Still Fighting Over Gary Coleman's Money
Gary Coleman died almost two years ago. May 28 will be exactly two years. Despite that length of time, nothing much has changed in the battle you last saw played out when the story was front and center so long ago. His ex-wife, Shannon Price is still fighting over control of Gary's money while on the other side of the fight is Gary's ex-girlfriend Anna Gray.
A trial started yesterday and is scheduled to continue today. It is not that Gary died with much money, because he didn't. He had about $500K in assets. But, there is the potential for earnings from residuals and from his name that could bring millions of dollars to the estate over the next 40 years and that beats working which is why the two are fighting. Shannon Price is being shown to be a woman who hated Gary but loved his money. There are the multiple reports and arrests for abuse. One woman testified that Shannon said, "Have you ever seen a black guy with a black eye," and then dragged Gary over to show his black eye which was supposedly at the hands of Shannon.