Alec Baldwin & His Temper
Yesterday I Tweeted the photo of Alec Baldwin attacking a New York Daily news photographer, but didn't talk about it on the site. Today though I wanted to talk about Alec and the thing that makes me still hesitate to like the guy despite me loving most of the roles he has ever played. When he is on SNL, I always watch because I know it will be good and he will be a fearless performer, but then I remember how he yelled at his fiancee' when she dared to speak before he was finished and demeaned her in front of others and I get turned off. I watch him on 30 Rock and like him and then remember how he screamed at his daughter or at Kim Basinger and drove Kim to almost quit the business because she was so shell shocked from their marriage. Think about what he did to Kim. When they met she was at the height of her career and he told her what to do and not to do and she listened and he yelled and she has never been the same person again. I like him in a movie and then he berates a flight attendant for doing her job and what every other person had to do other than Alec who lives in his own world. Think about all the people he has yelled at and screamed at we never hear about or know about. His way of dealing with girlfriends is to try and knock them down so much verbally and mentally that they become meek and subservient to him. It is kind of like when someone is always yelling at their dog and enjoy when the dog's first instinct is to cower.