Friday, May 04, 2012

Salma Hayek's Husband Wanted Linda Evangelista To Abort Their Baby

This Linda Evangelista/Francois-Henri Pinault trial just gets more and more interesting. So far, Salma Hayek's husband has admitted that he broke up with Linda when she told him she was pregnant. He also wanted her to abort the baby. He said the reason for that was because he did not even know her. Huh. Then perhaps you should not have been having unprotected sex. Because you know what? These things happen when you do, whether you know the person or not.

Now, this is not to say that I think Linda needs all the money she is asking for, BUT, Linda makes a ton of money on her own so it is not like she needs the money for herself and I don't see anything wrong in giving her the $46K a month and we can call it an a-hole fee.


  1. The child should get the same support as he gives his other child(ren) ...the amount of support a man has to pay isn't determined by how much the mother earns, but by how much he earns.

  2. his lawyers are claiming she is trying to bootstrap her way into alimony and that it is "mommy support" not child support. I can see their point of view she as making about 2 million a year. But that is nothing compared to his billions. It looks like the big fees are round the clock security and nannies.

    He got her pregnant he is financially responsible. Salma's daughter i'm sure gets as much if not more each month with their lavish lifestyle.

  3. I didn't want to believe that this site was being written by someone else, but given how it's changed from a caring person to someone just cruel. I believe it now. Sad, I feel like I have lost a friend.
    Almost every post now days also comes from The Daily Mail.
    Check it, it's true.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Legally you'll ways be required to pay support to your child unless the mother chooses not to pursue. She simply wants what her kid deserves and his other children get. I think it's safe to say he's probably not going to be daddy of the year with this child so the kid might as well get something out of his father even if it's just financial. If you don't want the burden then be responsible for your own contraception. You can't force someone to have a kid against their will (although we know those who are desperately trying) and you can't force someone to get an abortion they don't want don't your only other option is to wrap it up or snip snip.

  5. Umm, Enty sounded perfectly sympathetic to Linda here. What'd I miss?

    1. Exactly!
      It's like your in my brain! :)

  6. I saw this on one of the tabloid shows last night--and the "baby" is five--so has this guy been ignoring the child for five years?

  7. Anonymous8:28 AM

    The tone most definitely changes from post to post which seems to confirm that there is a team of people who work on the site. The inconsistencies could also just be someone playing clear favorites (not likely b/c the writing style is different as well) which makes it a lot less interesting.

  8. ENTY hasn't been ENTY for a long, long time. Protestations and defenders nonwithstanding. Hey, when was the last love-mention for The Zooey? A drinking carousing roadtrip story from times gone by to Vegas/ Europe?

  9. Unattractive wealthy man should have been thinking with the unattractive head...... pay up, and a lot. You don't get a pass on the money amount just because *we* think it's a lot of money. He has more money than *we* could ever imagine. $46k x 12 months is just over 1/2 a million a year. I'd go for a flat 1M a year.

  10. @renoblondee I just chose this post to comment on, because it is another one from yesterday's DM.
    I have been an avid reader for 4 yrs & can definitely tell our Enty, who used to sometimes talk to us in the comments is gone ):
    The DM ripoffs and just lack of compassion has convinced me.

  11. Diana, you have something negative to say about the site nearly every day. You don't seem to enjoy your time here. Would you perhaps be happier on a different site?

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      @Nuts No, I think I'll continue to express what and how I feel about whatever I feel like and people are more than welcome to jump on board, completely disagree or simply not give a fuck. However, if you want to know the whys behind my so-called negs, there is one ghost writer in particular that is awful, completely different in tone and who adds nothing to the conversation. Plus, they completely lack the ability or willingness to proofread their posts even though they are timed well ahead. I don't think it's wrong to expect more when the quality decidedly changes when this person gets behind the keyboard. Also, I'm not the only one who has pointed this out. Perhaps if enough of us do they'll get rid of this particular ghost or the ghost will stop half-assing it.

  12. Personally I believe he should pay, and who has unprotected sex with someone you don't know ? What an ass...

  13. And this poor little chap will know exactly what a turd his father is, but was too lazy to buy a rubber johnny.

  14. I can't believe this idiot let it go to trial. Pay up, Henri, and shut up while you're at it.

  15. In fact, I'm generally tired of people hanging out in the comment sections and whining about the blog, the writer and/or writers, etc. There are so many places to go on the internet, people! Go, be happy! Find a blog and a blogger that you love, that works for you!

