Monday, June 04, 2012

Blind Item #1

What former A list actress who seemed to be in every movie made over a 5 year period and now is maybe a C spent all of a recent coast to coast airplane flight in first class while her daughter and nanny flew in coach. It might be nice to at least go back and visit them. Oh, and she also refused a flight attendant's request for a photograph by saying she does not do those. And everyone used to think she was so sweet.


  1. The whole having her nanny and daughter in coach is bitchy, but I don't see any problem with her refusing the photograph; it was inappropriate for the flight attendant to even ask.

  2. Meg Ryan was my first thought.

  3. Teri Hatcher?

    Kate Hudson has two boys, Meg Ryan adopted a girl...haven't seen together in ages

  4. Molly Ringwald. Was in everything for about 5 years, has not been in anything major for a while now.

  5. Molly Ringwald is a great guess!

  6. Doc Girl beat me to it. I say Molly Ringwald. She has a daughter who is 8, and twins who are 2.

  7. Molly lived in France for a long time in French indie flicks... Now on a ABC Family show (something aimed at teens, i don't pay attention).

    also, only heard good stories about her. She managed the hordes on Reddit's AMA (ask me anything) amazingly. (the nerds are a tough crowd, just ask Woody Harrelson)

  8. After the actress separated from her daughter to fly her in coach, the flight attendant should have realized that an autograph would be a non-starter.

  9. January Jones.

    Oh said "sweet", not "icy hell bitch".

  10. Guessing this isn't an infant child. At least 5? I got nothing.

  11. What about Michelle Williams & daughter Matilda?

  12. Katharine Heigel

  13. Liz L - Katharine Heigl is a great guess. I think people liked her until she started opening her mouth about Grey's Anatomy.

  14. This screams Katherine Heigl to me.

  15. Helen Hunt? Won an Oscar and seemed to have a great career around 2000, not so much now. she has a daughter, too. About 8 yrs old.

  16. Not Molly. By all accounts she is beyond down to earth and kind.

    I like the Meg Ryan guess.

  17. I don't know why but for some reason Halle Barry came to mind...I have no idea why, and I'm probably way off, but I could definitely see her doing something like this!

  18. First thought was Meg Ryan. Wasn't she the popular guess for the actress who tried to give her adopted daughter back?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Kate Beckinsale

  21. Unless "5 years ago" means all of the 90s, I don't think this is Meg Ryan. In the 90s she had multiple movies coming out each year. The 00s have a lot of gaps.
    To that point, Heigl only does about 1/year + Grey's so it wouldn't be her either.

  22. Starting 5 years ago and working back, Halle Berry was in 2 movies/year, and then there's a gap between 2007 and 2010.

  23. It just says over a 5 year it could be from any year...starting and ending nowhere in particular :) Did that make sense to anyone? haha

  24. I'll guess either Meg Ryan or Katherine Heigel - however I also don't think this is that bad. Would it be better if she left the baby home while she travelled? Maybe she needed a break and was looking forward to relaxing for a few hours. Maybe she was tired or in a bad mood - if I had extra money I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. For years when I was younger my parents would sit in first class and my sister and I would be in coach - they were taking us on vacation and couldn't afford for us all to sit in first class. They also enjoyed it - the horror!

    As far as the picture goes - I get that. A few weeks ago I saw Martin Sheen at Penn Station - carrying along his bags and waiting for his Amtrak train. A few people noticed him, he was very polite and took pictures, and the next thing you know - he's getting swarmed by people. I felt kind of bad for him - he was clearly uncomfortable and trying to be very nice but also didn't seem like he wanted to be taking pictures with everyone - finally he quietly excused himself to wander around and try harder to blend in. Gave me a different perspective.

  25. It says "Former A list" - I don't think most of the guesses have been A list, but I'm usually wrong :)

    Halle Berry probably wouldn't let N. out of her sight, so even if she's "former A list", I doubt it's her.

  26. Oh duh. princessnikki, you're right. I don't know why I read it as 5 years ago.

  27. @Amber -- the blind doesn't say "five years ago"; it says "over a 5 year period". That 5 year period could have been in the 70s or 80s or 90s.

  28. The blind doesn't say five years ago. It says that she seemed to be in every movie made over a five year period so this could be anyone. Meg Ryan is a pretty good guess. If I had ruined my pretty face with all the fillers, injections, and surgeries that Meg has, I would not allow any photos either. I would also ask that all the mirrors be covered.

  29. I agree with anyone saying it isn't bad that she declined to be in a picture. I'd be surprised if it isn't against company policy for the FA to ask for pictures. It's pretty unprofessional.

