Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Your Turn

Worst bad habit. Lets hear it. You know you want to share.


  1. Procrastination!!! I have for years tried to correct this in myself and end up falling off the wagon. I annoy myself!

  2. Biting the inside of my cheek. Been doin it since I was a kid cant seem to stop.

  3. Too much information...I'm the queen of way, way too much info. I'm an open book.

  4. Smoking is the obvious one. Also, picking my nose in the car. I can't stop!

  5. I DVR General Hospital every day. I otherwise have exquisite taste in entertainment, but for some absurd reason, I still watch that mess (and I do mean mess) 5x a week.

  6. Lighting candles all over my home and then leaving them unattended. I keed, I keed.
    Erm, I am always late. Always!
    Appts, sometimes work (when I did work), parties, churchy things, dinner. The list goes on and on.

  7. I bite and pick my toenails

    there, I'm disgusting. I know.

  8. Licking my lips. Lip balm is always close at hand.

  9. @Tempestuous Grape, is that really a bad habit though? I think it's a good trait, unless you share everything like your burps and toots at the dinner table.

  10. Oh, and smoking marijuana from time to time. Its so hard to just say no sometimes. So funny that I didn't make that my nĂºmero uno bad habit. Maybe its not so bad, maybe that's why i'm always late... I digress. ;)

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  12. Cracking my knuckles. Well really, I can and do crack every joint in my body including my sternum. But my knuckles are the worst, and I crack them by pulling straight out which snaps both by the palm and the mid-finger, sounding like a breaking tree branch. Drives my husband NUTS...I try to remember not to do it in front of him, but it's often subconscious.

  13. if i don't want to hear something; tune it out. people, tv, whatever. started with my ex husband-who talked about BS nonstop, but i need to pull it back a bit. i get so bored listening to people drone on about things that don't matter (like what happened at the supermarket when they were out of paper bags).

  14. I pick. Everything. Scabs, nose, cuticles-ugh. Horrid habit!! Working on it!!!

  15. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Getting up and going to the bathroom without slippers on. So many times that I've slipped on our floor.

  16. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Smoking. Stupidest thing I ever started doing. The fact that I started 50 years ago when it was the cool thing to do is no excuse. I ended up with COPD because of it, and now am unable to do 90% of the things I enjoy simply because I can not breathe.

    Secondary bad habit...talking to strangers. I talk to anyone and tell them anything. Luckily have not run into a Ted Bundy or similar nutcase.

    Third, playing on the internet when I should be cleaning the house.

  17. Smoking.
    Despite multiple tries, I have not yet been able to shake the habit.
    I've done hypnosis, cold turkey, the patch, the gum, and Chantrix ... nothing has worked.
    But, I'm still trying ... as Mark Twain said, "I quit smoking between cigars"

  18. @Om is Bro - Not burpin' or tootin' at the table per se, but I will talk about pooping, lol....I really am an over-sharer, and while I do think it's good in many ways; dudes certainly don't like it and private people don't care for my candid honesty.

  19. @ rushsaysimmaslut - haha - sailors!

  20. Picking at my face. If there's the slightest hint of a bump, be it a pimple or blackhead, I will mess with it until it actually becomes one and turns into something huge and noticeable and leaves a scar.

  21. Nose picking and cracking knuckles.

  22. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Syko, if you hadn't said you smoked, I would have thought you were my mom. She talks to EVERYBODY. It's a sickness. She knows everyone at her grocery store by name, their families, etc. The woman can make BFFs at the DMV.

    As for me, my worst bad habit is probably scraping my fork with my teeth. I don't even realize I'm doing it until someone tells me to stop.

  23. Laughing at fart jokes. I refuse to grow up.

  24. nails...finally stopped.

  25. Momster that is not a bad habit! That is a good trait. Nothing wrong with finding amusement in simplicity.

    For me, procrastination. Right now, for instance, I could be doing dishes and laundry but I'm sitting on my phone looking at cdan.
    I kicked smoking a few years ago, but that was my worst for a long long time.

