Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rihanna Dates Everyone

I have decided there is no reason to ever actually post anything about who Rihanna may or may not be dating because chances are she is dating everyone. If you have met Rihanna, then you are probably dating her. For the past few days, the tabloids have been saying that Rihanna is dating JR Smith of the New York Knicks. There are some that say she is still with Chris Brown. Others say she is dating some women including Rita Ora and then there are the stories about her making out with Drake a club in the past week despite Drake making out with someone else earlier that week. Oh, and lets not forget Ashton Kutcher either. I'm convinced Rihanna just dates them all. Why does she need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Tabloids are uncomfortable with people "dating." They want you in a relationship because it is a pretty little box and have set stories they like to run about you. If you are dating a variety of people then they can't have their so and so is dating someone because they are right and they are wrong and you are not in their box. When I say box in this situation I think of d**k in a box. Can't help it.


  1. The Forehead returns.

  2. I just can't with this girl. I used to love her but something about her grates now.

  3. Who cares anymore....she obviously doesn't!

  4. Fame is fleeting, enjoy yourself. Save your money also.

  5. What Brenda said!

  6. She's the female Gerry Butler..

  7. after her pussy patting SNL performance I will never spend 5 minutes watching this woman again. Horrible.

  8. I'll take Skank Ho's for $200, Alex.

  9. Why are we saying "dating"? Just drop the BS and say "fucking".

  10. I'm back...yesterday I intended to go back and comment on some threads, but things got kind of crazy. The café shooting yesterday in Seattle? It happened about 100 yards from where I live. I was at work, but my BF was home with the doors locked during the manhunt. It was a very long several hours, with me getting no work done and monitoring twitter for the latest. My heart breaks for the folks who lost their lives, and everyone at Cafe Racer, which is a neighborhood hangout as well as a gathering point for the local alternative music/burlesque/jazz community. At the spontaneous wake last night, several musicians were playing music, a local indian restaurant brought over food, and hundreds of people were standing around in shock. My neighbors had SWAT team members patrolling their alleyway. For some reason the cops didn't go door to door on our street (we are to the east of the cafe), but their search was focused to the north and west. Fuck, I am still shaken up by it. You just don't know when and where some crazy guy is going to lose it and take out a bunch of people. :(

    Anyhow, I don't have much to say about Rihanna except that Enty is absolutely right, that the mainstream celeb media can't handle the idea that a celeb dates around. Every dinner has to be a date and every one-night stand has to be a relationship. I just wanted to share my story on here, because I love this community.

  11. Glad you're safe & unharmed, seachica!! That's scary :/

  12. @seachica - glad you're OK! That must have been really scary...

    As for Rihanna, I don't really care who she dates or doesn't. She's young and can bang whomever she pleases.

  13. wow Seachica! lots of courage!!
    im happy that you're fine!!
    such a tragedy :( my thoughts to the victims+families

  14. @Seachica - I can't imagine how terrifying that was...I know the area and friends of mine who live/work/frequent that area are stunned, scared, and angry.

  15. @Seachica
    So sorry you had to go through that. Glad you are okay.
    I'm sad for everyone there.

  16. I read that Rita Ora is dating Rob Kardashian. She has just had her first solo number 1 single in the UK and has also had one with DJ Fresh, she was guest judging on the X factor the other day if you didn't know who she was.

  17. @Seachica - I got caught, too, on the other side of town. The other shootings and the suicide were on the West side. I had no idea what was happening, so I checked the neighborhood blog to find out five or six schools had locked down and I FLIPPED. This happens more often than I'd like...

  18. I think she's really pretty, I would like her a lot except that she never called out Chris Brown for being a punk-ass bitch.

    I wonder if she ever did Chris Martin...

  19. Did anyone see Battleship? Well I did and it was a big mistake. The actors were horrible except for Liam Nelson. Rihanna was horrible her lines were like one liners but still she was horrible. If she really thinks she can switch from singing to acting that will be her downfall. Rihanna stick to what you are good.

  20. @seachica - I'm glad you're okay! I feel so bad for your community and the families involved.

    As far as Rihanna, I don't neccesarily like her, but why is this a big deal?

  21. Every time a woman/girl makes it to a certain level of fame the media immediately tries to get her married and pregnant or turn her into a slut. Stop it. She no different than any other "star" make or female. She's NOT married and she provides for herself. Get your nose outta her vajayjay

  22. Thanks, everyone. So sorry, EmEyeKay, that you got caught up in it in West Seattle.

  23. Thanks, everyone. So sorry, EmEyeKay, that you got caught up in it in West Seattle.

  24. Seattle is going crazy! I hope not. It's my birthplace and my favorite city...partially because it's normally so mellow. Glad everyone here is ok.
    on another note, RiRi BORES me to tears and I find myself not caring what she does and puzzled by those that do. She is mostly famous for getting beat up. I know she has had some hit records and such, and she is absolutely gorgeous, but really you rarely see a mention of her without also a mention of Chris Brown.

  25. The world is getting crazier!
    As for Rhi, i dont think it matters if she "dates" many people. She is not married and has no kids. If this was a male celeb no one would even notice.

  26. Gawd. I think people forget, she's still very, very young. she's not even 25 yet. Oooh, if the world scrutinized my dating life at that age, I would be mortified.

    1. Ha! Same here: ho fo sho!!
      (god, I miss those days....)

  27. love me some riri... I'm getting the feeling she is a tough nut who will survive and thrive. Saw her on a talk show the other day and she was very grounded, self aware and articulate; made me like her all the more.

  28. Does anyone recall the bline from about a year or two ago maybe about the singer whose team was fabricating all kinds of lesbian relationships and drug and alcohol abuse stories to make sure she got major press ala Brittney Spears. I even think there was something mentioning a Brittney like break down would be the cherry on the cake

  29. I love this post, Enty. It drives me nuts when the tabs start asking about stars getting engaged when they've been dating for two weeks. And one date equals a relationship. So stupid.

  30. Seachica and EyeEmKay, glad you are both okay. :)

  31. @Bubbles - yes, I do remember that blind, and now I guess we have the answer!

  32. @seachica (and other Seattle peeps) - These kind of stories freak me out and why I give nearly everyone the side eye in public. Glad you are ok!

    As long as it's not Chris Brown, I really don't care who she dates/screws.

  33. i say good for her... I don particularly like Rihanna but she does what she wants with her vagina so good for her.
