Friday, June 15, 2012

Forest Boy Is 20 And Dutch

Nine months ago a boy wandered into the streets of a German town and claimed he had no idea who he was and that he had lived in the forest his whole life and emerged only after his father died. Police discovered that was a hoax pretty early on but still had no idea who the boy actually was until this week when they posted his photo on the internet. Note to police. You may want to try and do that sooner than nine months next time. You know, when the next kid walks in from the forest claiming he has lived there his entire life. The 20 year old who only spoke English to the police is actually Dutch and was recognized and identified by an ex-girlfriend. His name is said to be Robin van Helsum. No, not van Helsing, but how cool would that have been.

His parents have been looking for him since September when he was reported missing. They never thought forest boy and their son could be the same person? His town was right on the German border.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    So it's drugs or lack of drugs, plus some shoddy police work.

  2. Ironically, his father died a few months ago and he had no idea because he was undercover

  3. What a strange story.

  4. Officials also claim he does not appear to have any mental issues - really? What is their criteria?

  5. Do they not have the internet? WTF?

  6. I don't understand why the police only released a drawing of him initially. It makes no sense.

    Anyway, I love stories like these about (allegedly) feral children. They are fascinating.

  7. This story might make sense if it happened A HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

    Everyone concerned sounds moronic.

  8. Sorry, but this kid's picture WAS posted months ago. When I saw it the other day, I remembered the story.

  9. @Surfer, it was a sketch that was released originally. The German police only released an actual photo in the past few days.

  10. A photo was not released because Robin refused to give permission. I guess he knew what the result would be. Also, he did not walk into a German town. He walked into a police station in THE German town, Berlin. Some of his former schoolmates and his stepmother recognized him after the photo was released. His stepmother identified him apparently.
    There is also a fairly big chance the German police will present him with the bill for all of the expenses the made trying to find his family and helping him.

  11. My news said he's getting a bill from the cops.

    Have any of these raised by wolves or monkey stories ever been proven to be true?

    It's gotta be a sucky life if you'd rather be known as monkey boy versus John Smith from Omaha.

  12. Berlin is quite a long way from Hengelo, Enty. On the news here, it's reported that he had personal and financial difficulties, which is probably why he decided to disappear.

  13. The police might also press fraud charges.

  14. "Have any of these raised by wolves or monkey stories ever been proven to be true? "

    Didn't Diane Keaton say in her book that that was what happened to Al Pacino? :)

  15. Thanks Beth. I knew this was familiar - I guess it was a really good sketch.

  16. surfer, it WAS a good sketch. I remember too. Pretty Photo-realistic. His face is so typically 'Germanic' (which includes the Dutch, obviously), I couldn't forget that face.

    I guess police sketch artists are MASTERS when the guy's right in front of them. haha. Makes sense. they do so much with just descriptions, it was probably fun to just draw what they see for once.

  17. I want to know what the hell could have happened to this poor boy that would make him want to disappear into the dirty woods all alone. I really don't care about the money spent on the search or all the man hours put in. Something horrible happened to him and he needs love. What would make you want to disappear? It's heartbreaking.

  18. He DIDN'T disappear into the woods all alone. He walked into a police station and CLAIMED he'd been in the woods all alone. That's apparently not true, and THAT'S what has everyone so pissed off.

  19. 50 lashes and decades spent in a Siberian work camp are in order. It will deter others from considering the same stunt.
