Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Angelina Jolie doing something otherwordly important that we just wouldn't understand.
Just make sure you get a great shot of her ring too. She will frame it for you so you get a great shot.
Bethenny Frankel, a baby and a bucket. Sounds like a beach trip and a place to hold the ice for the booze.
Sebastian Bach and David Duchovny in front of a picture of Sebastian Bach.
Jamie Lynn Spears over the weekend with her daughter.
And Joe Manganiello gives all of you some workout tips. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

"So, Mommy is this what you did on Dawson's Creek?"
Kate Hudson in London.


  1. Is the water doing something funky to Katie's shirt, or is that a baby bump?

  2. I'm going to assume my wife envisions me looking like Joe M. when I work out.

  3. I was thinking the same thing Cathy. It looks awfully weird.

  4. No lie, taking a quick look at that pic of Sebastian Bach - I seriously thought it was Angelina Jolie :0

  5. Jamie Lynn looks so different then when my daughter and I watched Zoey 101. Guess she's all growed up.
    Why is Katie wearing a regular shirt in a lake?
    Nice photos of Joe!

  6. That's the water, I think. Heard her # is up and she might be getting out of her 'contract'. Her father is an attorney so maybe she has a shot of keeping the kid. hope so.

  7. Kate looks wonderful, all fresh faced and happy.

    MacVixen, because they're back to back, I thought Bac was a woman! Was wondering who David was canoodling with! What is his relationship status these days anyway/

  8. Jolie's legs look like a twigs you snap with two fingers

  9. Here's a better pix of KH.

  10. Joe M is a serious hunk of man but those pics look photoshopped to hell and it's just not necessary IMO.

    Cute pic of Jaime Lynn Spears, I'm glad she has not become a famewhore.

  11. In the same National Enquirer that has JT in a dress, they have a bunch of stories in the middle, one of which says AJ dropped her ring in the drain and they made a cheap duplicate which she will wear at all times except "special occasions".

    I'm thinking the reason her ring looks like a cheap plexi salad bar sneeze guard is because it's as plastic as the PR move it is. The Leg was looking for a way to change the conversation from her sad Oscar River Dance where even Brad was walking away from her.

  12. Sebastian Bach, yeah! I've been watching marathon sessions of Trailer Park Boys. He's awesome in it!

  13. Hmmm could Sebastian Bach be the male A lister former singer who is the heroin addict now? Kinda random to have a pic of him since he's been out of the spotlight in forever, then again this is random pictures lol

  14. Agree GSDlover, the images almost remind me of those Annie L images for vanity fair.

  15. Is it just me or should Suri be wearing a life jacket? I will add that i'm a freak when it comes to water though.

  16. I have lost the ability to form sentences omgjoemangielloissofukkinghot

  17. Oh GSDlover - is your name for my favorite breed of dog. the one that is currently lying right next to me?

    If Katie is right there, Suri doesn't need a life jacket, plus she may know how to swim by now.

    1. My name is meant to reflect my love for German Shepherd Dogs, I have 2 magnificent boys that are my furry four footed babies, my eldest one is attached to me and follows me everywhere and he's lying down next to me as I type :)

  18. @MSgirl
    I think David Duchovny is actually with Gillian Anderson. Remember that blind Enty revealed about them being together? Then people said her BF is actually gay and that her two sons are really DD's.

    Supposedly DD is going to announce his divorce soon, but there was another blind from blind gossip that says he's been divorced for a good two or three years.

  19. That's right StrawberryGirl, thanks! I told my husband about that blind and his mouth dropped open for a few seconds there! (hardcore XFiles fan)

  20. What IS the story behind the photo of Sebastian Bach and David Duchovny anyway? Seems random...

    I had a massive crush on SB as a teenager. Still listen to Skid Row's first album from time to time. Maybe I shouldn't admit that...but I think I just did.

  21. Hi Joe! You sure are hunky.

  22. Hello, hey Joe. You wanna give it a go?

    GodDANG he's fine. And I never say that. Those photos are photoshopped, yeah, but they're popping his skin color out of the background. And smoothing it out, I'm sure.

  23. I used to think Angelina was the sexiest, most sensual woman out there. She's lost her edge. I don't know if it is the weight loss or her dowdy clothes or what. She just isn't fierce anymore and is almost a caricature of herself.

  24. Nooooooo, don't say Joe is photoshopped!!!!

  25. That dress on Jolie is 2 sizes too big. It looks like a bath robe.

  26. Just saw Sebastian Bach in concert a few months ago -- he was awesome!
    He's a major fitness fanatic (runs for an hour and a half at least each day). His biggest vices seem to be wine & pot, so I highly doubt he's into Heroin. He's engaged to some pretty & young chicky, and seems happy. I follow him on Twitter, and everytime someone he knows dies he alway comments on how he's trying hard not to be next (ala Jani Lane, and his previous drummer Bam Bam). Yes...I have far to much knowledge about Sebastian, but I have a weakness from my youth for him.

  27. P.S. I can't wait to see him on Californication! The time that Becca's band played I Remember You was just great!

  28. kriss_t - thanks, I thought I had heard something about SB being on Californication. Can't wait for the next season!

  29. Joe... Please come to my house. I know it's out in the woods, but I promise the trip will be worth it.

  30. GSDlover: I have one beautiful German Shepherd, he's 5 and we love him to bits. He's one very spoilt dog, but gives us soooo much happiness.

  31. Angelina Jolie is taking an important meeting with Red Forman.

  32. Sebastien Bach was awesome on Trailer Park Boys.

  33. I think Angelina looks good in her business attire. Let's face it, she looks better covered up.

    If there's such a thing as too damn hot, it's Joe.

