Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Random Photos Part Two - The Met Ball Part One

Kristen Stewart
Dakota Fanning
Cate Blanchett
Rosario Dawson
Liv Tyler
Heidi Klum
Katharine McPhee
Emma Stone
January Jones


  1. What TF is Kristen Stewart wearing? Besides an explosion of fabric scraps from the 80s, I mean??

  2. and Hello, the gloomy response to BI

  3. They all look like crap....

    1. Thank you! All.so.ugly.
      I am also wondering what in the world happened to Katharine McPhee's mug. Ech!

  4. Kristin's dress is hideous.

  5. That pic of Emma is just terrible all around.

  6. Kristen's dress is cool for the Met Gala. If I had the body and the money, I'd wear it to a club or something. She's just so lacking in personality, it's like a dressing up a 2x4. Jesus, girl, get a personality!

  7. Wrong shoes, though. It looks off balance because the shoes are so bright. It almost looks like she's wearing bobbysocks. And with her, I wouldn't be surprised.

  8. It is just all about Beyonce, innit? Why have I gone beyond Bumpgate to thinking the whole damn thing is one grand PR campaign. Yuck. My disgust for her deepens with every snap.

  9. sometimes my heart breaks for kristen s. she really has no business dressing herself. idk if it's age, inexperience, or simply not having a knack for it, but she needs to understand that there's a difference between being groomed and being polished. poor thing barely hits the first, and has sadly never hit on the latter.

    thk you for not showing mcphee from the front...idt she wore a bra, and has this horrible flop-to-the-side spillage that is really inexcusable.

    loving emma stone!

    yay january, if there was any event where you can get away with neon and peplum, this was it. i'm not a fan of that particular dress, but boy did she pull it off.

  10. What @Snapdragon said.

    I'm really not impressed with any of these looks. Cate Blanchett looks like she's wearing a more tasteful version of Beyonce's dress. Meh.

  11. Is that January Jones or Claire Danes?

    To believe they called Kristen the best dressed woman alive?!!? RIDIC

    Beyonce is eating it in that gown, it is very reminiscent of a Bob Mackie gown from the 70's he did for Cher

  12. And the members of the new face and hot mess club include:

    Liv Tyler (face)
    Emma Stone (hot mess)
    Kristen Stewart (hot mess personality)

    Honorary Junior Member is Dakota Fanning. Her face is looking all sorts of sketch.

    Please exit to stage left ladies, where your membership certificates are waiting for you.

    The Grande Marshal of the awards (pretend this makes sense) is Beyonce, whose face, outfit, and overall personality make her the reining champion of hot messes.

  13. I looked at a slideshow of soooo many of these dresses and I was severely disappointed.

    As for Dakota Fanning, why can't she wear something that is properly tailored and doesn't wash her out?!?! All of her recent dresses have been boxy and yucky looking.

  14. @Vicki - those are shoelaces in pumps. Yikes.

    Oh, Kristin, WTF?

    Beyonce, ugh.

    Dakota's dress is pretty, but dated (that whole fabric-flowery-thing).

    That's a bad shot of Cate's dress, I thought it was pretty.

    Heidi needs a bra.

    Emma's dress is cute, so cute, and her hair is perfect with the dress.

    January - no from the necklace down (that's kind of a cool gown though, maybe if it weren't bright yellow...)

  15. Beyonce's dress=Barney threw up black sequins

  16. Liv looks different. What happened to her? I always thought she was one of the prettiest actresses in Hollywood...

  17. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Aren't there pictures of Beyonce having some "cheekage" showing in the back?? Girlfriend is desperate to have it be all about her. But at least she can make it up the stairs on her own this year.

  18. Rosario Dawson is Rubber Man from American Horror Story!!

  19. Kristen Stewart and January Jones are the Alpha and Omega of terrible dresses in this post.

    January always wears the worst outfits.

  20. Someone should get Kristin a celexa.

  21. I saw Katherine McPhee's dress from a different angle last night and I thought she looked gorgeous. She pulled off that color.

    Heidi Klum is gorgeous but that dress almost makes her look frumpy. It doesn't seem to fit her right.

    Kristen Stewart's dress could be pulled off by someone with personality and confidence, not someone who is obviously picking her fingernails in the photo and wearing the wrong damn shoes.

    Beyonce you won me over last summer with your awesome closing concert at Glastonbury, then lost me just about every move since then. Fess up and admit you were never pregnant. Surrogacy is a wonderful thing.

  22. Someone should get Kristen some freaking meth. That might liven her up.

    Em, omhg, I just can't with her.

  23. Someone tell Beyonce to keep movin' cos that purple fungus is gaining ground on her!!!! :-O

  24. Kristin Stewart looks like a complete jackass. Is that on purpose or does she really think she looks good? So beyond over her.

  25. Beyonce looks like she dug up Mae West and stole her dress.

    Cate B: giant feather duster.

    The others are just boring.

    Also, I would not have recognized Liv Tyler.

