Saturday, June 16, 2012

Don't Ask Russell Brand About Katy Perry

If you get a chance to watch the Graham Norton show tonight with Russell Brand you should watch it because Graham Norton is funny and you should try and watch his show every week. This week apparently he ticked off Russell Brand which is a good thing. Want to know why? Graham, an interviewer, actually had the nerve to ask Russell Brand a question about his marriage to Katy Perry. Russell got peeved and lectured Graham for a few minutes about how Russell was there to promote a movie and not to talk about his personal life. Seriously? So, the shows should just be happy to have you on and let you do what you want and they should just put on their kneepads and forget anything else exists other than to meet your demands? This is why celebrities suck. Oh, and what does Russell do for an encore? Introduces the Dalai Lama because Russell is just a fine representation of what the Dalai Lama believes.


Anonymous said...

kneepads...hahahha good one enty

Robert said...

Can't imagine how the Lama got suckered into appearing on the same stage as that asshole to begin with.

mynerva said...

Do you wonder if even the Dalai Lama threw an eyeroll when he heard he was going on stage with Russell?

Ingrid Superstar said...

That picture..."Russell Brand and The Dalai Lama were wed today..."

Agent**It said...

I've been fortunate to hear the Dalai Lama speak on several occasions. Once I sat next to Richard Gere and was completely distracted by it, my husband (seated behind me) pointed to me and RG and the Dalai Lama called from stage - "young lady I am up here not sitting beside you". Everybody laughed and my family NEVER lets me forget it. (RG was very nice and I was sitting there because I had the opportunity to present the traditional white silk scarf for blessing).

childeroland said...

Eh, Brand should have been cooler about it, but is it really that important that he talk about Perry? Do we really want to hear about Perry that much? Of course he's just as boring, so why have him on in the first place?

Del Riser said...

An interviewer has the right if not the responsibility to ask a question that his audience might want clarified. The guest of course has the right to politely decline to answer.
This does not cover the asshats that ask bereaved people what they are *feeling right now*!

As for Russell and Katy this is really old stuff.

Brenda L said...

I love Agent It stories. I think it would be so cool to hear the Dalai Lama speak on the topic of his choosing.

timebob said...

Russell Brand the same man who dressed up as Osama Bin Laden on September 12, 2011.

His movies flop for a reason, they aren't funny. He shouldn't hold himself in such high regard.

I think the reason he doesn't want to talk about it is becuase he wants to save it for a future book.

timebob said...

duh, I meant September 12, 2001

a non a miss said...

Agent** seems like you have such a cool life with a lot of good stories..please continue to do share them!! I know I appreciate them, my life is very dull and the only celeb I've met is Andy Dick..he licked me :(

Sadie Goes Electric said...

He truly lost me when he started setting money on fire on the same week i was having trouble making rent. I was watching thinking if he hates money that much he could send it to me. Marie Anoinette much?

nolachickee said...

@rejectedcarebear - Andy Dick licked you?!? That's a cool story, my friend. A disgusting story, but cool none the less.

I'm so over this freak show. I know that some of you like him, but please. I don't think he's funny, he looks a mess, he acts like he's above everyone, and he wants us to buy that he's soooo spiritual. He needs to go back to being busy banging chicks and giving them robes as parting gifts.

Agent**It said...

I now have a very quiet life, but thank you and Brenda. Live long enough, be unafraid and clean toilets if you have to when times get rough (I did )and you will enjoy each moment.

Andy Dick, he does live up to his name !

strawberrygirl said...

Great story. That made me laugh.

a non a miss said...

Andy Dick came to my college (a small state school in rural pa) to premiere this awful movie he made. He hit on every boy and girl he saw, he reaked of booze and pot. I met him and made small talk. He grabbed me and licked my face for no reason. Apparently he does this a lot since he's been arrested for grabbing women. But luckily he didn't touch my goods!! He got arrested later on for doing coke on the bar and getting into several fights. That's my only cool celeb story! I did get The Black Keys to sign my t shirt once!

chachi said...

Try and say "Andy Dick Licked Me" five times fast.

elspeth said...