  34. Jolie has become a joke...

  35. TC and KH havent been together in years and are reaching the point where they have been apart for more than half of their marriage. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that DD has been divorced for a while. DD and Tea Leoni are another one of those couples where what you see isn't necessarily the truth. DD is a man whore but hes not the only cheater.
    Joe Manganiello looks great in those pictures but, umm, Ive moved tractor tires around. Without the rim, they aren't all that heavy. Is he pushing a fart or getting happy or something? heh

  36. It looks like Katie picked up Suri and her shirt swiveled.

    Wow. Joe M. Even if he is photoshopped you'd still need a good startin place for that kind of muscle def.

  37. Since no-one else has, I'll point out that the guy Jolie is meeting is William Hague, who is the British foreign secretary.

    I can actually see Angelina running for congress at some point.

  38. I sound like the middle-aged lady I am now, but Angie's face is a smidge wider, as is her nose.She looks just a touch bustier, AND I swear she even looks nauseous in that photo. She better not be PG with her busy year coming up. Maybe her face is just swollen.

    They should totally put me on celeb baby-watch & plastic surgery alert. I have an eye for changes in famous faces.
    I got sucked into PID forums because of this problem. lol

  39. Bethenny Frankel doesn't look like the beach type (at least from her pallor.)
    Sebastian Bach seems to be channeling Jocelyn Wildenstein in that picture.
    Jamie Lynn (and her daughter) look much happier than her sister does.
    Glad to find out who that official AJ is meeting. What's it all about, Alfie?

  40. Hell yeah anita_mark, he was hilarious on TPB. I almost forgave him for the "Aids Kills Fags Dead" shirt he wore in the early 90's.

  41. @anotheramy
    By all accounts Tea Leoni is a total loon. I actually heard they had an open marriage, but DD got involved with someone he wasn't supposed to and that Tea lost it.

  42. We have a summer home on a river and I have to say, I always ALWAYS make sure my daughters are wearing lifejackets. But then again, I'm the kind of Mom who also makes them walk everywhere and wear a coat when it's cold outside.

  43. I love Kate Hudson's laid back style. So cute.

    @Libby. Ha ha! I fancy myself the pregnancy detective amongst my friends as well. Aside from the obvious "Hmmm, why isn't she having a glass of wine tonight?", I string together the clues until I can present a convincing accusation. "On May 2nd, I told you I found the most flattering jeans ever, and you didn't email me asking what brand they were so that you could Single White Female them. You, Ma'am, are PREGNANT!" I'm usually the first of my friends to get the good news, but only because I'm so Law and Order about the whole thing. Plus, I'm a great person to tell because I always cry and clap. It's in my DNA

  44. Jamie Lynn for the blind about former tweener wanting to return to Hwood but parents afraid her not so well kept secret will come out....Dan Schnieder

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. lol after I read @kriss_T about sebastian on twitter I added him and the first tweet from him I see is that he's on a run and @runmeter will speak the @ replies to him lol so he IS a fitness freak!

  47. I loved Sebastian Bach on Gilmore Girls.

    LOL, strawberrygirl, with all these stories, how are we supposed to keep our gossip straight? :)

  48. do we ever see Angelina Jolie's arms? could she be the heroin blind from today or yesterday?

    Can we make a new rule? If you refer to a celeb by initials first say their whole name so rocket scientists -ahem not me of course- can understand without reading it 5 times?

  49. Aw, Sunny, you sound like you live up to your name!

    I do well noticing ANY face difference with images.
    But I admit when co-workers have gotten PG, a few times I could tell even before they knew. It was their pheromones or something, plus the change in their skin that I was noticing especially. The 'glow', I guess. I'm ultra-sensitive, sometimes.

  50. Jamie Lynn seems to be a decent parent. I give her credit for that.

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  52. For those who aked, Duchovny divorced Leoni in 2009. Duchovny has been dating Gillian Anderson, but their story began way before then. Leoni has had side action for years as well.

  53. I would have died for Angelina's figure in Tomb Raider, now it's just ugh.

    I've always liked Kate Hudson, she seems likes she would be fun to hang out with.

    Hello Joe! Lookin good.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. To me, that doesn't even look like Katie Holmes in the water. I thought maybe it was her mother at first.

    Libby and Sunny - my husband can tell by a woman's eyes. He says they become very bright.

  56. OK, he's not in today's Random Photos, but he was in yesterday's, so I feel compelled to share something I stumbled across today:

    (Waiting for this to become a meme in 3...2...1...)

  57. Could somebody please get Angelina something to eat. She looks like she's starving.

  58. Anorexia is not sexy or attractive on anyone. Not to mention how unhealthy it is. My god, What happened to Angelina? Personally, I just can't look to someone who doesn't take care of themselves as a strong, confident, educated and successful human being. Get yourself together! Too bad, because she could be a such a positive role model for her humanitarian work, but I just can't seem to look past that skeleton of hers in a dress that's easily 2 sizes too big.

  59. Angie looked better curvy. A lot healthier.

    I listened to Skid Row in my misspent youth, too :)

    Lovely picture of Jamie Lynn and her little girl.

  60. I doubt Angie is pregnant, no more biological kids...she can't feed herself let alone a fetus....

  61. I also loved Sebastian Bach on Gilmore Girls. I felt as if his character was similar to how he is in real life and he was so likeable.

    Katie Holmes looks like a backwoods country bumpkin in that photo.
