Friday, June 08, 2012

Brian Presley Denies All The Airplane Tweets By Model

Brian Presley became more famous this week then he ever has as an actor. The married actor who has said he is sober was drinking beers and apparently hitting on Melissa Stetten who is a model. During their flight, Melissa Tweeted it all and it became an internet sensation. Now Brian has said that all he did was say hello and that he finds her Tweets humorous and absurd but that none of it happened and that sobriety rocks. He says he only spoke to her for ten minutes and had nothing to drink and slept through most of the flight.


  1. That's what they all say until someone finds a blue dress. What a scum.

  2. Exactly. The more people invoke god the guiltier they are.

  3. What a liar. Also - she did not say he was drinking beers in the bathroom so nice try douchebag.

  4. This could go either way -- famewhore or manwhore

  5. Couple'a nobodies talking about nothing!

  6. Thou dost protest too much!

  7. Why do we believe her and not him? What makes her more credible?

  8. Because she had no reason to tweet all that shit. She started tweeting it before she even knew who he was.

  9. Yeah, she was goofing around and giving a play by play. I've done similar things just with my experiences of being out on a Friday night at the bar.

  10. BS !! the commentary was driven by Pat Healy. And she a BIG reason to tweet that shit= Publicity= $$. This is the same ass that tweeted that she won the mega millions.

    The guy may be a douchebag, but not for this. Sheeple !!

  11. I'm with N9NA. I don't know these people, so who's to say HE'S the one lying?! *shrug*

  12. Agent It beat me to it - she's a fame whore as well - posted a pic of her with the winning mega lottery ticket. So who knows. However, her tweets seemed too spontaneous to be a fib.

  13. She knew an awful lot of personal information about him for only a 10 minute conversation.

  14. @ SueRH, I got stuck talking to the girlfriend of a friend one night and within 20 minutes she was talking to me about how much she hates all of his friends and wanting to kill herself. People - especially under the influence of alcohol - can be weird and lack boundaries.

  15. She is a much better writer than he is. And he took too long and took too many notes (Amadeus, 1984) to refute.

    A scumbucket of the first order.

  16. I totally believe her! She was just tweeting about some douche sitting next to her on a plane... one of her followers put together who he was. I thought the whole thing was hilarious.

  17. who are these people?

  18. I hate both of them.

  19. I fucking hate Twitter!

  20. I agree with Amber. My dad used to say loose lips sink ships. I had a neighbor who started talking to me one day and the girl told me ALL her dirt. She was on crack, her daughters father was her pimp, her current boyfriend beats her,etc.
    Notice in the douchebags tweet above that he talks about being on a soap for years. In his mind i'm sure he is loving the attention.

  21. I think a third party sitting around them would be able to confirm this either way. Not that I really care. I seriously don't know who these people are. The stuff about the winning lottery ticket is news to me.

  22. I find it hard to believe she made it up for famewhoribg purposes strictly on the basis that Brian Presley wouldn't immediately ping as a name that would get her what she wanted.

    Sure, it turned out some great publicity for her, but it wasn't based off using his name,

  23. @Renoblondee...that the first thing I thought

  24. how was she able to tweet while on the airplane?

  25. I believe her because I've had many, MANY married men hit on me, say they're not married, blah, blah, blah. And I'm not famous or a model. To quote "Some Like It Hot" when Jack Lemmon gets pinched in the elevator and says, "Look at that! I'm not even pretty!" Tony Curtis replies, "They don't care, as long as you're in a skirt." It's true.

  26. this is so funny. i believe her. i've had some ridic flight conversations too, and if i didn't have such a love/hate relationship w/ social media, i'd have tweeted them too.

    so she likes attn and may be a wee bit of a fame whore...the lotto ticket thing was a literal shooting herself in the foot...but i did buy her shock jock dj account...was it opie or anthony? can't keep them straight...and i totally buy the in-flight run-in w/ this skeevy oklahoma actor dude. sorry, 'Homa actor dude.

  27. he's such a shitty writer that I believe her.

    Why do people capitalize random words just because they're nouns?

  28. Me thinkist he protests too much.


  30. please, this "actor" is acting. poorly.

  31. "Rocks" is only said by square people who want to look cool.

  32. whether she is telling the truth or not, I don't think she should have tweeted all of that stuff. the only point was to embarrass him in front of the world.

    I think she does sound like a media whore.

    in the end, who cares about these two anyway? she tweeted the stuff, now people know who she is, she'll prob. try to parlay it into a reality show.

  33. What is the deal with the lottery ticket?

  34. the vague pronouns...that seems suspicious. Why refer to her as "this person" and "they". Clearly he knows "they" was a "she". Reminds me of when Clinton distanced himself from the whole Monica Lewinsky thing by referring to her as "that woman".

  35. Meh. Yeah how can you twitter on a plane? And aren't all people who use it TWITS? Just asking.

  36. ^Sherry, people can tweet b/c they can go online in-flight.

    several airlines offer it, particularly in long-range or int'l flights. numbers are growing in terms of shorter range flights too.

