Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's Blind Items - Back On Heroin

This C+ singer had kicked her heroin habit. She was on the road to recovery when this former A list singer who has had a loooooong time heroin habit was hanging out with her a few weeks ago and decided to shoot up in front of her. The next thing you know she was trying it again. For the past few weeks she has been going at it like she never stopped. The former A list singer has a history of getting actresses and other singers hooked on heroin. He says it is because he doesn't like to do it alone. One actress he was with has never fully recovered in her career since being hooked. She went from a solid B to barely getting work now.


  1. Dont know, but what a dick!! Get help man!

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Misery loves company.

  3. Mick Jagger for Alist singer? He dated Angelina didn't he?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i'm going to guess kesha for the c singer. don't know about the a singer, though

  6. Lana del Rey, Axl Rose, don't know the actress

    1. Axl rose likes uppers not downers, I know somebody who used to work as a runner for him

    2. Axl rose likes uppers not downers, I know somebody who used to work as a runner for him

  7. Is Sly Stone still alive? If we want to go old school I would say him as the former A list singer.

  8. taylor momson and marilyn manson?

  9. momsen* but really who cares lol

  10. Lana did cancel a show for "exhaustion" but I'm wondering who the actress was =\

  11. I like the Axl guess!

  12. I like the Axl guess too. Took the words out of my mouth, RenoBlondee!

  13. @Jburg22, that was my first thought, too, but I can't find who the actress would be. Axl Rose was with Stephanie Seymour, but she was a model and only appeared as an actress in two things (a TV episode and one movie) and those were long after they split.

    Still could be him and Lana, though.

  14. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Lana was just seen with Steven Tyler. His daughter is Liv. She hasn't had much work lately.

  15. im also feeling the axl and lana guess but no clue about the actress. if i stick to my original momsen/manson guess the actess could be rose mcgowan?

  16. ^ I was thinking Rose McGowan but she HAS had work. Not great work, but work. Also doesn't strike me as a junkie.

  17. hmm what has evan raechel wood been up to? off to imdb

  18. B list actress might be Kirsten Dunst.

  19. oh crap forgot abt true blood lol

  20. I'm actually liking the Lana/Steven Tyler/Liv Tyler guess more than the Axl Rose guess personally

  21. actually.. werent there rumors abt lana and marilyn manson too??

  22. Lana/Axl/Stephanie Seymour?

  23. Except that Steven Tyler was never "with" Liv... she's his daughter.

  24. I refuse to believe Liv Tyler is part of this

  25. I refuse to believe Liv Tyler is part of this

  26. It can't be Steven and Liv Tyler. She's his daughter, and the blind says it was an actress is was "with." Pretty sure that means dated or at least hooked up with.

  27. I can't figure out the actress so I could be wrong, Axl just wouldn't surprise me. Momsen/Manson may be likely but I can't seem to figure out when she was cleaning it up, ha.

  28. OT Rose McGowan- I did not know that she was a survivor of the Children of God sect ? (The same cult that River Phoenix grew up in).

  29. I think lana del ray is bigger than C+, she gets way too much press.

  30. Axl and Lana were my first thought. I don't see this being Steven Tyler. He really seems like he's stayed away from the Heroin and is more on the scrips now. But, I can't figure out the actress. It seems he dated a lot of women so it could be one that didn't get as much limelight.

  31. Wow! @Agent**It:

    I had no idea either and just read Rose McGowan's wikipedia for the first time. I also didn't know she was in a really bad car accident in 2007 - that could explain some of the plastic surgery.

  32. Axl more than Tyler for me too, It does sound like the actress who never recovered was sexual, not paternal. Lana isn't known for anything really except suddenly appearing from nowhere to everywhere - so even if she's on the net, she's still C so I buy her.

    However since we are having trouble with the actress, maybe we're on the wrong track.

  33. Oprah had an article in her mag not long ago where she interviewed with Steven Tyler. I only scanned it but it gave the impression after being in rehab a year or two ago, he was doing well.

