Thursday, June 07, 2012

Charlie Sheen Wants Sex With Denise Richards

Charlie Sheen would like to confirm to you that he is drinking a lot again and that he wants to have sex with his ex-wife Denise Richards. Considering the fact that she enjoys going back to people she has been with, I don't think it's out of the question that one day he could wear her down. Do you remember when they went to New York together? Yeah, that same trip where Charlie got naked and crazy and violent and his hooker hid in the hotel room until it was safe? I think that was the weekend that caused a Brooke Mueller relapse. I think it's interesting that as Charlie and Denise get more chummy, the more Brooke has issues. Unlike Denise, I think Brooke wants Charlie back. Oh, I think Denise might give Charlie sex on his birthday but she is smart enough to know not to ever go back.


  1. Charlie Sheen is utterly repulsive. It's fitting that he only attracts crackheads and whores.

  2. Well put Amber.

  3. Run Denise run! Who put the Zombie on the cover of Rolling Stone? How does this DNA come from Martin Sheen? So many questions this early in the morning.

  4. And he will outlive us all.

  5. Vicki, he really will. He has to be mostly embalmed by now, right?

  6. I can't throw too much shade at Denise. She does a great job with her kids and even took in Charlie and Brooke's twins when both parents were a mess.

  7. Charlie, on the other hand.....

    Is it too mean to say the world would benefit were he to go on an oxygen free diet?

  8. Cant stand this fool! I dont know what others see in him.

  9. Mynerva, it's never mean. I have an ever growing list of people that would benefit the human race with a dirt nap.

  10. I'm starting to think that he might be the Gen X Ryan F. O'Neal. (Except that I think that he sometimes means well. RFO just has no soul, period.)

    And yes, he will probably outlive us all, despite the fact that he's crackers.

  11. Aww, @AKM, Charlie Sheen is a waste of a human being, for sure, but I doubt that he could be as bad as RFO. Let's wait 25 years and see how the Sheen babies turn out.

    It bothers me so much to see RFO on Bones as Bones' dad.

  12. Bet his children are going to cherish that cover! Looking great on the cover of RS! The graphic designer who usually photoshops the covers got the week off.


    1. On the cover with John Mayer and Beach Boys?!?!?! That issue is all kinds of psycho!

  13. He used to look hot. Now his dad looks better than him, and younger too.

  14. @EmEyeKay, it's like that cover of Carrie in Sex and the City. "Single and Fabulous?"

  15. Jesus, all this attention just validates this bastard. The news was giggling about this article yesterday. Is there any mention of his violent past against women? Nope, just endless repeating of the phrase "bad boy." And that damn picture! He's relishing this. I hate him so much and he never ever sees any consequences.

  16. To think that I had a crush on him as a teen. now he is so vile looking. He is an excellent anti- everything poster child. Emilio and his dad have aged so well too. It is amazing what a lifetime of drugs and alcohol can do to a body.

    It makes me wonder about the other former hotties that didn't age so well - like Timothy Hutton. Did they party too hard or didn't have good genes, or both?

  17. He's in the news again today (TMZ)

  18. I thought of that sex and the city episode too!
    I'm not a regular reader of rolling stone, but I figured the oddly proportioned picture was intended as a play on Sheen's reputation. I'm not "hip to" that sort of thing, so I really don't know.
    But I hear his new show is funny.

  19. Holy bobble-head, Batman...

  20. @vicki - dirt nap! I like it!

  21. It kills me that this guy is 46. Look at him - perfect example of how hard living ages a person. So effing gross.

  22. When he finally buys the farm I hope he donates his carcass to Body Worlds for plastination. How fascinating it would be to see him INSIDE OUT!!!

  23. He's only 46???

    Wow. I def thought he was mid-50's...

  24. @*karen* - I said I think he means well! I just meant, like, that he's just a mess, constantly in the tabloids and gossip columns, etc. Too strong of a comparison, I guess. ;-)

  25. Wow, I think that's the first time I've ever seen Denise and smart in the same sentence.

  26. Patty I was coming here to say the same thing, he looks older than his father. Just horrible.

  27. Well, who wouldn't want to have sex with Denise Richards?

  28. Weird, I always assumed that Charlie and Denise never stopped having sex with each other.

  29. I always got that impression too Mooshki. I always felt that he had her back financially.

  30. I don't think Denise ever took in Brooke and Charlie's twins. Brooke's mom had (has?) them. We all worried about that, since Brooke's mom blamed Brooke for Charlie's attack on Brooke, and we all speculated that in this whole mess Denise seemed to be the most put-together and SHE should have the kids, and I believe Denise even OFFERED, but I don't think that it ever actually happened. (I could be wrong, but I don't think so.)
