Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tabloid That Feels Like A Newspaper Blind Item

WHAT former A-lister and Hollywood womanizer – he supposedly sowed his wild oats before getting married and raising a family – hasn’t been that loyal? The Oscar winner has been having phone sex with a C-list celebrity for years behind his famous actress/wife’s back!


  1. Warren Beatty, years ago a stripper was on the Howard Stern show and said that she used to have phone sex with Warren. He wouldn't physically cheat on Annette, but phone sex was ok.

  2. I have to say, while I don't agree with cheating at all, at least it is only phone sex. That, to me, seems more forgivable than an actual sexual infidelity. It's still not right, though.

  3. I was thinking Michael Douglas, but I like the Warren guess.

    And while phone sex is not exactly the same as cheating physicially, I think the offense to the relationship (trust and emotions) is just as damaging.

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I think phone sex is just as bad as any other form of cheating - you're still getting intimate with someone other than your spouse or significant other.

  5. This just screams Warren Beatty.

  6. Agree with above posters -- Beatty. For a man that has made very few movies, he sure has a rep. Does Reds really negate Ishtar, Town and Country, Dick Tracy? heehee

  7. I'm going to buy him the new Wii internet vibrator for Christmas.

  8. Wait - what's with the heading to this post? What is the Tabloid That Feels Like A Newspaper?

    1. I love your pic. Makes me smile every day. :-)

  9. @EmEyeKay, because the Enquirer refuses to name CDAN but freely uses the BIs, Enty now refuses to use its names. Tit for tat.

    I think this is Warren Beatty.

  10. Could be just about anyone!

  11. Is he actually married or just *perceived* as married? LOL

  12. I'm curious as to who the C list celebrity is.
    And Steppy yes it could be anyone but it's one person ...THINK Woman! (cuz I suck at these blinds)

  13. Affleck came to my mind first.

  14. It's Warren Beatty, and it's not a blind- he got busted for it awhile back. I still don't "get" phone sex. I mean, why?

  15. @Beth - thank you for cluing me in. I haven't noticed Enty saying that before, had no idea what he was talking about!

    1. He said it on his Facebook after the Enquirer said Bethenny Frankel and that jersey shore guy hooking up was ridiculous

  16. Anonymous9:18 AM

    tom cruise

  17. This is 100% Warren Beatty. He was a super notorious male ho before he married Annette. It's rumored that his conquests are legendary.

    This blind was way too easy. I usually sit here scratching my head but not this time.

  18. @kc - agreed. Phone sex seems super-creepy to me.

  19. What no Affleck guesses?! But seeing that Womanizer is a key word I am jumping on board with Warren.

  20. Beatty HAS TO have phone sex. He can't get it up anymore

  21. This could be Warren Beatty or Ben Affleck. They both fit. I'm going to have to go with Warren though. I agree with Jessi and the womanizing key word.

  22. Do WB and AB have kids? I didnt know they'd raised a family...

  23. @misspoopypants - yes, she got pregnant before the 2nd Michael Douglas Batman movie. Annette was supposed to play Catwoman, but the pregnancy killed that. She and Warren married either right before or just after their first child was born.

    Big story lately is their oldest's gender/sexual identity, which I hope they support.

  24. Annette would have been a horrible Catwoman, Michele Pfeifer was a better choice.

  25. Wild guess, Harrison Ford?

  26. Annette can play anything. You must not have seen The Grifters.