  34. Don't know/Scott Weiland/Paz de la Huerta

  35. I automatically thought Kesha initially, but I like the Lana/Axl guess now. the actress more than likely would've been from the late 80s early 90s during his peak

  36. Anonymous11:15 AM

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  37. I read this as Courtney Lve. No idea on the other players.

  38. Anonymous11:33 AM

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  39. Robert... Didn't she date Billy Corgan? I think he's a list. Hmmmm.

  40. Yep, my first thought was Courtney Love too. But no idea on the others.

  41. Anonymous11:45 AM


    for the WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. I made it all the way through Slash's autobiography, which was 480 pages in hardcover and full of drugs, drugs, drugs. Apparently Slash has a pump in his heart now because he destroyed it with drugs.

    Anyway, according to Slash, Axl was the only member of Guns 'n' Roses that was NOT a serious drug user. A borderline psychotic, yes, but not a junkie. And since the two of them don't get along, there seems little reason for Slash to lie.

  43. Anonymous11:56 AM

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  44. Steaphanie Seymour has quite a bit on imbd- before 2002. She's my guess for the actress with Lana and Axelas the other two.

  45. I did not read Slash's book, but like Nutty_Flavor, I was always under the impression that Axl was adamantly anti-drugs. Wasn't that one of the reasons he didn't get on well with the band? Does anyone have any insider deets?

    This is a juicy/depressing blind. Jeez.

  46. Hmm. My vote goes to K$sha, Mick Jagger (there was a story about them doing drugs together a couple of weeks ago), Angelina Jolie.

  47. i was thinking Tara Reid for B list actress -- back in the day...

  48. @jane: not so sure if billy is a list. altho i loved the pumpkins i think there are a decent amount of people that would say "WHO??" not positive tho. i could def be wrong.

    @nutty: thats what i always heard about axl too. he certainly did not abstain but he has said he never made it a habit. then again.. most addicts dont readily admit it

  49. Rebecca Gayheart for the barely working actress?

  50. I was all ready for this to be Nikki Sixx, cause he seems like the sort to say “I don’t want to do it alone” but he’s not a singer.

    The Scott Weiland/Paz guess is great, though.

    Maybe Anthony Kiedis? Girlfriend could be Laura Prepon. No clue on the C list singer.

    Perry Farrell?

  51. Can we fit Scott Weiland in this threesome somehow?

  52. damn, missing the earlier guesss

  53. i thought of weiland and paz but paz is not a singer as stated in the blind. unless that part was fudged by enty?

  54. But won't Mick Jagger always be A-list (not former) by the sheer virtue of him being, well, Mick Jagger? Same with Steven Tyler, especially now with AI.

  55. Was Pete Doherty ever A-list??

    Don't throw tomatoes at me, please.

  56. Axl and Tyler are still A list.

    ?, chris robinson, Kate Hudson not getting any work?

  57. I really don't know but Mischa Barton seems like an actress who barely works and may have or has had a drug problem.

  58. duhh @ my last comment up there^.. was so concentrated on the first 2 ppl that i forgot abt the 3rd person - actress who never recovered - and that can fit paz. she seems like a trainwreck. just have no clue who the female singer would be if the male singer is weiland

  59. I think Paz is more a drinker, and her bizarre disgusting habits are what got her fired from Broadway Empire - remember the tampon story?

    Good to know about Axl, I take it back.

  60. @barleye -
    Axl is former A list. Hasn't been on the A list since the 90's. He is crap now.

    Can't be Jagger/Jolie,I wouldn't say that Jolie's career "has never fully recovered". She is still A+ list.

  61. Axl never did heroin. He looked like a druggie but in reality couldn't stand them and didn't do them. Even kicked out band members for doing too many drugs.

  62. Scott Weiland is a good guess. He got his brother hooked, and he ended up dying from it. Total asshole. Not sure about the female C+ lister, although Courtney Love came to mind for some reason.

  63. Mick Jagger and Angelina Jolie never "dated", he was interested in her when she was a teenager, and it was my understanding he took advantage of her (sexually).

  64. Anonymous1:30 PM

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  65. Marilyn Manson, Rose Mcgowan(?) and Courtney Love..

  66. What about Cisco Adler (though not sure if he could be considered A list) with Mischa Barton for the actress who never really recovered? Not sure who the C+ singer would be though...