  16. I have to agree Aly.
    It sucks that our Enty, that loveable guy,with all the exes, has left us without even a good bye.
    He cared about us & liked the people he wrote about. Most, anyways.
    Now we are slammed with children being abused & nothing done about it, which is extremely disturbing. IMO
    someone who slams Demi, whose only crime I can see is being human.
    I loved the real Enty

  17. Thanks Aly and Unknown! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.

  18. Hey, you know what I believe this is a free country & people are free to say what they like.
    If you can't agree with that Nutty whatever, maybe it is you who should move on.
    Long time readers surely must see how the whole tone & style of writing have changed.

  19. I miss him Audrey & hope someday he will come back.

  20. I have noticed as well.. hardly a bacon refrence now. :(

    On to Linda, hey, I say go for it girl!

  21. This is a gossip blog on the interweb. The entire site was based around the elusiveness of the blog writer himself, and now we're complaining that we've changed one mysterious individual for another mysterious individual(s).

    I have noticed it, but I can't let it bother me. I don't pay to come here (and to anyone who donated for a book, thats your problem.)

  22. I am completely Team Linda, the guy is a billionaire. He should support all his children in an equal fashion. Seems to me like he is paying someone to slam Linda in the press to avoid his responsibilities.

  23. Some people are only happy when they are miserable.


    I lurk about 97% of the time but as long as the comments section stays diverse and cool, I won't be going anywhere. He/she/whomever provides thought starters and everyone kind of takes it and runs with it. That's why I come here. Can't speak for anyone else, though.

  24. While I much prefer reading everyone's witticisms regarding each post to complaints about "Enty", "Enty" won't know anything is wrong if people don't complain.

    "It's better to burn out than to fade away"; fading away is what the site will do if the locals become too restless.

  25. (and to stay on topic)

    I'm not quite sure why she needed to point out that he wanted her to abort. Will that help her case? Is it her way of implying that he acknowledged being the father? I would think a paternity test would nip that in the bud.
    It's pretty clear this guy is not interested in being a part of the boy's life and it's a crappy thing that kid will read one day.

  26. Children being abused bothers me.
    I still love this site & like the people that come here & comment.
    I just miss the guy who spoke to us, in such a way that you felt like a friend.

  27. Let's just be honest.
    You love the gossip but you love to complain about Enty more.

    do you also go back to restaurants with shitty food or bad service?

    "This food is awful, I bet it's not the same chef! It hasn't been the same chef for YEARS and yet we come back everyday. The last chef was much more funny, although I think the new chef is a woman. Either way change scares me!"

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      @Jax That's genuinely funny as opposed to mean spirited and attempting to be funny. Good one!

  28. Wow I love this site, recently started commenting so if it has other writers I'm not mad.

  29. @ jax

    I second what you say. He's an easy target.

    An old fat man with 365 days worth of posts will have different styles depending on his mood or hangover, and fat fingers on a broken down keyboard will guarantee that typos happen.

    BTW, he has always given credit to others when he publishes their work.

  30. Goddammit, Unknown and DianaTheWhoever, and everyone else constantly cracking on who Enty is and blah, blah, blah.

    Just STOP, please.

    I doubt any of us who have been reading and commenting here a long time (5-6 years running) gives a shit who Enty is or whether Enty "changes" from time to time.

    What HAS changed is commenters like y'all ruining it all the time.

    Sorry, but if you don't like it...LEAVE.

    1. I totally agree with you! I don't post very often, but have been coming here back since FFF's and I find it wayyyyy more annoying to read fiftyleven comments about "Enty changing" than if his writing style changes.

      And it kind of bums me out out that certain posters never post anymore like RQ, Rita & Ida. I didn't necessarily always agree with them but damn, they were as entertaining as the posts about celebs!

  31. I'm sure Linda is no sweetie, but I bet she'd put the bulk of that in trust for the kid. Lets be real, that guy can afford it, he's a billionaire three times over. That money is chump change to him, what's he spending to fight it?

