Apparently Will Smith is not a big fan of male reporters from the Ukraine trying to kiss him on the lips. Now, if he had been from Switzerland, then that would have been different. I guess something about the Ukraine really bugs Will. Anyway, if you watch the really quick video you will see the reporter go in for the kiss and Will turns away. You know that turn away. Guys know it all too well. You go in for the kiss thinking that your booze and anchovy breath is a huge turn on to your date and are shocked when they turn away. I think that is why they were turning away. Come to think of it though, I never heard back from most of those dates. I do know that after they turn away I would never slap them. Will, on the other hand. He is a slapper. I think the slap thing was a little uncalled for. Just walk away.
Is he really gay? I never got that vibe from him, like Tom Cruise and John Travolta give off.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the slap was uncalled for - what this reporter did was uncalled for.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ms. Cool. If someone did that to me, I might react the same way.
ReplyDeletethe interviewer is known for kissing celebrities. He gave him a bitch slap. It was awkward, but funny.
ReplyDeleteThat Will. Being all macho and shit for the cameras. He SLAPPED the dude! That's Will's way of telling the guy "Girl, I would have kissed you - just not on camera."
ReplyDeleteI like his work, but his "acting" offended here is weak. It's interesting to see his panties in a bunch when Will is usually such a cool cat.
I wonder if he would have the same reaction if a lady reporter tried kissing on him
ReplyDeleteI felt really bad for the reporter after seeing this. Obviously he was just doing his thing, but it didn't go well.
ReplyDeleteI would have slapped him, too, or more likely, started backing up as soon as he leaned in. I'm not into people invading my personal space, i.e., I tell people to back off from me at the grocery store on a regular basis. I don't want somebody breathing in my ear while I'm paying for my food. I don't do "close" with strangers, makes me uncomfortable.
/end rant
Hey Em..same way here. I require more personal space than others and I have zero problem telling people they are in it. I say it nicely of course but still. You don't know me that well to be THAT close.
DeleteI'm not down with strangers invading my space either! I'm not a huge Will Smith fan, but I might have reacted the same way in the heat of the moment. Something like that would have made me panic a little.
ReplyDeleteI would have slapped the guy much harder.
ReplyDeleteI am sure he regrets slapping him, but I really can't blame him. That guy was way over the line and Will's reaction was just that...a reaction.
ReplyDeleteHe tried to play along at first and when the man asked for a hug Will was generous with him until the reporter took it to far.
Is he really gay?
The clinical term for his reaction here is "protesting too much."
^Exactly! I don't know what people are thinking sometimes... standing thisclose to someone isn't going to make the line go any faster. I used to be rude, because it freaked me out, now I'm much nicer.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, some people just don't get it, they look at me like I'm nuts. But they move :)
His initial reaction was push the guy away and walk away. Perhaps the extra slap a little unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Will Smith fan. Never have been, but I do think what he did here was completely justified.
ReplyDeleteI would have punched him right in the face. For all Will knew, the guy might have had a sharp object or something.
ReplyDeleteUnless I have a ring on my finger (purchased by said kisser) I wouldn't appreciate that either.
ReplyDeleteUncalled for and invasive.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt would be hilarious if the interviewer pressed assault charges on him. Will's "nice guy" act is just that- an act.
ReplyDeleteMe thinks the lady doth protest too much..
ReplyDeleteReminds me of what Denzel told Will back around 20 years ago. Denzel said "Don't be kissing no man." Don't know if he meant onscreen or in general. Seems like Will is still heading that advice.
ReplyDeleteRemember Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat kissed everybody? I'm still amazed he never got his teeth knocked down his throat.
Will was assaulted. Good on him for defending himself. I also hate people in my space. Had to get security for a guy who deliberately stood right next to me when I was seated and was drinking with the arm near my face. I asked him politely to move away and he wouldn't. When I almost got elbowed I went off and got security to move him. He was a total tool who argued with security, had to move though.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Will reacted the same way when Benny Medina (allegedly) did the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI like Will, but this was wayyy too much machismo. He's overcompensating. Methinks the dude doth protest too much.
ReplyDeleteSome people do not take kindly to having their personal space invaded so intimately by a stranger. I can't fault Will Smith for his initial reaction. I don't care what his alleged sexuality is as it has no bearing in this particular case. Believe me, I'm not a Will Smith or Smith family fan, but I have to take his side here, because sadly, he will get flack for not playing along. The reporter ought to get a new schtick, or at least ask before he moves in for the peck - c'mon!