  30. You guys, I already recanted and said I misread. So, so sorry for misappropriating the 5 years. Sheesh.

  31. Helen Hunt? I remember her being in soo many films in the early 2000's... Her daughter is quite young too...

  32. @Amber, I think they all wrote their posts before seeing your other one. :)

    I like the Katherine Heigl guess, but aside from not checking on her daughter, I don't really see the problem with her sitting separately. I don't think I'd want a child in first class, especially one potentially young enough to disturb the passengers up there. Also, if the actress was doing any kind of work (reading scripts, writing notes, etc.), she wouldn't be able to do that AND take care of a child needing attention very productively.

  33. I think parents who do this are assholes.

    My boss's ex used to this with their kid. He'd sit in first with the new (now also ex) wife while her daughter with my boss and the new baby would sit in economy. He'd make his 12 year old tend to the toddler for the duration of trans-Atlantic flights.

  34. Former A list shouldn't be too hard to lock down. The Meg Ryan guess seems the most spot on, Katherine Heigle (Heigel? meh) is still cranking out crappy romcoms and I took this to mean they aren't working as much anymore. Then again, KH isn't working that much aside from the yearly crap fest.

  35. Actually, I take back the Katherine Heigl guess. She's at LEAST a B currently, probably B+. I'm starting to like the Helen Hunt guess better. She was definitely A-list (didn't she win an Oscar for As Good As It Gets?) for a while, but I completely forget about her now.

  36. Sometimes last minute reservations require 3 people to be split up. So the choice would be to have the nanny sit in first class and the famous person to sit with the child in coach to please us all. Unless there were security advisers who recommended that it would be safer for the visible target (famous person) to sit in 1st class while the non targets (nanny and child) sit in coach. Just a thought about what may have happened to Meg and company:)

  37. I agree with Erin and LPM- Helen Hunt was in every other movie around the "As Good As it Gets" timeframe. (Dr T and the women, Castaway etc) She has had a reputation for being nice and she is probably about a C list now. (I also agree that maybe she could not get enough tickets together.)

  38. Halle is in New York with Oliver...wonder if she'll ever find out about the woman in Paris....

  39. I don't know - I don't have a problem with any of this, except the not checking on the kid. My parents used to sit in 1st class, while my sibs and I sat in coach - once we were all maybe 10y and older. It didn't bother us at all - we were away from them, and they were away from all their kids for a little while. Not a big deal, so long as everyone behaves. Also, it could be the person had to work or read something that is not child-appropriate?

  40. I don't know - I don't have a problem with any of this, except the not checking on the kid. My parents used to sit in 1st class, while my sibs and I sat in coach - once we were all maybe 10y and older. It didn't bother us at all - we were away from them, and they were away from all their kids for a little while. Not a big deal, so long as everyone behaves. Also, it could be the person had to work or read something that is not child-appropriate?

  41. A few years ago, I was on a UAL transcon with Katherine Heigl sitting in first while her nanny and baby were in coach. She put on a cheery smile while walking through the paps with the baby, then handed her off to the nanny and proceeded ahead without a single backward glance. We were in business on the 5 hr flight and she never walked back through the cabin to check on her baby.

  42. Does Ashley Judd have a daughter?

  43. As someone who flies first (due to flying a lot and upgrades) I have no issue with a parent having their child sit in coach with a caregiver. On too many flights I've ended up as the caregiver as parents sat together and had their child sit with me.

  44. 10 years ago I was on a flight from Frankfurt Germany to NYC and Jane Seymour did the exact same thing to her twins and their nanny.

  45. Damned if you do (and your child misbehaves) and damned if you don't, either way it's part of the gossip no matter what.

    I think alot of stars do this kind of thing to protect their kids from photos and unwanted attention. Remember how much flack Gwen Stefani took when her kid was having a tantrum and slapped her in the face while she was carrying him? Some people said she should have spanked him and others wondered why she didn't "control" him. Either way people were talking about it and it was mostly negative as there was not really a good answer or solution to what she did or would do.

  46. Going with Meg Ryan. When I worked at DL, she came on the ride I worked and we had to put an empty vehicle on before and after hers because "nobody was allowed to get pictures of her" - and the person driving the vehicle had to turn around and couldn't look at her. That was in 2001, but I heard a story from a friend that's still working there, and she was just as demanding.

  47. Reese Witherspoon

  48.'re not supposed to sit in first class and make the kids (with supervision) sit in coach. shoot. And I always thought I might do this one of these days.

  49. FYI No kids under 5 are allowed in first class.

    I'm betting the kid is under 5 and the FA shouldn't have asked for a pic.

  50. FYI No kids under 5 are allowed in first class.

    I'm betting the kid is under 5 and the FA shouldn't have asked for a pic.

  51. Didn't know that about first class and age 5!

    Team Meg Ryan on this one.

  52. my first thought: amy adams.

  53. I also agree that it's Meg. And I don't blame her either. Maybe if she went back to check, she figured she'd get a lot of hassle from the hoi polloi. ;-) But really, she probably would. And if I were in First and a kid came up there, I'd be pretty unhappy.

