Friday, June 01, 2012

Brooke Mueller Is Back In Rehab

You can say one thing for Brooke Mueller. Well, actually two things. She does keep trying to stay sober and she spends a great deal of money on rehab each year. Just a few months after exiting rehab after a very very long stay, Brooke is back in rehab again because she went over to the home of the king of drugs, porn and hookers also known as her ex-husband, Charlie Sheen and he thought Brooke seemed wasted out of her mind. Apparently Brooke decided she did not need her 24 hour minder any longer. Brooke also needed to go back to rehab before anyone from Aspen could check her for drugs or she could have gone to jail.


  1. Weclome to America.
    If you're rich and an addict you get to dry out at some fancy fucking spa. If you're poor, you dry out in jail. It pains me to say this, but at least Amber Portwood kows she can't dry out anywhere else.

  2. You know you have a problem if Charlie Sheen thinks you are wasted!!!

  3. It’s a damn shame! Think of your kids woman!

  4. LOL @ Roman Holiday.

  5. Just give those boys to Denise already. At this point the ex-call girl is better suited to parent all the Sheen offspring. I feel for Brooke, I really do but honey next stop for you is gonna be at the bottom of a bathtub. And I think Charlie is the one paying for these 'hab trips. Her funds seem to be going elsewhere.

  6. Enty, Brooke has been a drug addict since her teens, in and out of rehab for coke / crack and meth at least 6-12 times BEFORE even meeting Charlie. Charlie is no saint, no catch, no prize, but, there's no sense in blaming him for her issues, unless your point is simply to demonstrate your own ignorance concerning addiction, as well as your irrational hatred of a bi-polar shell of a man in favor of a troubled drug-addled shell of a mother, who you for some reason victimize as a helpless child.

  7. Dayum!

    But yeah--this is her ordeal alone to account for. I think people like her SHOULD HAVE BEEN STERILIZED THE FIRST GODDAMN TIME they lapsed.

    Sorry if this sounds draconian, but I hate hearing about anyone who is a shitty parent. No excuses.

    Adoption, abortion, or use the GD condoms that are given are FREE at any County Health clinic or PP.

  8. To be an addict you make a choice, everyday. You can choose otherwise. Not that it's easy, but it's a choice either way.

  9. "Charlie thought Brooke seemed wasted out of her mind."

    No, she went on a bender that he paid for and that's the way he gets her out of it.

    She would go directly to jail with a dirty test. If she's in rehab they can't make her give a urine sample.

    Just PR shills directing traffic.

  10. Whaaaa? I thought rehab WAS pee tests! ... Well, pee tests and 12 step groups

  11. So ridiculous. Just give the kids to Denise and let Brooke drug herself to death. Why deal with all the hassles of rehab and jail? Who is she hurting other than herself (as long as the kids are elsewhere)?

  12. Do we know where the kids are? With her and her parents, or with Charlie and the nanny? I'm really tired of her and her many, many trips to rehab. She doesn't get it and she never will.

  13. Dear Brooke,

    I hope that you enjoy your 27th stay at The Four Seasons Treatment Center. I heard they are going to name the newest wing after you. Most of the world does not get so many chances to get clean for the sake of their young, impressionable children, and I hope you understand how truly lucky you are to have the resources to be able to behave the way that you do.

    Much of society would be incarcerated, homeless or dead if they acted in such a way that you do, and I believe that you are completely unapologetic for selling your soul for a man with the means to provide you with enough child support to comfortably live off of for years.

    You see, I might be bitter. I work 60 hours a week, and I sit in an hour of traffic each way. I have to get up at 2:30 in the morning, and sometimes I don't go to sleep until 11 pm. I want to have kids, but I can't afford to have them right now, and my schedule is certainly not designed in a way to make it convenient.

    Regardless, when I do become a mother, I will be a better mother than you. I will actually WORK hard to provide for my children. I will not be strung out on hard drugs every day. I will be there for them. Through every milestone, every day.

    Get yourself together. You don't have long.


  14. Lauren - you only sleep from 11pm-2:30am??? That's dangerous. They say sleep deprivation is as bad as driving drunk. You need to get more sleep. Take care of yourself or you won't be able to take care of anyone else.

  15. She does seem pretty hardcore, perfecting the art of manipulating people, places, and things into enablers, even to using rehab as a get out of jail free card.

    The most she should have is supervised visits with her kids. NO custody. It just isn't fair to them.

  16. I really don't care about her. The only reason she's talked about is because she was married to a trainwreck. I had forgotten about her until this post, I enjoyed the break.

    To paraphrase Michael K, I have a lot of fucks to give but can't spare any for her.

  17. Oh please, she's never going to jail. She has too much money.

    I don't give a flying shit about this piece of crap. ODing will be the best thing for her sons. I know it sounds mean, but at least her sons won't have her for a mother.

  18. One thing I don't get is when people say give the kids to Denise. If you were the first ex-wife would you want to raise the latest missus' kids? I, personally, would not -- whether they shared half of my kids dna or not. I would have a lot of compassion, but not the desire to actually raise some new piece's kids. Denise, if anyone has ever listened to her interviews on Howard Stern, is not an innocent soccer mom type.

    Unfortunately for the boys, their genetic lottery includes mental/addiction issues as well as grandparents in Brooke's case that were in denial about her issues long before she met Charlie. Let's hope the nanny agency really cared and sent them the best they could find.

  19. Flip some of us are being facetious about the Denise remarks. Kind of like-Hey who woud have thought the used-to-be escort (and not the socialite "real estate agent") would turn out to be a the stable person in this rodeo.

  20. But didn't Denise offer to take the kids? That's a lot for another woman to take care of her ex's but somehow it seems like Denise cares more about kids than Brooke does. She may possibly be an ex-escort but she's at least a responsible parent.

  21. Hmm, I need to lighten up! My humor radar is off today.

  22. PS, Enty didn't say anything about blaming Charlie. He was just pointing out how bad it is when someone like Charlie thinks you're too wasted.

  23. And Charlie may be bipolar, but he is also a major drug user, so even if he isn't to blame for her problems, he sure isn't an innocent. (Yes, I know he has tested clean at times, but he has a well-documented history of drug abuse throughout his life.) Also, he freaking shot a woman under mysterious circumstances, and is a huge user of the other women in his life, so I don't see how hatred of him would ever be "irrational."