    I'd be willing to bet that his wife has a lot to do with his attitude toward the child. Salma doesn't strike me as being the type to embrace her child's sibling as part of her own family. I'm sure she made an ultimatum before marrying him. I'm sure that she thinks her legitimate daughter should be held in an elevated position.

  32. Yeah, you have rights, it's a free country, we all have free will to speak/comment...all that good stuff.

    But can y'all just please stop with the constant bitching?


    (BTW this is my first ever comment in this regard; I just finally snapped over here, sorry)

  33. *hands selenakyle a cookie and a glass of milk and runs for my life*

  34. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'm with Selena. Why continue to read a site if you are just going to complain about the person/persons running it, rather than actually comment on the gossip? It's like a few months ago, when one of the commenters used EVERY SINGLE posting to bitch about the money for the radio show. Give it a rest, already.

    On topic: I'm "team neither of these people," frankly. They both sound like spoiled, rich, smug assholes. And, Henri? A rubber costs a lot less than $46k a month.

    1. Hey Texshan, this is totally random, but while I'm in a posting mood today, I thought I'd say this. In a your turn last week, you said you grew up in Sugar Land and I did too!!! I still live in Houston (I think you've said you do too) but inside the loop now. Anyways, I loved growing up in SL and just wanted to say hi!

  35. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't give a baboon's red butt who Enty is or isn't, are or aren't, never did. The unnecessary mean spirited post about Demi and others like it of late, I don't get or appreciate especially when it's so unlike the normal tone exhibited throughout the day even when the writing styles change. That's my only complaint. Well, that and the blatant ripoff of misleading headlines from other sites. That's just lazy. I think the commenters have been making the site of late b/c it really hasn't been the posts and whether we all agree or disagree or don't care one way or another, I think most would agree it's generally amusing and entertaining whether it's on topic or off.

  36. WHY would you put that in public divorce pleadings, where your child is sure to hear of it someday. it has nothing to do with her need for support, and is not a basis for denying custody now.

  37. Thank you Me! That kiddo is already cursed with a self indulgent "I won't get out of bed for less than 10 grand a day" mother. "His father wanted me to abort him" sheesh man. I cannot imagine what sort of impact that's going to have once he's old enough to google his own name (and haven't we all done that?)

    Texshan (hey hey, I'm in Austin :D) I agree about both of them being assholes.

    Having lurked since MV, I really never paid attention to who was writing what. I get what Unknown is saying, in that there have been posts that almost 'overshared' (if that makes sense) on the writer's life. That helped lay the foundation of other folks being comfortable with sharing parts of their life that maybe otherwise wouldn't have happened. At the same time, why not look for the silver lining and keep it positive? Friendships have been formed that otherwise would not exist.
    Life goes on.

    And Demi is batshit.

  38. sarah- Agreed. You just know Salma is not facilitating an endearing relationship between Henri and Linda’s child. Not to assume it is always the woman’s fault, but Lainey writes often about Salma being a huge bitch!

    I think the blog has changed so much recently and I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed! Some of the long timers feel they need an explanation or are genuinely curious as to what is really going on. My bet is he sold the site.

  39. I'm with ABlake. I figured this isn't the old Enty since he adored Britney Spears and the new writer has no trouble mocking her. But I like the new writer or writers so I'm cool with that.

    This is a pretty juicy story only because both Linda and Salma are gorgeous celebrities on their own. This guy looks like a troll. I hope their kids look more like the moms.

  40. lol jax's comment sums things up nicely.

  41. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Waving to you from Houston, ABlake!

    1. Waving from Angleton! (40min from Houston)

  42. "What HAS changed is commenters like y'all ruining it all the time."

    Fucking co-signed. *sends more cookies selenakyle's way*

    I've been blogging for almost ten years and my early posts and the posts I've made the past couple years bear almost no resemblance to each other. And even month to month and day to day the differences can be pretty considerable. Human beings contradict themselves all the time.

    It's easy to feel like you know someone because you read what they have to say on the internet, but that's an illusion. You probably know just as much about the person who delivers your mail or does your dry cleaning as you have ever really known about Enty.

  43. Wearing my Astro's baseball cap in your honor today, Tex!
    Hi Trey *hug*

  44. "And, Henri? A rubber costs a lot less than $46k a month." hahaha

    Whoever released this information is an asshole, does it really help the case? The kid is going to feel great in the future while reading about how his sperm donor wished he was aborted. He doesn't deserve the title of father.

