Wednesday, May 09, 2012

A Remote Control Sex Toy

Skype sex has just found a whole new way to get interesting. If you have a Nintendo Wii, and have a partner who is long distance then the Mojowijo might be just for you. I wonder how they came up with that name. I get the mojo part, but the rest just makes it sound like you are headed to a Native American casino and not buying a sex toy. Apparently though this toy can be controlled by your partner who is across the room or across the world. The toy can be connected to a laptop wirelessly and then controlled remotely. Yep. By someone 10,000 miles away. See, now that is technology. Someone probably spent a long time figuring out how they could have better long distance sex and they came up with this. They are motion activated. Well, all I have to say is you better remember to clean up everything before the kids come downstairs and want to bowl a few frames on their Wii before school.


  1. Or your partner who is a million miles away gets a call and forgets to turn off the device and you f*ck yourself to death lol

  2. lol MontanaMarriott, Didn't they have something like this when Yahoo was full of cybersexers? Seriously people, this is taking the non-human touch just a little too far. I think Sting sang about the 'redundancy of touch' in one of his songs.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    They have panties that do the same via phone or remote. They're lots of fun. ;P

    So the black 'massager' is for him, am I right? I've been staring at it trying to figure out where it goes but I think I get it now.

  4. Damn, my kid only have the xbox 360....

  5. Shall I email you my mailing info, Enty?

    My birfday is August 26.

    I like green.

    That is all.

  6. I would have loved this about 5 years ago.

  7. roaming charges may apply

  8. This is not the first remote controlled one. There is one your partner can activate while you are in the room together...say at a party, etc...I have seen it in the shop. :)

  9. Thanks a lot MontanaMarriott, I just spit my diet coke all over the monitor.

  10. @MontanaMarriott - LMAO!!!

    Great idea, though.

  11. Unknown said...
    roaming charges may apply


    I always wanted to get the iBuzz. It's a small, egg shaped vibrator that you hook up to your iPod, and it vibrates in time with your music. I'm not sure I'd actually use it...I just want to have one *L*

  12. from the company website: "teledildonics takes adult conversation, internet chat and adult long distance chat capabilities to a whole new level."

    Teledildonics LOL. That almost sounds like something I can get away with on my next expense report.

  13. Wait until there are porn Wii-type games. "Sex-Box, with motion sensor."

    Let's be real. All developers are working towards the same thing: the Holodeck. Especially a porn holodeck.

    The i-Fuck?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Not so, Coriander! Human progress in farming productivity has been astounding over the past few centuries. The industrial revolution, today's mega cities, etc. were only made possible by huge increases in the amount of people that can be supported by an acre of land. We're still improving on yields and productivity today.

    Meanwhile, if the Mojowijo represents the state of the art in sex toys, I'd say maybe we haven't come all that far in this area at all. The best sex today is probably pretty similar to the best sex from several hundred years ago?

    Maybe the problem is all that time and energy that's been going into farm technology ;-)

    (Multiple Unknowns here today, not sure why Google calls us that, I just use my regular account and that's what comes out.)

  16. @Vicky, I'm the 25th! Let's party.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Gives new meaning to scoring.

  19. I think this is kinda awesome:) We live in a rural area, and many people I know have husbands who live and work in camp and the wives only see them once a month. It's pretty sweet that you can still have nookie and be that far away! lol

  20. MontanaMarriott that was the funniest thing I have heard all day.

  21. "All developers are working towards the same thing: the Holodeck. Especially a porn holodeck."

    And that will be the end of humanity. No one will ever leave their house again.

  22. LMAO @ at this post and MontanaMarriott :)

    I've seen the iPod vibrators, but not this. It's actually not a bad idea.

  23. this is awesome! perfect for LD relationships!
