Aubrey O'Day Has Mental Health Related Disability
Have you ever brought your dog on an airplane? Up in the cabin with you? Generally it is one dog per person and they have to stay in their carrier the whole flight. Unless of course you need your dogs because of a mental health related disability. Leave it to a "celebrity" to find the loophole. Aubrey O'Day flew on Virgin America last week and had two dogs with her despite traveling alone. That is usually not allowed. Also, she had them on the seas with her. Always not allowed. But, it turns out if you have a note from your doctor stating that you have a mental health disability that requires your dogs to be with you that this is an exception to the rule. Although i admire Aubrey for coming up with a loophole, this has to be tough later when you are trying to get insurance for something and you have to admit that a doctor has treated you for mental health issues. Try and explain to an insurance company that you just did it so you can travel with your dogs. They will then ask you if you lied to your doctor. It just seems like one downward spiral.