Another 'Thank you' to Agent**It for giving additional details to a post. Have enjoyed your past contributions, including letting us know that Tonello was investigated for money laundering while he was chasing and bringing home Birkins, and hope you continue to do so when you have the time, inclination and info!

Cosette said...

unless she was a beard, i don't really care to hear about their marriage, to be honest.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Let's not be too hard on RB right now--yes, he probably shouldn't have blown his stack at Graham Norton, but I can understand not wanting to rehash the failure of your marriage over and over and OVER, and perhaps he feels that talking about Katy isn't right at this point, or doesn't want to put her on the spot by blabbing about their relationship, or feels it's disrespectful to dish dirt on her. Also, unless you're a complete asshole, having a marriage fall apart is going to hurt at least a little bit; people don't always split up due to lack of love, and no matter how much you might love each other, if you just can't live together, or don't spend enough time together to maintain a relationship, well...

As for the Dalai Lama, he was asked to introduce him to a very large crowd at the Manchester Arena (that's Manchester, England, of course), and had some interesting things to say here:

Yes, he can be an idiot at times (being severely chemically altered probably didn't help that at all in the past), but I don't think he's an innately awful person; after reading his eulogy of Amy Winehouse last year, I'm rather inclined to think the opposite. While he's not my type romantically, I'd much rather spend time hanging out with him than with a lot of other people who don't have as much of a reputation for foolishness as he does, because when you get down to it, my gut feeling is that he has a good heart. Besides, if the main BBC news story is any indication, it sounds as if he & the Dalai Lama actually bonded a wee bit, which is kind of sweet. :-)

ablake said...

Of the 2, I find him more interesting. That's not saying much though, I just think she's a 'why bother' sort of person.

Here in Austin there is a 24/7 comedy radio station. They play 3-5 minutes of a comedian's routine. I caught one of his the other day and it was actually funny, clever even.

I didn't know he dressed up as Bin Laden the day after 9/11 though

__-__=__ said...

We should have an Austin get together!

ablake said...

We should!!
Maybe we can all meet up at the Alamo Drafthouse or something:)

The station I was talking about is 102.7 btw, fun to listen to when you're running short errands

__-__=__ said...

I'm game. Seems like there would be a good crowd. Lots of folks here from Austin.

ablake said...

He needs to add a link on the side for meetups:D
I'm all for it, too! I agree about good folks here in Austin.
Heck, everyone who posts seems like wonderful company.

aradia said...

Im not a Russell Brand fan. My friend dated him a few years ago (before Katy Perry) and seriously he was so full of shit it is not even funny. He was meant to meet us but bailed, as the thought of meeting everyone made him freak out. My friend says he was the most high maintenance guy she has ever dated and she has dated quite a few celebrities.

mooshki said...

The Dalai Lama is such a fame whore.

shopgirl said...

I'm confused, once again, my bbc America Graham Norton show is advertising the new episode tonight as having Katy Perry on. wtf?

Chrissy Buns said...

I an TOTALLY not getting the connection between the Dalai Lama and Russel Brand, but that is ok.
As skeevy as he is, I would STILL do him...Russell, that is...

Chrissy Buns said...

bahahahaha, Mooshki. The bourbon and I were just thinking that ;) "Lets just glom on to anyone who shows us attention!"
Yikes, is that sacrilegious?

Sunny said...


I too live a bit of a quiet life like agent**it (posting on a Sat night at 11:30 what?), but if I died tomorrow I would know I had a life well-lived. I used to be a travel agent that specialized in adventure travel/study and work abroad, so when someone says they're living a boring life I know how to shake it up. If you're interested, I can point you in the right direction (My favorite easy adventure trip is Costa Rica with white water rafting, zip lines and surfing. I miss it!!)

@agent **it
I love your posts too. Thanks :)

doctressjulia said...

The Dalai Lama is just another puppet. Seriously, why people idolize this guy is beyond me... if you do a little reading you can find this out.

Sherry said...

Love ALL the inside stuff so keep it coming Agent! Thanks for sharing. Would loveto hang I'm Austin.

judyg8or said...