  26. Kristen looks fine - she's just missing the rest of her 80's girl band.

  27. @Jasmine - I thought DF's face looked a little..off..as well.

    Most of these looks in this set are horrid, IMO.

  28. Does Cate know gorillas are a protected species?

    Emma's wearing my grandmother's lampshade.

    I actually love january's dress, though I would have preferred a darker yellow.

    Beyonce...Anyone remember that comment she made while still with Destiny's Child, that she would never show legs and cleavage at the same time, since that would not be classy?

  29. Kristens outfit is all sorts of wrong. Ugh on those shoes.
    I think Dakota dresses conservatively and not at all inappropriate for her age. She just doesn't slut it up and yeah, she could be a bit more sexy or edgy. I just don't think it's "her".
    I guess the memo the others got was black and/or feathers.
    Non non non to JJ on that dress. Peplum never looks good on anyone. Sorry.

  30. Oh and Emma...No sweetie. Sorry, uh huh.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Just wanted y'all to know that this thread is giving me some serious lolz, so thanks. I'm stuck in insane-in-the-membrane construction traffic.

  33. I like Rosario's dress. Angie Jolie has worn similar.

    K. Stew's skirt looks like a rubix cube though.

  34. Love Emma, but she looks like Raggedy Ann there.
    None of these are good here. Yuck.

  35. Oh no. Just no. Note to Heidi: DON'T try to do Angelina leg. Wasn't good for her. Won't be good for you.

    I do like JJ dress though. Stylish and different, appropriate and well styled to her body.

  36. I dont like Kristen dress. Whatever she wears i just wish she would just change all of the attitude in the pics because it can be distracting. I like Beyonce dress but dont like the light brown whatever she wore underneath! Dakota looks cute and young. Rosario's dress isnt doing it for me but still like her. The yellow dress jj is wearing is growing on me.

  37. I think McPhee looked awesome.

    If Kristen Stewart is so damn miserable at the Met, why doesn't she just hang out at some dive bar and have a good time? She's certainly dressed for it.

    There was one super hideous dress that I was hoping would show-up here. I thought it was January Jones, but it's another blonde actress. I gotta go Google...

  38. Kristen's dress is not only hideous, she looks very underdressed.

    I am SO GLAD that model Anja wore that nearly nothing dress because it's taking all the attention away from Beyonce who tried to be the one who flashed it all. Is Anja's pic even on here? I know it's everywhere else.

  39. Was Anja the one with the protruding hip bone?

  40. Yes, that was Anja! I saw that wreck on RadarOnline last night (after reading about the Adam Levine/Xtina fight). Oh that dress was scary.

  41. Liv Tyler looks a little different here (maybe it's the bangs) but she's still looks beautiful.

    Katherine McPhee's make-up artist should be feeling like shit after sending her out with that awful make-up.

    Emma Stone looks very pretty and young.

    There are pictures of the back of Beyonce's dress and you can see her butt folds - very classy.

  42. Beyonce does not know how to dress herself. She dresses like a hooker. No style at all.

  43. Hmmm... Suspicious weight loss for Bey Bey... after looking at January Jones, who what gave birth what,last October? And Bey who(cough, cough)who (allegedly)gave birth this January. Pretty obvious that only one of them actually was in labor. January is a tiny waif --and even in these pics it looks like she recently had a child. Beyond looks like she has been on a vegan fast for six months.When January Jones has more thigh meant on her than Beyonce you know there's a PR trick in the making.

  44. Oh Kristen, maybe for wacky dress night out with the girls.The shoes, NO.
    Beyonce is just annoying.
    The rest are just sort of boring.

  45. Who is Kristen Stewart's stylist? They need to be fired.

  46. I hate Kristen's dress. I don't get it. Wrong person for it obviously.

  47. Jesus! One ugly weird, bad fitting dress after another!!!!

  48. My mom had KStew's dress in the late 80s. True story.

  49. Love JJ's dress on her. It's unique and actually she pulls it off well.

  50. Well then I guess they'll be saying she wore "Vintage"

  51. The dresses are ugh, but I do like Emma Stone's and that is mostly because she seems to be really enjoying herself! See ladies, it's not all about you and what you wear...it's who you are inside that matters...get that?

    I know, it's funny, it's like I'm expecting them to read this site....

  52. Hey, that dress Bey is wearing is as nearly as ugly as her insides! Nearly.

  53. Im Beyonce, youre all done paying attention to me because I was pretending to be pregnant so, LOOK AT ME IN THIS DRESS!

  54. Again, another photo set where all the women look beautiful. Good job, Enty.

    After reading the blind about Kristen (It's her!), I now feel a lot of compassion towards her. I truly think as sour as she appears at times, this gal is totally dedicated to her art, above all else. I look forward to an Oscar-worthy performance from her someday, and I think she will deliver. Granted, I admit she was really bad in most of the "Twilight" series, but she is really good in most of her other stuff.

