Saturday, June 09, 2012

Blind Item #1

This A list director who everyone knows. Well, you probably do. How about A list action movie director. Anyway, he is also a bit of a tool. Well, a lot of a tool. Can you be a lot of a tool? In most of his movies he always has at least one foreign actress who is usually very pleasant to look at. while most of the time these roles are very small and would normally be handled by a casting agent, our director personally reads with each of these actresses to make sure they are "right" for the part. He does actually make them read and if they offer a suggestion he will tell them no. His favorite thing to tell them is to read it monotone so people will understand exactly what they are saying on screen. One actress asked about the acting part of it though and the director said, "Look. You are there to look good and hopefully be wearing almost nothing. I don't care if you can act or not. No one is going to be listening to you anyway." The actress in question, read in the monotone, but because she dared to question the director, there was no way she was ever going to get the part. The good news is she didn't have to sleep with him.


  1. YES. You can Be Alot of TOOL.

  2. Micheal Bay? I am not so good with these director blinds but definitely fits the tool profile.

  3. micheal bay, obviously

  4. I'm never good at blinds but Brett Rattner came to mind RIGHT AWAY! Isn't he part of that secret sex blog or whatever? He's also a huge tool.

  5. Who has the courage to wade through Bay's and Ratner's movies to figure out which one this is?

  6. It's gotta be one or the other, yep.

  7. My first thought was either Michael Bay or Brett Ratner, based on other gossip I've read.

  8. After looking at both IMDB profiles, I think this is Brett. My reasoning isn't the best here, but he did all the Rush Hours and other movies that sound more like they would have foreign, small name actresses. Bay just has Transformers and The Island as his most recent films and those ladies all had more than a few simple lines.
    Did I mention that I am not as good with director blinds? Please take what I say with a grain of salt.

  9. Brett Ratner is all over the place as far as producing, directing, etc. My guess is Michael Bay.

    The assholes who do shit like this must be so incredibly insecure that it's off the charts. Or have dicks that you need a magnifying glass to find. They can get women just by who they are - why humilate these people who are just trying to find work. Beyond pathetic.

  10. When it comes to these kind of blinds, Bay and Brett are interchangeable. Actually their movies are too! Not interested in either one.

  11. One of the usual suspects, Bay or ratner

  12. I read somewhere that Michael Bay cut Megan Fox out of the Transformers movies because she got too thin and no longer looked "f*%!able". That makes me think this is him, even though he and Brett Ratner seem equally skeevy to me.

  13. QT popped into my head first thing, but he would only require they not wear shoes rather than clothes.

  14. Did the director leave them in the desert? And do all of them make it out?

  15. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Megan Fox all time favourite director

  16. I was thinking Michael Bay by the first or second line!

  17. Michael Bay. Yuck!

  18. He always seems to have Aussie girls in the transformers movies so my pick is Bay.

  19. I wanted to say Sly Stallone just because.

  20. Michael Bay or Brett Ratner. They both should be flushed like the stinking turds they are.

  21. Nolan, just to be different

  22. Most likely Bay/Ratner but I'll throw in J. Cameron for the trifecta.

  23. I have a friend who read for Michael Bay. This sounds exactly like him. She laughs the question off but her friends are all in agreement that she probably slept with him.

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    James Cameron. Take it to the bank.