  45. I recognize the dissenters have an obvious point. The posts' grammar, syntax and lack of proper punctuation is annoying and seem very rushed most days now.

    The "break from the past" for me was when I could begin reading CDAN at 9:00am and no longer had to wait until noon for my goss fixes!

    For that alone I'm happier than ever with it.

    BUT the pop-up ads all of a sudden are all kinds of annoying. I hope they stop or will be kicking my own self off here.

    And now I'm fighting a GD "happili*" Google redirect virus and I've just plain HAD IT with frickin' computers today.

    Any of y'all getting those? They're happili* and scour.

    Fucking hackers, I want to gouge their eyeballs out. No, better yet--I want to throw them out of a fast-moving car on the Interstate.

  46. Or that other old chestnut: "Ugh, the food here is terrible!" "Yeah, and such small portions!"

  47. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Aw, ABlake, my beloved Lastros! Poor guys. Twice a year, they have a "Dog Days at the Park" at Minute Maid, where people can bring their dogs to the game. I'm bringing my two badly behaved, undisciplined pomeranians with little man syndromes to a game in September. I fully expect to be escorted out by security before the third inning, after they try to bully a rottweiler.

    Hi, Manda! 40 minutes? What, do you actually go the speed limit on 288? :-)

  48. Was there actually an admission that they had unprotected sex? Because maybe the condom broke or fell off. Also, maybe Linda was on the pill yet forgot to take one, perhaps on purpose, to get knocked up by a billionaire?

    And add me to the looong list of people who don't give a rats ass about Enty not being the same Enty any more, other people writing the blog, blah blah blah...I like what I read and that's that.

  49. Bless the child, that is a horrible thing for this child to read someday.

  50. Boobs U(10:09 AM) -
    "I Bet he sold the site." Probably to NBC/Universal. That would explain all the Bravo Housewives of Blank posts.

  51. I would like to buy all the posters on this thread a Bacon Martini!

    I feel bad for Salma and her child. Women have always known how to trap men. I guess it will take men just a bit longer to figure it out. No Bacon Martinis for them!!

  52. Last I checked the amount of child support is based on the income of the non-custodial parent, so Linda is well within her right to ask for 46k per month from this jerk.

  53. If he chooses not to wear a condom then he needs to take half the responsibility for what happens next.

  54. Hey, hey, hey...I think this is Enty talking, maybe about a case he's handling or for which he's associate counsel. The previous detail about her venue-shopping was the kind of thing a family law attorney would say. And it's not unethical for an attorney to comment publicly about one of their cases as long as they don't divulge privileged info. Especially if he has permission from his client to do so.

    This reads like a veiled response from Enty about the comments regarding the previous Evangelista paternity case posting.

  55. I also think today's BI is totally legit, fwiw.

  56. Maybe she lied and said she was on burth control. Maybe she used him to get pregnant. I wish just o ce these people wld show some class, take of their own kids with liaf of dough she was. She comes off S good digger to me. Do u know she has TWO apts in nyc. One is just for playdates!!!!!!! Honey, please!!!!!!

  57. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hi, Miranda! What school did you go to? I went to Clements when it was brand new. I live in Meyerland now, work in the med center. Nice to "meet" a fellow Houstonian!

  58. $46,0000/month may seem like a lot of money, but based on his income and her life style it really isn't.
    It is a shame that all of this is public. It doesn't make any of them look good.
    And like others said, why come back every day if you aren't happy here?

  59. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I feel that some of the amounts of child support are really unfair my x wife is (suposed) to pay suport for our 2 boys a whopping 304.00 amonth "she doesnt" but the amount is so small that it isnt even worth tryin to have her found n then forced to pay also Id never want to see her in jail for not paying an with that said the real reason Im commenting is that I fill some of the super rich are jus out n out targeted by money hungry women that know their cycles much better then the men their sleeping with!! when it comes to child birth n suport women have the upper hand so much it is a payday for them!! I believe there should be basic limits on the high amount side aswell as the low Im sure anyone could raise a child on the middle income from an area but I suspect a high of 250.000 a year is more then enough!!!

  60. Why $46000 a month? Because that child is not going to get up for less than $1500 a day.