  26. @Candi - I do the same thing. I bite the inside of my cheek and the side of my tongue. Half the time I don't realize I'm doing it. When I go to the dentist she invariably comments on the fact that she can tell I still bite them.

    1. Same for me. I usually dont realize Im doin ot in public until I get strange looks.

  27. same with me @auntliddy. i think i have psoriasis, but i can't be diagnosed because i don't leave it alone long enough.
    I have a few spots on my scalp, and two places that i gouged on my back.
    I hate any type of imperfection though, so its a weird catch 22. I'm getting hyperpigmentation scars because of picking, which I'm putting hydroquinone 4% on to try to bleach them (and freckles/beauty marks) away..... its kind of working. but slowly.

    OH, also, I talk a lot of shit. Like I always have someone to rag on behind their back. It isn't nice, but oh well. If they're acting inappropriately, i think I have the right to voice my opinion.

    another thing:: i've found that most people that aren't on the net, don't care about celebrity gossip that i talk about. its like i'll share a blind item or something and I'll get the side-eye, like "like I really care"

  28. I gave up two bad habits since last August - smoking and crap husband. My worse habit now is jewelry buying - I figure the money I've saved on cigarettes should go to something I love.

    I may take up sailors. But only on the weekends.

  29. Anonymous10:38 AM

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  30. oh and i chew on ice like crazy. i'm addicted to ice. =\

  31. I used to bite my fingernails, but stopped when I got acrylics. I bite my bottom lip alot.

  32. Supermodel diet...Coca-cola and Marlboro lights

  33. @mikey
    I am so happy for you. I remember that day you posted how unhappy you were with your husband and some on here encouraged you to leave and find happiness. *hugs*
    (not saying that's why you left, I just remember that thread)
    Oh and congrats on the smoking. I quit 4 1/2 years ago myself.

  34. I'll go along with Syko's list...

    I like conversations with older people who seem so appreciative to talk to someone (or maybe that's me)? I also get into deep conversations with people as we scan the tabloid covers in the Wal-Mart check-out line.

  35. oh haha and i'm a diet coke head. :D I have a condition where they tell me I shouldn't drink it, but I do anyway. I take a med that makes it more tolerated... but I can't give it up.

    Just for the taste of it!!!

  36. Another picker here. I have way more scars than I should because I cannot leave a scab alone.

    Don't know if this is habit but I hurt myself in my sleep. Sometimes I scratch my back, pinch myself, bite my tongue, press on my temples really hard, stuff like that.

  37. Well, I quit smoking and drugs, but I do eat an awful lot of chocolate.

  38. I abuse smiley faces and exclamation points!!!!!! :) :) :)

  39. Like Tempestuous Grape, whose name I love, I tend to overshare. I also pick the skin off my lips. I binge eat. I self-injure. Did I mention that I overshare, too?

  40. @mikey, I'm so happy you made it!

    I still smoke. I've tried hypnosis, cold turkey,gum,patches,and even acupuncture, which by the way seemed to work the best for awhile. I need to find another acupuncturist.

  41. @ Maja. With a J., well, I gave up the chocolates........

  42. oh, Carolyn, I've got that one, too!! :) But my biggest would probably be eating ice. HUGE addict. I even have my own countertop ice maker that is just for me... the rest of the family gets the ones that the freezer dispenses from the door. Yep...
    totally addicted!! :)

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  44. @Lisa, have you ever been tested to see if you're anemic? I know I am, theres nothing i can really do about it. So, I've come to terms with the ice chewing LOL

  45. I drink. I can't have wine in the house because I'll drink it. Same goes for gin and vodka. I know I'm not an alcoholic since I don't touch all the other alcohol in the house.