  37. She probably is a fame whore and is happy for all this attention, but I think she's telling the truth, too. He's not famous enough to inspire the thought "Oh, I'll tweet about him and get noticed!" @Sherry, lots of planes have internet service now.

  38. Someone should inform him Jesus doesn't like liars, it was obvious she didn't know who he was when she began tweeting. I hope his wife knows if you lie small, you surely lie big. This man is everything a Christian is NOT. Hypocrite.

  39. If you read all her tweets from the beginning, it explains how the whole thing went down. Also really makes him seem like the liar.

    I'd be mad if someone was tweeting our conversation. Not speaking to the next person I sit with on a plane (unless they're with me).

  40. he said/she said. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I do this it was in very poor taste for the model to tweet anything. I wonder if she's happy that she's caused so much pain and public humiliation for the wife and child. Poor judgement on her part. Immature and selfish.

  41. And tom cruise is straight

  42. My gut feeling is that she's telling the truth on this one, and while I feel bad for his wife to have something like this become so public, she does need to know what he's doing so she can take whatever steps she feels appropriate...or at least to protect herself by insisting on safe sex. As for it being tacky of Melissa to post this & therefore humiliating the wife, I'm reminded of a tale about Janet Charlton & Stallone, where he demanded that she stop writing stories about how he was cheating on his then-GF (now wife) because it was breaking her heart to hear about it. Janet's response: "I'M not the one breaking her heart--YOU ARE!" If he hadn't been trying to be a poon hound, there wouldn't even BE a story, end of argument.

  43. Pat Healy fed her the lines via twitter. Research and you will find her lottery publicity stunt. So, this is the new feminist heroine? Well, this is the end of BI's as we know it. If she had such good wireless access, why didn't she film and record it? Pat deserves all the credit/blame , she is a twit. Geez.

  44. although I wish it to be does one have these conversations and then tweet out 140 characters? "did you just say my tits were hot or great?" "why are on your iphone furiously typing?" "no reason, tell me how much you want me again..."

    lol you would have to be a giant moron (and I a sure he is a moron just not a giant one) not to notice someone tweeting all your cheesey come ons. Also i would not know wtf he is in a million years let alone know how to spell his name correctly.

  45. SHE caused the wife pain and humiliation? SHE did? That makes me stabby right there.

  46. wow, gender divide rears its ugly head.

  47. just like lindsey, until the video proves you're lying; DENY!

  48. So, he only said hello but that took 10 minutes? Hmmmm. Guess he talks very slowly.

  49. Not to defend him, cuz I don't know if he's lying or not, but how is him issuing ONE denial after all this time "protesting too much."? So if anyone denies anything written about them in the media just once, they're "obviously guilty" because they're protesting too much?

    Personally, she does come off as an attention whore to me, for the simple fact that she tweeted an entire conversation with someone whom she claimed not to know who he was and then "Oh!...he's a married actor!"

    He may have done it, but she's lying too if she's claiming that she didn't know who she was nor did she know that it would cause this kind of publicity and attention.

  50. If you read all her tweets, it seems clear that she didn't know who he was in the beginning. And how on earth could she know that it would get this much publicity? It's not like he was George Clooney.

  51. Because there was Pat feeding her the lines, and this is her 3rd publicity stunt. She knew exactly what to do via a third party. So now, when you see a famous person, just tweet away whatever you want to say!

  52. I believe her. If he had his way he'd have her in the airport janitor's closet banging away like Nate and Brenda in the first episode of Six Feet Under. I think she's smart enough to realize that picking out a random stranger to mock over twitter could backfire hard on her unless she had sufficient reason or cause.

    Wow, I sound all lawyer-y today.

  53. I major believe her, LOL. This crap HAPpens. Her tweets have been my head thoughts So. Many. Damned. Times. Definite good laugh!

    LOVE the transparency of the world with Twitter and mobile phones. FLOVE. Everyone should do this from now on: "I'm streaming you live, babe; KEEP talking!"

  54. I know she is lying, and he is telling the truth. Not because of god or anything stupid like that, but because this is what she does. She is a liar, liar, liar. So go ahead and dog pile some dude you don't even know, and who doesn't have a reputation for being a slime, and who is accused of having a drink and flirting with someone.

    Melissa played you harpies like a fiddle. Congrats, guppies.

  55. Not believing this jerk. why would she lie? i totally believe he came outta the bathroom sans ring...and now it's damage control time!!!

  56. Why would she lie?

    " she has a history of lying " per Daily Mail UK


  57. How in the world is a model making money tweeting about a failed actor, and fake Christian? Who is cutting these giant paychecks for tweets everyone can read for free, and are on a bunch of blogs by now. Since when is the Daily Mail the NY Times? The woman was repulsed by a cheater and reported what he was doing, taking his ring off, claiming it was fate that brought them together and swigging a few beers, going to sleep and leaving the shade up on a red eye, which is SO rude to do to the other flyers. I can't see how anyone can read what went out in real time and not see it was true. The girl doesn't like a liar and a cheater, and she's the wrong one?

  58. Well, if you still think the NY Times has journalistic credibility than there would be no point in explaining how publicity makes money . She is every bit as phony as he is with not a scintilla of integrity.
