Gary Coleman died almost two years ago. May 28 will be exactly two years. Despite that length of time, nothing much has changed in the battle you last saw played out when the story was front and center so long ago. His ex-wife, Shannon Price is still fighting over control of Gary's money while on the other side of the fight is Gary's ex-girlfriend Anna Gray.
A trial started yesterday and is scheduled to continue today. It is not that Gary died with much money, because he didn't. He had about $500K in assets. But, there is the potential for earnings from residuals and from his name that could bring millions of dollars to the estate over the next 40 years and that beats working which is why the two are fighting. Shannon Price is being shown to be a woman who hated Gary but loved his money. There are the multiple reports and arrests for abuse. One woman testified that Shannon said, "Have you ever seen a black guy with a black eye," and then dragged Gary over to show his black eye which was supposedly at the hands of Shannon.
Poor guy. He didn't deserve this. I hope he comes back as a Chihuahua and bites Shannon Price in the ass.
ReplyDeleteThis can only get classier.
ReplyDeleteWhy do ex-girlfriends/wives get to claim anything? Doesn't he have any family?
ReplyDeleteGary's money should go to Kidney research instead of these poor excuses.
ReplyDeletewow, almost 2 yrs! *time flies* :(
ReplyDeletepoor dude. he sure knew how to pick them.
I like how $500K isn't considered a lot of money by Hollywood standards, tho to the average person it's a boatload.
ReplyDeleteI dont get the black eye joke. Also these hoes r just money hungry.
ReplyDeleteGary's family were the original money grubbers who stole his tv fortune.
ReplyDeleteI still think the circumstances surrounding his death are suspicious. It was documented that he was in a abusive relationship with Shannon. Then when he supposedly falls down the stairs, and she is there, that's the end of the story?? I think she killed him and got away with it.
Geez, this poor dude was used by his parents, abused by his 'wife' and died unhappy. The whole thing bums me out. He was so popular and yet those 3 kids on Diff'rent Strokes were all pretty much trainwrecks...
ReplyDeleteAnna Gray? Christian Gray's wife dated Gary? Crazy.
ReplyDeleteThis is really sickening.