Today's Blind Items - The Wife Who Cries
Want to see a wife who cries every night? Look no further than this gorgeous B list movie actress. Only movies. Never television. Her husband is a well known celebrity. An actor. You would all know him. He is also one of the biggest cheaters out there. She could do so much better but she is afraid to leave him. He has brainwashed her into believing that he is the only one who would ever find her attractive. The only one who would ever want to be with her. He demeans her whenever he can. He cheats every day whether his wife is there or not. He says he cheats because it is expected of him. Like he is doing it out of some sort of devotion to his craft. He is abhorrent. he gets away with it though because people like him. In private though he is a terror. The only time he has ever said anything nice about his wife? In public. Never private. He tries to keep her sheltered from her family. Wants him by his side except at night. That is his "personal time" with the women he keeps on retainer and the ones he meets on sets and in hotel bars when he shows off and preens. Meanwhile, his wife is upstairs. Crying. Wondering if it will ever get better.