  55. @sylmarillion

    Everytime I see Beyonce looking tackier than ever I think of that quote yes.. I also think of her used to be goodgirl image, which has now turned into a diva/liar/hypocrite.

  56. kristen is just a trainwreck. from that scowl to that dress and shoes... was she really named best dressed? i can't tell if she's indifferent or severely depressed.
    i am so sick of beyonce. she could have at least traded that hideous bodysuit for a black lining underneath her dress. i can't even look at that mess.
    dakota is 18 y/o. she's in college. doesn't the met ball at least constitute some makeup and a hairstyle? her dress looks like the blown up version of a bridesmaid dress i wore at thirteen...
    cate blanchett looks like she hasn't shaved her legs in 10 years.
    rosario appears to have donned some sort of bondage gear. she just needs a whip.
    i've always felt that liv tyler is one of the most naturally beautiful women in hollywood. however, her hair isn't working here and that dress is not flattering. she needs a new stylist.
    heidi is still gorgeous, but that dress is just blah on her.
    i'm not sure why i find katherine mcphee so irritating. problably because of smash. regardless, her makeup is dull and her hair is awful.
    emma stone is so pretty. however, whoever put her in that dress should be fired and her hair is not working at all. also, the shoes? why?!
    i'm not so into the peplum trend that appears to be catching on, but of all the peplum dresses last night January pulled it off best.

  57. Why does Kristen Stewart remind me of Janelle Evans from MTV's 16 & Pregnant?

  58. All ugly expect for Heidi and January.


    And it is really saying something that Dakota Fanning, who is constitutionally incapable of saying no to the most washed out ultra drab dress on the rack, is somehow looking like one of the best dressed among these ladies. There are stylists who should have been fired on the spot here. And dresses that should have been torched.

  60. January Jones' dress looks like a yellow cab with big fat hips. OMG. Note to all of you: buy a mirror

  61. Oh fuck. I am regretting scrolling down to this set of Random Photos. Jesus.

  62. Looks like Kristen spent $500 on her outfit (a lot for working stiffs like us, peanuts for a working stiff like her). Geebz - I don't doubt it.

    Looks like Beyoncé skinned Grover.

    Looks like Rosario is here to meet Kelly and her owner.

    What would you be least embarrassed to wear? Liv Tyler's dress, or the dress on the woman behind her? (Liv's dress does look like a formal hip wader.)

    Heidi's dress seems more appropriate for Christmas. Love her shoes, though.

    My gawsh, Emma! Did y'all bring a pie with you?

    Despite the gills on the side of her dress, I do like what January is wearing.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Which Blind Item was about Kristen Stewart?

  65. Kristen Stewart: Ok, I'm ready to go to the beach!
    Handler: But we're not going to the beach, we're going to the Met.
    Kristen: Ok, then hand me that leather skit that looks like the flag of that one country.
    Handler: I don't think that even matches...
    Kristen: Doesn't matter. People expect it from me. Ok, hand me my socks and shoes; I'm ready to go to the Met!

  66. To me, Kristen looks great in that Balenciaga (Fall 2012, btw) dress.

    It works for her since it has a ton more edge than the rest of the dresses (and other celebrities) shown.

    Full confession... I like her dourness. But I'm indie like that.

    What I don't get is why Beyonce's people couldn't get a lining on her dress which matched her skintone... maybe it's a flashbulb/nylon issue that no one bothered to think of.

  67. So, so much fug! Cate is Cousin It. Emma looks like a 10 year old. Ick. There is nothing good here.

  68. Emma's dress would look adorable on my 5 year old. :/

    Beyonce: You are no Cher and never will be.

    Dakota looks more like her little sister than herself. She's got some weird smile expression. Hate the dress on her.

    KStew reminds me of my 15 year old stepdaughter. She'd wear something like that, have the same scowl, and hate everything in the world that doesn't fit into her little box of what is cool.

  69. I cannot believe someone didn't tell Bey that showing her nether regions was a no-no at the Met Gala.

  70. "Someone tell Beyonce to keep movin' cos that purple fungus is gaining ground on her!!!! :-O"

    Giggling like crazy over here, nunaurbiz. Too funny.

    I thought Dakota Fanning looked lovely -- age-appropriate and romantic. I much prefer her ensemble to that trainwreck of a getup Kristen Stewart's wearing.

  71. @WUWT - LOL, that HAD to be how that conversation went right?

    OMG, that dress (KS)!? Those shoes?

    The bottom of Bey's dress is made from purple Snuffleupagus. She was SO awkward in her interview with Nancy O'Dell. She said she was definitely having more children (just not anytime soon) and when asked how she'd bounced back (baby weight wise), she said "from VERY hard work", y'all.

    I thought Katharine McPhee was Bethenny Frankel (Sorry!).

    Emma Stone looks like the ballerina inside a music box.

    How do you get invited to the Met ball?

  72. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Kristen Stewart and Beyonce have hideous dresses. Hideous. Emma Stone looks 12. January Jones knocked it out of the park.