Russell was miffed that Graham didn't give a heads up that he was going to ask a "Katy question". I think it may be considered bad form not to give a guest a reasonable idea before hand what to expect in the interview. Russell has graciously answered many questions about his divorce in several recent interviews. If you don't get that Russ was the perfect host for the Dalai Lama event, then you don't know what Russ is all about. Your loss.

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Austin meetup!! Let's do it!!!

MadLyb said...

I just have to throw in some love for Russell Brand here. I adore him! A lot of Americans don't "get" him, or know him like they do in the UK. He's witty and very intelligent. Yes, he's flawed, but he's self-aware and has been struggling to overcome his demons, and has done a pretty good job of it. I greatly respect that, and him. And of course I love the Dalai Lama - that goes without saying.

MadLyb said...

I should say I live in Cascadia, er...Seattle, not the UK, but I still love him!

timebob said...

Russell Brand is on next week on BBC America. Katy Perry was on last night and she was quite annoying.

a non a miss said...

@Sunny - that sounds wonderful! I need a vacation and adventure! I would love to get some more information.

Anonymous said...

He's interesting you can't deny that. Not for himself you see, but for his commentary. I think he'd be a decent late night host in a couple years once he hones his act a bit. At least he's not the same vanilla hollywood product. He's got something to say and he's not afraid to speak his mind. He's perverse and eccentric, but it doesn't bother me. If it were me on the Norton show and I got asked that question I'd probably burst into tears and have to leave. It just shows he had/has real feelings for her.

Sunny said...


Sweeeeeeet! Ok I have been racking my brain on how to get information to you without giving out our private info over this very public website. Is it weid to highjack an old thread? Let me know :)

Quick highlights if that's all you're looking for:

Don't have a travel buddy? When my regular partner in crime got married, I started doing small adventure group travel with companies like Gap Adventures, Imaginative Traveler and Intrepid. They put together a group of 10 to 12 people and set the itineraries/activites but you are given plenty of free time. I did Morocco, Turkey and Costa Rica this way and LOVED it. They all have easy websites to check things out and you can narrow your searches by dates of travel, countries, activities etc

Thailand is one of my favorite Asian countries, but the timing of my suggestion is suspect because of the sad post about the sisters who died in Kho Phi Phi. However, I have been there twice and love it so much I would go back again. Bangkok is incredible, trekking outside Chang Mai in the North (hiking, camping in villages, riding elephants and rafting on bamboo floats), Koh Samui island in the South (relax, rent a moped and explore). I also love Bali but it might be harder/more expensive to get there. Plus Thailand is easily navigated (My travel buddy and I called each other Dumb and Dumber. If we could do these things, anyone can)

I love Europe of course, but if you only have a week or two vacation I would savor the sites/history/flavor of Italy. Oh, how I love Italy. My hubby and I went there on our honeymoon, and I also went back on a small group tour. Both were amazing. Rome, Florence, Tuscan countryside, Cinque Terre, Venice, Lucca. Italy is heaven to me.

Those are my basic suggestions. If you want specifics, let's highjack an old thread so these guys don't kill us :) It will help me to know where you are (Canada? L.A? NYC?) I still have friends that work for the company, and I can point you to the raddest one EVER! She manages the office in Sacramento, has been everywhere and is a riot. She was with me in Costa Rica, and almost got me thrown into a Costa Rica prison (slight exaggeration, but I was shaking in my boots at TSA)


CK76 said...

@Sunny--I'd love to hear you recommendations for CR, that trip is on my short list--maybe next year! How can we contact each other offline?

Sunny said...

@rejectedcarebear and @ck76
Ok, my 2 travel peeps. I didn't want to announce my e-mail on this site, so I tried to be just the tiniest bit sneaky. On Facebook, there is a Crazy Days and Nights site (fan site?). On today's post for the Blind Item reveal, I was the 4th person to "like it" but probably appear at the top. My initials are S.W in case there's any confusion. Send me a private message and I would love to give you some travel info, and if you want I can direct you to my friend Kara who is seriously the most awesome travel agent EVER!! Have a good night :)
P.S. I hope I don't sound crazy, but if you've read any of my previous posts I attract a lot of bizarre behavior :/


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