Last week In Touch claimed that Catelynn Lowell was pregnant and they had the story from Catelynn herself. Then Catelynn told US that she was not pregnant and had no plans on getting pregnant. So, where was the confusion? It turns out that Catelynn's mom played In Touch and pretended she was Catelynn and did it all for some money. In Touch spoke to a family friend and then thought they were speaking to Catelynn, but it turned out to be Catelynn's mom. This week, Catelynn gave an interview to In Touch and said that her mom is homeless and will do anything for money and this was just one of those things that Catelynn is used to.
Who? Another 16 and Pregnant person?
ReplyDeleteLiterally no idea who these people are.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is this? Hey Enty, why not just post something about Michael Jackson's tiger dying from lung cancer. More interesting than this crap.
ReplyDeleteAwww, FSP, really? That's so sad!
ReplyDeleteIve been sick this week with a sinus infection AND bronchitis, so I've been watching a shit ton of TV, including teen mom. Catelynn's mother is bat shit cray cray and it doesn't surprise me that she would stoop that low for money.
ReplyDeleteDon't know, don't care.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what happened
ReplyDelete@rejectedcarebear - ugh i always get those two together. Did the doc give you a z-pack & Cheratussin (the codeine kind)? I'm asthmatic and get prednisone, too.
ReplyDeleteoh and feel better! hot compresses on your face.
ReplyDelete@amber- yup, im on a z pack, an inhaler and some weird cough medicine. its so awful being sick when its 90 degrees outside and my house has NO ac! if i wasnt so stubborn, i would have gone to the doctor a week ago but i figured i could handle it on my own. guess not!
ReplyDeleteThis was the only season I watched and out of all those bratty girls who were knocked up, she was hands down the most level headed and sweetest one of the bunch. I hope nothing but good things for her. My mom is batshit crazy too and after taking her insanity for FAR too long, I cut ties with her. Good lunch to you girl!!
ReplyDeletehahaha *LUCK! (lunch too ;)
ReplyDeleteI know I can just ignore these posts and I almost always do but I just need to ask, does anyone care? I don't give a shit about these people and I'd be surprised if others do. Even if you watch it (I can't judge), do you care what happens to them?
ReplyDeleteIs MTV and Bravo owned by the same company an in turn owns this site? It's the only reason I can see for all the posts about Teen Moms and Real Housewives. Stop making them celebrities.
@rejectedcarebear - pick up some saline nasal spray, too. Irrigating your sinuses a few times a day really helps. Beware: some nasty stuff comes out at first!
ReplyDelete@anita_mark - interesting question! I'm also not interested in either topic, although I like reading the comments. I love this site but it IS top heavy with those two topics.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I like the Teen Mom posts. They're oddly fascinating (to me anyway). I got sucked in via the marathons that always seem to be on at the right time - crippling hangover, sickness or just an intense desire not to do all the stuff you should be doing that day.
ReplyDeleteYes, get OCEAN nasal spray ! I'm sitting here opening up yet another bottle. I swear it helps. (I hope for you).
ReplyDeleteNo AC? If you have any of those gel packs that freeze, slap one on your neck. Feel better.
Tip was for rejectedcarebear!
ReplyDeleteDon't care.
ReplyDeleteZ packs never work for me. I'm immune or something. I usually get Erythromycin if I'm that sick.
If only I knew of these people!
ReplyDelete@amber- i use flonase on the daily and it usually helps. i used to get a sinus infection 4 times a year (usually when the weather changes) but since i started the flonase, I've only had 1 this year.
ReplyDelete@agent**it- thank you for the ice pack tip! i will have to dig thru my freezer to find mine!
@auntjess- i am allergic to penicillin, so all Ive ever taken is a z-pac. But once i had a sinus infection a few days before a wedding i was in and they gave me some miracle z-pac that i took for only 3 days, it was wonderful.
You can hate the concept of Teen Mom but seriously Catelyn and whathisname her boyfriend are really amazing and it can't be fake tv. Their parents are trashy drug addicts who ended up I think getting married making poor catelyn and I can't think of his name! Stepbrother and sister. But these kids show the struggle of giving a baby up for adoption and it's amazing that they don't fall into their parents footsteps, whether or not they really do end up together.
ReplyDeleteI'm just saying I see why people hate Teen Mom, it is a pretty low class concept but I'm shocked that a couple this level-headed is on the show.
Dont think its low class at all. Really shows ramifications of the pregnancy. The teen pregbancy rate is lower, and they think this show is helping to do so!
DeleteCatelynns mother is a crack ho, so this is what u expect from a junkie.
