Amanda Bynes has a lot of free time on her hands. We are talking hours and hours a day. Think about being basically retired in your early 20's and having nothing to do. This of course can lead to drinking at 9 in the morning which is how Amanda got into this whole DUI and hitting a police car and getting arrested and asking for the President to intervene on her behalf. Huh?
I guess she figures that if Obama has the time to write a child an excuse to get out of school one day that he also has the time and the power to fire some police officer who got hit by Amanda even though she says she does not hit and who arrested her because she had been drinking. To say that she does not drink is such crap. Everyone who was out that night and saw her, saw that she was drinking. I feel sorry for her. I think this is a person who needs some serious help with a lot of things that have happened in her life and I don't think she wants help or feels like she needs help.
Oh, and no please or thank you from Amanda?
Pathetic. Friends don't let friends drink and tweet.
ReplyDeleteJust when I thought she couldn't sink any lower.....
ReplyDeleteBehold the new child star train wreck has come to take the crown from Lindsey.
@GDS, took the words from my mouth.. a train wreck in the making.
ReplyDeleteEnty, when I saw this little story earlier this morning, I knew you'd be all over it!
ReplyDeleteSo that's what keeps Obama up at night, Amanda Bynes. Who knew?
ReplyDeleteEntitled, smug asshole.
ReplyDeleteI'll be over here with my popcorn watching the crazy train. I wonder what type of crazy she's going to provide us? Flashes of her girly bits? Shaving her head? Drunken spills on the sidewalk? "Borrowing" items from stores? Who knows maybe she'll find a new kind of crazy to entertain us with.
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ReplyDeleteI've always like Amanda Bynes, at first she seemed like a level headed likable kid. Now...not so much. Obviously she has jumped on board the LiLo train to crazytown. Hopefully she has more support and someone in her family will grab hold and make her go to rehab.
ReplyDeleteIt's the "the end" part that bugs me the most. It's so entitled and (pardon my language here) cunty. Right up there with "kthanksbye." It's the language of someone who loves starting internet drama. Just like those girls on STFU, Couples who write open letters to bitches to stay away from their men.
ReplyDeleteSo, F the following-both parties in Congress not willing to compromise, the US Military being spread thin all over the world, every nut job group in the world that has it out for the US and it's citizens and allies (we see you Taliban), the economy, education and many other things so that the President can fire a cop? Who in the F does this purple haired muppet wanna be-rehab needing fool think she is?
ReplyDeleteI imagine she's too wrapped up in her addictions to comprehend her behaviors. There's never really any talk of her parents, so hopefully they're great and supportive. That would be about the only hope she has to not end up like LiLo who has no shot in hell unless she somehow finally finds strength within herself. Her parents are just as bad as she is.
ReplyDeleteShe is one messed up bitch. Damn.
ReplyDeleteJust for the record Enty, she did say please, lol
ReplyDeleteMaybe she has multiple personalities and one of her personalities is a drunken whore and the other is a self-important tee totaller who thinks Obama is going to fire the cops who arrested her.
ReplyDeleteNo Amanda, he's too busy eating the Constitution one page at a time and crapping it out his ass.
Maybe she has multiple personalities and one of her personalities is a drunken whore and the other is a self-important tee totaller who thinks Obama is going to fire the cops who arrested her.
ReplyDeleteNo Amanda, he's too busy eating the Constitution one page at a time and crapping it out his ass.
Maybe she has multiple personalities and one of her personalities is a drunken whore and the other is a self-important tee totaller who thinks Obama is going to fire the cops who arrested her.
ReplyDeleteNo Amanda, he's too busy eating the Constitution one page at a time and crapping it out his ass.
I'm really disappointed in Amanda Bynes. I was sure that by now her sex tape(s?) would have made it onto the internet. Why the delay?
ReplyDeleteIf I were Obama I'd personally make sure the cop who arrested her gets a commendation. Or the Medal of Freedom. And I will make sure I NEVER see anything this idiot is in.
ReplyDelete"I don't drink". I just about fell over laughing.
ReplyDeleteWow, so delusional. I really think Obama should be making this THE issue of his re-election campaign.
ReplyDeleteCome on, guys. Be nice. She was probably drunk when she wrote that.
ReplyDelete@Beth, lol!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Enty is suggesting that she was a victim at one point --"needs serious help with a lot of things that happened in her ife". Of course, it's not an excuse for current horrible behavior -- but maybe a root cause. Did she work under Dan Schneider?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah she did....I can't. Just google it. He destroyed her life. But in return produced every tv show and movie she's ever been in.