ReplyDeleteI would of slap the piss out that guy! What the fuck is wrong with people.
ReplyDeleteAgreed nettaloves! The clinical term is hardly called he protests too much. If some random guy did this to a straight actress, would she be protesting her sexuality to whack him upside the head? Hell no! I don't care what Will Smith does in the closet, the bedroom, bathroom, hotel room or with the Swiss, but I think he should get to decide who he wants kissing on him. Just as we all should have that right.
ReplyDeleteSo what is Will's nice guy persona in an act? They ALL act, have crafted public personalities. Will's not the first, won't be the last.
ReplyDeleteDoth protest do much. GTFOH with that. If someone you didn't know tried to kiss any of you, you'd wouldn't have been as nice. You'd probably shove them to the ground. I would! Sexuality has NOTHING to do with it. Will was nice to the guy, and he stepped over the line. If a female celeb did this, you'd give her a standing O. Reverse sexism for the effing loss!
I'd have probably lashed out, too. Dude coulda had God knows what kinda gross shit going on in that open mouth of his. Not cool.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I missed it, but it didn't look to me like he was going for the mouth, but the two cheek kiss. Still, uncalled for kissing from an interviewer in a crowd.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ms Cool - I would have totally slapped someone who did that to me. You don't just kiss a stranger, that's gross and absolutely uncalled for. I can't believe that's someone's "schtick" - blech.
ReplyDeleteukraine does not require an article.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a gay or straight thing, it's a "get the fuck OFF me!" thing, and the slap seemed to be more of an "I mean it! Back off!" gesture. Having had my share of unwanted advances of that nature, and not liking people in my personal space, I understand completely. (I probably would have shoved him away rather roughly, but slapping's always a possibility.) Will may or may not be on the downlow, but nobody needs strangers slobbering on them; in spite of what one might think watching reality TV, there is still such a thing as boundaries, and it's best not to violate them.
ReplyDelete*paging Miss Manners* It's also just plain ill-mannered; technically one is supposed to wait for the person with more power/authority/whathaveyou to make the first move, and go along with what they do in terms of hand-shaking, etc., so if Will had really wanted a big old smooch from the guy, he would have given him one first, at which point the reporter would be within his rights to reciprocate. When in doubt, though, you'll never go wrong being more formal. (BTW, in the SCA it's the lady who determines whether the gentleman is allowed to merely kiss her hand or can go further, and real gentlemen don't go any further unless the lady makes it very clear that such would be fine by her.)
^^^ SCA--Society for Creative Anachronism, a worldwide group of medieval/renaissance re-creators, of which I'm a member. Go to www.sca.org if you'd like to learn more!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Will Smith fan - he's much too smarmy for my liking. And I don't care if he's gay.
ReplyDeleteBut it's ridiculous to me how many people are going with the "protesting too much" line. Even if he is gay, it doesn't mean he wants to be assaulted by some idiot he doesn't know.
Gay or straight, he's fully entitled to be pissed off by that, as far as I'm concerned.
You can tell he's legitimately pissed and the slap was totally knee-jerk. I would have lost my s**t on someone doing that to me! He was completely justified and the "poor" reporter is lucky it wasn't worse.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like the kiss on each cheek greeting to me? It doesn't seem like the reporter meant anything by it?
ReplyDeleteThat's what it looks like to me too, @chasingheaven. It looks like he way overreacted, perhaps because of all the bad press abt him being gay???
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised Will didn't punch the guy, regardless of his choice of sexual partners.
ReplyDeleteIf the guy had done that to me, I'd have slapped the taste out of his mouth. That was inappropriate and rude. I get sick of people having "shticks" and it's supposed to be funny and you just go along with it. GTFOHWTS!!!No. Sacha Baron Cohen would get his ass kicked if he came at me with that ridiculous foolishness he performs.
ReplyDeleteNothing pisses me off more than someone assuming being a dick is ok if they can get a laugh at your expense. He should have punched him.
I thought it was hilarious! My take on it is that it was the smirk on the guy's face that made Will slap him. If it had been accidental (lips touching), I don't think he would have cared. But seeing the smirk, he knew the guy did it on purpose.
ReplyDeleteabsolutely ridiculous...slap was unneccessary, but I totally see where he is coming from. I would be completely offended if someone I didnt know tried to kiss me without permission.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Will for having this reaction.