    I also talk a lot of shit and can't not gossip. I'm very negative. I yell at every car when I drive. I procrastinate, I'm easily distracted and I'm messy and hate housework. There really isn't anything redeeming about me.

  46. @ Frances and my sis are anemic and chew ice too! when we take our iron supplements, we do notice a reduction in ice chewing, however...

    im addicted to elipses...i use them incorrectly, and I care not! I am also an oversharer, finger cracker, nose picker (i have a nose ring and i always feel like there is something on it, so i pick!), and recently had to take out my tongue ring because i was constantly raking it against my teeth because i liked the sound (and because i decided that I was getting too old for that shit!). Oh! and worse habit...I curse like a sailor on shore leave:)

  47. I crack every bone in my body, except for the knuckles. Drives The Husband bananas.

    I am a reformed truck driver potty mouth. Used to drop the f-bomb like every other word. Now, I limit it to talking shit on CDAN and when I'm really exasperated .... or really drunk or both.

    LMAO @ super model diet and the daily GH addiction. (I'm on GH hiatus.)

  48. @anita_mark: you and I would get along just fine, as I've often surmised. Let's go on a road trip! We can take turns with the wine and road rage, and stay in hotels where we don't have to do the cleaning. C'mon! It'll be fun!

    Worst bad habit: Sometimes I don't answer my email for weeks. I'll also ignore my voicemail. I got a new phone number two weeks ago and I've given the number out to maybe three people. It's been lovely.

    I also procrastinate like crazy. I hate that about me.

  49. Just being a slob in general. Not to the point of being disgusting (I hope!) but just not tremendously neat or clean, unless I really have to for some reason.

  50. I am also a voicemail avoider, a picker of all things (scalp included -so gross) I bite the inside of my lips and I scratch, scratch, scratch everywhere.
    oh and yep...the smoking.

    I guess I am one of you!!!

  51. Anonymous12:47 PM

    staying awake late on the laptop

  52. 1. Procastrinator (I should be working on a report for work right now).

    2. Cussing like a sailor.

    3. Impatient (especially with stupid people).

    And ohhhh so many more!

  53. Bath salts. It makes you chew off people's faces.

  54. giving my opinion when asked, smoking and stress, I've managed to break four teeth and grind away my cartilage..

  55. @AnotherJosh - double tap.

  56. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Smoking on oxygen. I blew myself up last Thursday. LOL! FRIED my nose.

  57. Anonymous2:04 PM

    In my defense, it was pot, not cigarettes.

  58. @EmEyeKay, sounds great. If I won it big in the lottery, I'd live in hotels. I love hotels. And road trips.

    As I read more of your bad habits, I'm amazed at how many more I have. At least I quit smoking years ago. Oh, I guess writing that also made me obnoxious. Fuck!

    Swearing is a habit I have no intention of giving up. I love it too much.

  59. Mine is definitely food! I love it.

    To the smokers, I smoked for over 20 years and quit 9 months ago. One day at a time, it is possible.

  60. I pick everything on anyone who will let me. I dig their ears to eliminate ear wax, I pick dandruff of their scalp, scabs, little skin pickies, dead skin, pop their knuckles, etc. Although I won't pick other peoples' noses, so I'll use that standard to put myself squarely back into human category and out of monkey category.

    Good to see I'm amongst friends.

  61. Shit. I have loads of bad habits.


    diet coke

    biting the insides of my cheeks

    picking pimples on my face

    chewing on the sides of my fingernails

    I'm aggressive to strangers sometimes

    I have zero patience

    I think my way is the right way most of the time

    That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's more though.

  62. I twiddle my thumbs a lot - even when I love a conversation. I do not mess w/my eyebrow shape, but I love to tweeze. If I see hairs growing anyplace and I pull out the tweezers. I don't like to wait until they are ready to tweeze, and so I leave scabs. Luckily they haven't scarred...Late night eBay shopping when I can't sleep, or when I get stressed, argh!! I also post emotional and wacky comments on fb after I have taken sleeping pills - I feel like I sound drunk. I have had to hide the phone between the mattress once I take Ambien for fear of what I might do...

