Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Drinks 24 Hours A Day

Radar is reporting that last week, the Housewives from Beverly, Hills that is. Swimming pools and movie stars all took a trip to some resort because that is what a group of friends do here every week. The whole city empties out because groups of six women all book spa vacations. Oh and they all take a camera crew with them filled with young men. Anyway, Taylor Armstrong and the other Real Housewives did this and apparently Taylor had a breakdown every night fueled by her drinking. This is where I think the story gets out of hand. I believe Taylor drinks from waking up until passing out. I have no problems with that. The woman is a lush. She drinks so much that I wonder how she even functions to take care of her daughter and then realized she hires people for that, because you know, she cares.

The problem I have with the story is they say she has 30-40 drinks a day. I don't think so. I don't even have 30 drinks a day on the weekends. Granted I have very strong drinks so I may have the equivalent of about 20, but if you are drinking 30 to 40 drinks a day then you are having a drink every 15-20 minutes all day and all night and I don't think a tiny person like Taylor can do that. Can't wait to see the melt down though. I wonder who she screams at. She probably blames the whole judge not dismissing the lawsuit brought by that medical records company who is suing her for $1.5M. Taylor is going to have to pay and she does not have it.


  1. I believe it, especially if she's doing coke or Adderall.

  2. I believe it just cuz it's Taylor Armstrong. It's like the old joke:

    Q: Do you believe the latest story about Madonna?
    A: Of course! By the way, what is the latest story about Madonna?

  3. Then we should expect the coca-ethanol/cocaethylene to destroy Taylor's already-taxed liver and kidneys any day now.
    Can't party (and diet) hardcore like that into adulthood without some eventual harm to all of the body's organs.

    Or so I have read...the name Whitney Houston rings a bell...

  4. Tolerance can work wonders.

  5. My neighbor is a small man and he drinks from the time he wakes up til he goes to bed/passes out. He goes through 7-8 cases of beer and 4 bottles a week. yes, tolerance can work wonders.

  6. I, too, have a neighbor who drinks constantly. He's in his late 60s, and has been drinking his entire adult life although I'm told the all-day, every day drinking didn't start until about 10 years ago. On the weekends it is especially bad. I'm amazed at how high his level of functioning is, and I don't know how his heart, stomach lining, and liver keep working. He starts with beer in the morning (and I am talking about first thing in the morning) and then moves to vodka after about three or four in the afternoon and drinks that until he is incoherent and barely conscious. He starts the evening very genial and funny, but usually ends very nasty and angry. It's pretty sad. I'd say on the weekends he has close to 30 drinks a day, but he's a good deal larger than Taylor.

  7. My father drinks a bottle of vodka (the cheap, bottom shelf, easily confused with rubbing alcohol kind) every day. He is a large man but can easily finish the bottle in a few hours and is hammered and mean. He's been doing this for atleast 20yrs, with maybe a week sober in that entire time. I'm sure hed drink more than a bottle a day but his funds are limited. When I was at my height of drinking, I could also finish a bottle a day (and I am small) I started drinking at 12 so my tolerance is much much higher. I rarely drink now tho, but I'm a fun drunk..but a drunk none the less.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My MIL is 71 and can drink an entire bottle of burnetts vodka (the 740 mil sz) in 6 hours. She weighs 120 soaking wet and can be the meanest bitch stumbling around. Oh yes I believe Taylor is on the same train here.

  10. I can drink a whole bottle of wine after work (5:00 pm) plus a few beers but always feel like crap the next day. I don't see how people can drink every single day without feeling like shit. I'm 45

  11. I'm just not buying this story. I'm not saying she's not messed up, but I think this is her "storyline" for next season. She knows no one likes her and she should get the boot so she's creating a drinking problem.

  12. Enty, were you drunk when you wrote this? The first two lines are incomprehensible -- and the rest isn't much better.

  13. I'm ashamed to say that I'm secretly happy to think of her as a miserable drunk, but I think she is just desperate to create drama so that she won't be cut from the show. I thought I heard she was being phased out. This is just her strategy to keep a paycheck rolling in.

    God forbid she should get a real job like the rest of us.

  14. Actually, you guys have got the conspiracy backwards. Bravo doesn't want her on the show, so this storyline was created as an excuse for why she's going to leave after a few episodes. She'll probably get a nice trip to rehab out of it, so she can pretend to be "back on track" afterwards.

  15. I believe the 40 drinks. Because in that set, a whole meal is what, a Cheez-It? So she takes 40 sips of a double martini all day.

    I think it's turtle time. I'm picking up some Pinot Grigio on the way home. Mmmmmmm.

  16. I used to drink a LOT more than I do now but had to stop because I feel like shit the next day. Sometimes I get nostalgic and get hammered and then the next morning I'm left thinking, "THIS is why I don't do this anymore!" I finally reached my limit.

  17. @JessieE, get thee to TVLand. Enty's opening was a laugh-out-loud nod to The Beverly Hillbillies. (limps back to rocker, grumbling about whippersnappers)

    Correction on Taylor. She does not have it....until this whole pesky lawsuit nonsense dies down and she can take a booze tour to the Cayman Islands.

    By the way, this entire board needs an intervention. I love you all, but your drinking has interfered with our relationship in the following ways:

  18. Oh goodie, more of Taylor being a drunken babbling mess to look forward to next season. Bravo probably wanted to wash their hands of her last season but now it would look bad to have fired her with what happened to her husband and all.

    I can believe she drinks a lot but that number does seem like a lot for someone who doesn't eat.
