerating the "huge" related to wt gain.

  170. My instincts automatically go to Johnny De. I love him. I hope he doesn't do it. He is an incredible actor, better than Mel. It ain't Mel. It is Johnny Depp. I swear my spirit feels this is him...and I never comment on these... I had recently wondered if any of these blinds were him...but they never sounded like him. Amazing the first bi I read since the thought was JD... Raj is a fun happy spirit... Johnny D def seems darker...not in an evil way but in a weird introverted way... He's been around for decades...he has seen a lot. We love u JD!

  171. *rdj is a fun happy spirit, not saying he never had his darkness..hell we all have our personal darkness...but it ain't rdj

  172. Here's a pic of John Travolta in May with his wrist bandaged.

  173. @Angel, thanks for the Pulp info!

  174. Y'all are wrong it's STEVE CARELL.

  175. heath ledger.

    (Would be a neat way to phrase the BI though; he *would* be sorta permanent A list ~now.)

    I like the Depp guess except he hasn't had to worry about "going forward, it's all A" movies for a long, long time. Maybe there was A WEEK in his life when he worried about a role, LOL.

    Travolta, just What demons *don't* we know about, and the whole "wife" thing is laughable (his "church" is all up in his business, so no secrets there; church would hire the bodyguards to protect their image, not KT). Plus, I don't think JT's repertoire of movies would be considered that diverse, relative to other actors like Depp and De Niro.

    If I had to choose between JT and Depp, I'd pick Depp. But I don't think it's either.

  176. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I have to say that Im annoyed anyone would suggest RDJ for this as hes had his shite together for a very long time and has always been very fit.Does anyone recall the film titled the mexican? James gandolfini played a closeted hit man opposit brad pitt and that oversmiling try hard juliaroberts: he was tormented by his homosexuality and having to murder his lovers. I know a role isnt much to go on but if youwere an actor wouldnt you naturally gravitate towards projects you personally relate to and even for thought.

  177. Heard Steve Carell hardly gets roles now because of his drug problems



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