  63. lol yay! I feel like I belong somewhere! lol

    I've been reading this site for years, and used to post under my given name, but I have a restraining order against someone, and had to change my internet presence. He once broke the restraining order via blogger.

    kinda sucks that i need a pseudonym, but I'm glad to be amongst friends!

  64. Well, thank goodness so many others 'fessed up to smoking, my WORST habit by far. Quit a couple of times a few years back but caved in a moment of stress and that was that.
    Procrastination, as well. (Judy Tenuta: "My mom said I procrastinated too much, but I told her, 'Just you wait!'") Swearing and laziness (cleaning the place? Ugh!) as well. Many more, I'm sure...

  65. I am always late too. I don't mean to, I try to plan ahead and I'm a very considerate person otherwise, but I suck at time management. Oh, how lovely it must be to relax on the couch for 15 minutes before an outing instead of running around like a crazy person. . . I would also like to give up my celebrity gossip sites at some point, but since I ditched the smokes and Diet Coke I'm going to ride this one a little longer. Oh, and I do swear, and the C*U*N*T word makes me giggle (I know it's not supposed to, but I can't help it!). Hey, if anyone is looking for a slightly healthier Diet Coke alternative, I love the Hansens Diet Cola. I was a D.C addict for almost 20 years and Hansens is the only thing that helped me make the switch :)

  66. Cursing like a sailor

    Eating whole cans of Eagle Brand sweetened and condensed milk

    Driving like a maniac

  67. I don't have a cell phone and I never answer the home phone.

    Oh and I smoke too.

  68. My worst habit is I suntan, out in the sun. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs; tanning is my only "vice" but I look and feel healthier tanned and laying out in the sun is relaxing and de-stressing.

  69. Ice and anemia - I had severe anemia, runs in the family - and have crunched ice since I was a toddler. Got my iron finally straightened out and quit crunching ice every time I saw it! Wow, had never thought about that. :-)

  70. I pick my zits, drink too much soda and am pretty forgetful. When I say forgetful, only with work stuff, go figure.

  71. Chocolate, messiness, stubbornness, aggro driver, have moments of scheudenfraude, alternatively, can be very gullible and easily manipulated - am getting better with that, am attempting to get better with the other stuff too. Believe that I am on the autism spectrum as I can be quite pedantic.
    Would love to go on the road trip with anita_mark and co., am excellent at planning - the good side of pedantic. Thanks for sharing everybody.

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  73. @feraltart are you a gamer? I haven't heard the word aggro since I played wow, css, and l4d

  74. Hi Frances Parker, no I am not a gamer. I am rather pathetic with the whole hand/eye co-ordination needed for them.

  75. Ok, curiosity, what does ice chewing have to do with anemia?

    Worst habit, bing's eating and not keeping tgd house as clean as I want it.

    1. Ice chewing is indicative of something called pica. Pica is thought to be the eating things that are otherwise not ingestible "food". The thought process is that your body is craving what your body is lacking, minerals etc.

      Blogger ate my last comment that was filled with more resources. So frustrating. But yeah, check out pica :)

  76. Worst one is that I'm always late.
    I also procrastinate. My sister is the same. She likes to tell people "I bought a book about procrastination once, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet."

  77. ^^Have been trying to get around to buying that book ;-)

    And many more things!

  78. Hey RenoBlondee - it's all good! So happy I made the leap and left him. I managed to leave and not go back to smoking!

    The problem with the baby photo is here is an example of having a great photographer and the best set up possible and yet they managed to not show baby Max at her best.

  79. Believing my constructive critism will be appreciated by the one it's directed at.

    And smoking.

    And carbs.

    1. *and poor grammar appearently. Sorry - delirious after 3 consecutive night shifts...