DeleteHer father is the only one who believes she doesn't drink.
ReplyDeleteAmanda, now you look even more pathetic than you did last month.
Hang your head in shame, girl.
Wow, I've never seen an actual nervous breakdown happen in front of my eyes (screen) until now.
ReplyDeleteI used to love Amanda on the show she did with Jenny Garth and Nick Zano-- then she got scary skinny and it seems like she lost herself.
ReplyDeleteI hope for her sake that she has supportive parents but there is something about this post that makes me think that she doesn't--- Enty says, "... a person who needs some serious help with a lot of things that have happened in her life....". Didn't Enty used to be friendly with her??? Maybe he knows something and this is some type of reveal? Plus, hasn't her dad spoken out and also said she doesn't drink? This doesn't look good for her at all.... sad.
@lostathome - have you forgotten Britney's head-shaving incident?
ReplyDeleteAnd what alcohol-free person does ANYONE know who would refuse a breathalyzer? That's like refusing to submit DNA when you know you're innocent. Ridiculous.
@ Mitten Fluffy, you may a point, but 3 of them for emphasis? LOL !
ReplyDelete...she tweets as she slams her Natty Ice.
ReplyDeleteReally? Tweeting statements like that should give you an automatic guest spot on Maury Povich, because your behavior is two drunken one night stands away from, "You are NOT the father!"
*big sigh* Um, Amanda? Don't you think the leader of the free world has more important things to do with his time than enabling your vendetta against a cop who was just doing his job because you were a drunken idiot? *more sighing*
ReplyDeletedoes anyone remember an old blind about a tweener who planned on imitating the actions of other troubled stars for more attention? Amanda was pretty good at keeping her private life out of the tabloids before and after this it's just becoming more apparent that she's the next leanne rimes.
ReplyDeletewhat a douche
ReplyDeleteIs there delusional vitamins in the water in LA?
ReplyDeleteAnother entitled celeb who thinks that the world revolves around them...or even cares. What a loser. I used to like her too.
ReplyDeletethis girl was such a cutie...like LL, held so much promise...good actor, great comedic timing...WTH HAPPENED?! #thismakesmesad
ReplyDeleteI think this girl is a GREAT example of why all of us should choose love over money. Because clearly, she doesn't have any love, from others or for herself (from her actions, it sounds like she was used -sexually, as a child) but she has plenty of money. And I'm pretty sure none of us would rather switch shoes with her, no matter how horrible our lives are.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible she tweeted this as a joke? Still she did tweet it directly to President Obama. Or his press people or whoever manages his twitter. I tweet about celebrities but hardly ever tweet AT them. I hate to say it but even Lindsay would have enough sense not to do this.
ReplyDeleteAmanda's brain is gone.
I know this is not the point, but ...she did actually say PLEASE Enty...its in the first line...
ReplyDeleteI'm a really Liberal, capital "L," Democrat, and I wish she had asked Bill Clinton for that favor. That would be a fun story. Is he still seeing Gina Gershon, or was that just a quick fling?
ReplyDeleteAnderson Cooper put Amanda Bynes on his Ridiculist tonight on AC360. Had a list of Things More Important Than Amanda Bynes' Tweets, including a water-skiing squirrel.
ReplyDeleteHa! Ha!
ReplyDeleteThat's rich!
@Smokey772, I remember that. Gotta be Amanda. This whole thing seems really staged to me. For one thing, she went off the rails out of absolutely nowhere. For another, she seems to be trying her darndest to make sure her ridiculous, dangerous actions stay in the press (for example, with Tweets like this). I don't believe this is a real nervous breakdown; I do believe Amanda is totally, utterly desperate to get in the spotlight, no matter how she has to do it.
ReplyDeleteWow, that takes care of most of the sympathy I had for her. She's as delusional as her dad. Self-entitlement isn't attractive on anyone.
ReplyDelete"...he's too busy eating the Constitution one page at a time and crapping it out his ass."
ReplyDeleteThere wasn't enough left of the constitution to eat, after George W. got through shredding it into confetti.
@Smokey772 It actually makes sense. I was expecting Rihanna to come out with a scandal but Rihanna isn't desperate for spotlight she's already super famous. Amanda on the other hand...
ReplyDeleteThat's gotta be a drunk tweet.