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  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. i am going with sixx. he does sing backup vocals for the crue and sixx am!

  70. Angelina Jolie shouldn't even be a guess on here. Yes she uses Heroin, but she's been a user for years and it's never affected her career. She's all A+ list. She's never ever dropped to a B and barely gets work.

    C+ list singer = Courtney Love

    I believe she was trying to be on the road to recovering...but now she may have fallen off the wagon again. She's known for being a heroin and oxycotin user.

  71. Anonymous1:59 PM

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  72. Courtney and Scott Weiland shared the same drug dealer,per his book "Not Dead & Not For Sale". Don't know if that helps.

  73. I'd read somewhere (for the life of me can't recall where) that Jagger was into running, health food and taking care of himself these days.

  74. Mckenzie Phillips?

  75. I Commented awhile back on another item about Rose growing up in that cult. Although her family escaped when she was 12, I bet she still suffered some sexual abuse that the cult is known for. Sick and sad.

  76. Marilyn Manson never does heroine, he does other drugs.Mostly coke I believe, thats what he is known for.
    *why do I know this? (was a fan for a reallllly long time as an angsty teen)*
    And I wouldn't call him A-list or a has been-a-list.

    Popular heroin-user; Trent Reznor,
    but highly doubt he still does that since he just had a kid :P

  77. I am still thinking Avril Lavigne for the clist singer.. But not really an idea who would be the A-list singer, besides Marilyn Manson.. But he doesn't do heroin -.-

  78. I'm late to the party - on vacation w/o much internet access - but i want to know what's up with all the deleted posts from Robert Martin.

    Forgive me if my crazy phone posts this 53 times.

    For what it's worth, this BI stinks of Courtney Love.

  79. What about Richie Sambora and Ally Sheedy. She stated he got her hooked on drugs. Don't know who the singer would be.

  80. Pam Anderson for solid B actress? Or is she more of a solid A mess?

  81. See I thought Rose said Marilyn did heroin. I believe his drug problem was partial to Blane for Evan break up. I'm going with Mannson Rose and Taylor. Rose is not nearly in as many movies and before. Her star power has taken a hit.

  82. Also google Marilyn Manson and heroin. Remember thE whole Angelina Jolie heroin thing?

  83. Lenny Kravits??

  84. Billy Corgan, Courtney Love.

  85. oldies guess- James Taylor

  86. I don't see Billy Corgan on heroin - he kicked the drummer out of his band multiple times because they were all sick of his drug use and I'm sure I've read that he's anti drugs. Would be

    1. (GOD my phone sucks)

      Would be hypocritical for him to kick a band member out for drug use and be a heroin user.

      Ps. I love him *sigh*

  87. It's not Nikki Sixx..He's clean and if you've read the Heroin Diaries, he shot up alone, in his closet, thinking that aliens and shit were attacking him. Not him (besides the fact he can't sing very well).

    Manson doesn't do heroin (as stated above).

    This one needs to be revealed but it won't be.

  88. Anonymous8:22 PM

    What about James Blunt? Although Enty's use of "looooong" makes the singer seem more "legendary" than one-hit-wonder Blunt...

  89. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Pink- yer "Runner" buddy is lying- First- Axl does not have "Runners"- He is managed By A person who has been with the band since 1990- and her daughter and son are his personal assistants- Nor does he "like" uppers- And have any of you ever seen a Junkie (Keith Richards... Hello!)
    Pretty easy to spot when you are doing H- First off- The person will ALWAYS be wearing long sleeves.....

    1. There are a few exceptions. A very few junkies shoot under their arms or between their toes.

  90. I hope the singer is not Pink!!! I love her and I really don't want her back on heroin.

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  92. @Sarah, Stephanie Seymour has a lot on IMDB before 2001, but it was all as herself, not as an actress.

  93. enty says "The former A list singer has a history of getting actresses and other singers hooked on heroin. He says it is because he doesn't like to do it alone."

    so the heroin addict singer is a he. first person i thought of was pete doherty. he has said before that he doesn't like to do drugs alone, or be alone.