Yeah see? The pregnancy rate IS lower than it was. Catelynn and god why is his name??? Are what people who complain about non celebs being rewarded with $$$ on realty shows feel deserve te publicity and $$$. I dropped out of college but these two are so determined and oh my god. Did anyone's heart break a little when they were the first in their families to graduate high school??? I'm like who doesn't graduate high school? But these 2 r amazing people. Some light has to be shining on them bc they r making all the right decisions.
DeleteTyler. :)
DeleteI'm not proud to admit that I was fully sucked in to the Teen Mom thing (I think it makes me feel better about myself). That said - this mother is the biggest pos on the planet - watching her berate Caitlin in S1 for making an extremely mature and difficult desicion made me physically sick. It AMAZES me that her and Tyler have turned out to be so seemingly impressive, and I fully expect that they will go on to do amazing things. To overcome that type of parenting is quite an accomplishment.
ReplyDeleteAs for the mother - I hope Caitlyn adopts her younger siblings and that woman just fades into the sunset. She's so awful.
DeleteAuntJess, me either on the Z paks - don't work for any of us here on Team Frufra. Erythromycin is the antibiotic of choice. Knock on wood, haven't needed any for a while. Feel better, Miss Care Bear :-). Bronchitis is not to be taken lightly.
ReplyDeleteObs that I don't care about these reality folks, but this poor girl sounds like she's in a sad situation. Boo.
hate 'teen mom' all you want. (although i get sick of people resenting the items here about the show---we're all here to read what's basically crap, aren't we?)
ReplyDeleteso, hate the show, hate the concept. but if you know anything about it, THIS couple---you CANNOT hate. they're the best thing to come out of the show. they show maturity beyond their years and have overcome some of the worst parenting i've ever seen.
Agreed. They made a brave decision to give their child up for adoption and all her trashy mother has done since is berate them.
ReplyDeleteReally! Its like two beautiful orchards growing out of a swamp.
DeleteI just hope CateLynn's precious little brother is doing ok.. wonder who takes care of him. Hope it's not the mother. He is such a beautiful, smart, sweet little boy, he deserves better, at least Catelynn's able to take care of herself.
ReplyDelete@carebear if you are still reading comments, get a steroid pack and a 2 in one shot if you aren't feeling better. I swear by the shots!
ReplyDeleteFrufra and Rejectedcarebear I'm actually allergic to Penicillin too. Also to Sulfa and Keflex. I've taken the Erythromycin for years tho without a problem. But I think I'm pretty fucked if we get hit with bird/swine/zombie flu cause no cipro for me!
ReplyDelete@loubea is the 2 in 1 bicillin or whatever that they inject in your love-handle area? That stuff works great (had it for bad tonsilitis), but man...the lump it leaves is SO painful because the stuff is thick and the lump is right in your waistband!
ReplyDeleteLauren is a crabby pants today.
ReplyDelete@Amber- haha, you're right, I am. I was just thinking about my crabby-ness today. I apologize.
ReplyDeleteLOL :)
ReplyDeleteIt's Tom Cruise's fault!! Just ask the old gal, the answer is always Tom Cruise, no matter what the question is!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but who the heck are these people?
ReplyDeleteFor fuck's sake, take it down Lauren. You could take your own advice. And I've never said a thing to Hmmmm so save it.
ReplyDeleteThank you to those who answered. I don't judge watching bad shows, I watch Jersey Shore, I admit it. I don't need to read about them though, nothing is ever new. They got drunk, got arrested, did stupid things, etc. You can create a template for them and adjust as needed for posts. Same with these Teen Mom people.
@rejectedcarebear - if you're still reading - when I had those problems,I also felt having a cold air humidifier helped. Especially if you don't have AC. Gives a nice cool mist and always seemed to make me feel a little better. You can get a cheap one from the drugstore for $20-30.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about getting a humidifier but didn't know if it would help. Tomorrows pay day tho, I'll be stopping at target, thanks SusanB
DeleteThese are the new soap operas. Plus they appeal more to viewers because the characters are "real" and they're "just like us!". Sad, really.
ReplyDeletePoor Catelynn and Tyler have been through the ringer with their parents (well, with Butch and Catelynn's mom, anyway). I love the two of them and wish them nothing but happiness. They gave away their baby and STILL had to parent...their own parents. Not fair to them, but I really think they will do well with their lives.
ReplyDeleteLauren- agreed!Complainers who complain about the same shit day in day out really need to learn how to ignore shit.
ReplyDeletelife is long, self control is your friend.
After years of dealing with sinus infections and asthma and nonsense... I cut out all pharmaceuticals.
ReplyDeleteHEPA air filters. Raw honey+ bourbon+ fresh lemon juice. Swear down, I haven't gotten sick in years.
In Touch... WITH YOUR MOM!
ReplyDeleteSorry, couldn't resist.
This is common and not surprising from the kind of trash that comes from Algonac. I have family there and they'd do the same. The smartest thing those two ever did was give that kid up. They still have a chance to get out.