    ...but could she really be the one who wanted to give her kid back? Hmm...

  54. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I was thinking Reese - her last few movies have been terrible and she was doing pretty well after walk the line.

    I'm not sure if she's as low as a C now, but the line "everyone used to think she was so sweet" really struck me as Reese.

  55. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh! And from Reese's wiki page: With the exception of her animated role in Monsters vs. Aliens, Witherspoon did not appear in a live action film for two years following the release of Four Christmases. Witherspoon returned with three films in 2010, 2011, and 2012, all centered around Witherspoon as a woman caught in a love triangle between two men.

    That's kind of a C-list thing to do, right?

  56. I hate the flack that Katherine Heigl gets... She made one comment years ago about shitty writing and now she's a bitch for life. Her comment about the writing was nothing but fact. Yes I think she could have kept her mouth shut and been a more gracious co-worker, but there are so many celebs that have done WAAAAAAY worse things, yet they're beloved.
    Anyway, I don't think this is her as she has now adopted a second a child so there probably would have been something said about one child in coach and the other left at home.
    Also her first adopted daughter has special needs and I give her a huge amount of credit for taking on that battle knowingly, I have a cousin with special needs and have seen the toll thats taken on my aunt. Its exhausting. Being a mother is tough enough, she's a stronger woman then I would be.
    All that said though, i really don't have a guess. And do think there are way worse things parents could do. I would seperate from my family if i was going to get mobbed by paps...

  57. I don't know what airline has the no kids under 5 in First Class rule, but from my experience that should be extended to business class as well.

  58. Good point, Dishtlk. I've often noted the difference in the standards that are applied to celebrities. Some only get to f up once, while others are issued a multitude of passes.

  59. Yeah, but Heigl also shit talked the movie that made her bankable, "Knocked Up". She has bad mouthed more then once.

  60. Meg "clown lips" Ryan. Totally.

  61. Heigl just comes off as not really friendly. She now wants back on Grey's and I hope they don't let her back, not even for the last show. She didn't just talk about the writing, which was not that bad compared to some other shows on tv, but she became an integral part of the showdown between Isiah Washington and the guy that played George O'Malley, trying to get attention for herself out of the whole situation.

  62. I don't think it's an FAA rule that no kids under 5 are allowed in first class. My kids have sat in business class a bunch of times, and on planes where there's just one "upper" class, it's the equilivent of first class. And there always seem to be kids up front no matter what flight I take.

    If some airlines have this rule I'd love to know about them for future reference...

  63. I like the Amy Adams guess.
    She's been awfully busy the last few years.

  64. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I co-sign with the people who are saying it was inappropriate for the FA to ask for a photo. I don't think that's cool if you are working and interact with a celebrity. I worked in media relations for years and met several celebrities via work -- it was understood that you shouldn't ask for autographs, photos, etc.

    Also, anyone who pays for first class for themselves and then sticks their nanny and kid in coach is an asshole.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. My very first thought was Helen Hunt.

  67. I would bet if you asked the other first class passengers I bet they would appreciate this set up.

    And LAX-JFK in first class is over $3,000 one way right now. Putting the kid and nanny in first comes close to $10,000 each way. When you've dropped to C list that's a lot of money.

    Agree with most here about the flight attendant being out of bounds about the photo. In any event, in any situation, no one owes you a photo, so if they say no get over yourself.

  68. Studio may have purchased mom's ticket, and she had to purchase ticket for kids and nanny. As stated, that can be costly.


    I'll give Heigl a break now, but at the time, some of us were so bloody sick of seeing two seasons of her wailing and crying and collapsing into a heap on the floor and overacting over Denny that her complaints that she didn't get a third season to cry and moan over him were irritating to the extreme.

  69. Most people would agree that flying first class and putting your nanny and kids in economy is a b*tchy thing to do. But most airlines don't allow kids in first class, until a certain age. If they are too young they have to be in economy. Airline policy.

    I know quite a few people who work in the airline industry, and most celebraties are cool with taking a picture with the crew. I don't see anything wrong with it.

    I don't have any guesses who it is though....

  70. Couple of years ago there was the same story about Sharon Stone, but I don't think she has a daughter.

  71. There is no US airline that doesn't allow kids under 5 in First. I think the Amy Adams guess is correct.

  72. Def NOT Meg Ryan. She always has her daughter sitting with her in first class. She was in a lot of movies for a good decade, more than 5yrs. Plus still not C-list.

    As for this person refusing an autograph, who can blame her. She wasnt there to promote something, she was there to travel.

    Helen Hunt is my guess. Has a young daughter and is C-list.

    Would have loved for this one to be Juuuuuuulia Roberts though. Seems like a real piece of work.

  73. I used to find her Heiglicious, but she has run off at the mouth for years. Apparently if you found her appealing in My Father the Hero you are a pervert- even if you were the same age as her when you saw it and tried to compliment her on it years later.



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