Friday, May 25, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the set of his new movie probably called "I Love Jersey Shore"
Kim Kardashian keeping it classy.
Matthew M and Camila at the premiere of The Paperboy.
"Mom, her name is Katniss in the movie, not in real life. Yes, I agree there will never be a President named Katniss. Yes, we use protection. I'm trying not to squint. Goodbye mom."
After spending the first part of the week supporting Kristen Stewart, now it's time for Robert Pattinson to be in the spotlight.
Reese Witherspoon touches down in Nice with her husband.
Sienna Miller shows off her baby bump.
Will Smith signs autographs - doesn't get kissed.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Good lord, Sienna looks like shit. And not just because she's pregnant. She's on my list of celebs I just can't tolerate.

  2. Matthew McConaughey does not look like he is aging well.

    1. Very thin. Mb he and wife r a fit for blind item of couple using drugs again. Hooe not.

  3. Reese looks like a beeyotch in that pic. I don't think that's a random bad photo either. Has anyone read that post on the View Askewniverse blog that Silent Bob wrote about Reese Witherspoon? I will forever think of her as Greasy Reese Witherspoon because of it. lol.

    1. Dont know if shes bitchy, but she's in some really dowdy maternity wear lately. Shapeless shifts.

  4. I've seen other pics from that set with Jennifer Lawrence and there is some notable see-through. Girl wants to get noticed!

    Kim Kardashian is eating a diamond.

  5. I love the black dress and flat black ballet shoe look.

    Enty, can we ease up on the Kardashian and Miley Cyrus photos? Thanks a million.

  6. Add "Kim K. flossing in public while wearing a urine-colored dress" to the approved photo list, please.

  7. Matthew Mc. looks awful.

    ENOUGH WITH THE HIGH BUNS!!! first miley, now jennifer l? at least her dress is cute.

  8. Matthew M. sure looks like a candidate for blind about coke fueled couple hiding away and partying all the time.

  9. I love Jennifer's dress!

  10. @bondgirl thanks for the lead on that greasy reesey blog. ;) I had read some things abt her supposedly not being all that nice, but this is the most detailed and convincing proof I've read...

  11. Matthew looks flat skeevy. Second on that blind, flip.

    Reese looks heavy with child. She may be a big B, but I feel for her.

  12. Silent Bob writes rants about everyone and everything. I don't trust the opinions of people who constantly bitch about everything.

    There is nothing JGL could do to be unattractive.

  13. @flip, I third your guess on the blind. Matthew looks r-o-u-g-h. I used to love him...Wooderson in "Dazed and Confused" will always be my all-time fave role of his, followed by the crazy brother in "Frailty." Loved that movie so much, my college roomie and I started keeping a "list" on our dry erase board by our front door right after we saw it.

    Seriously with the high buns, it makes their ears look big. I know my husband would have some sort of fellatio joke to make, too.

    And has Reese confirmed she's preggo yet?

  14. Kevin Smith speaks the truth as he knows it,first hand.

  15. That's the kid from About a Boy with Jennifer Lawrence? Now that is a cute young couple. He was almost too pretty in A Man Alone.

  16. @bondgirl, GREE-ZEE was a funny read, thanks.

  17. I burst our laughing when I read on another site that Kanye wants Kim to model her look on Kate Middleton.

    Really Kanye?? You can't class up a whore. End of.

  18. Yes, lazyday, Nicholas Hoult is a beautiful specimen of a human being. I felt so dirty watching Skins when he was on it, because he was just a teenager but fffffffffff. Oh well.

    And add me to the list of high bun haters. They look ridiculous.

  19. Never seen Matthew look so bad. Whatever he's doing, he needs to stop. I thought they were such an attractive couple but they seem very bad for each other. Really sad since they have a child.

  20. Yeap Matthew does look pretty bad. It would be a shame if he is doing drugs. Especially having 2 cute little kids.

    I've always considered Reese a stuck-up.

    Sienna looks so trashy even being pregnant.

  21. Is that Sweet Brown behind Will Smith?

  22. The high bun is like leggings - wear them in private or when your exercising but you need to class it up when you're going out in public.

  23. I've been on Miley about her stupid bun for awhile now, I'm glad to hear there are other people just as annoyed. Those top-knots aren't for everyone (looking at you, Jennifer).

  24. ... I just read dlisted - I'm also not the only one who thinks of pee when looking at Kim K.'s dress. Yay, urine!

  25. I love the high buns. I think they're fun.

  26. This pic does not do Joseph Gordon Levitt justice at ALL

  27. It's one thing to lose body weight, but head weight? Matthew M's head is half it's previous size.

  28. Aunt liddy, I never know who or what you are replying to.

    Hey Beyonce, that's how you look when you are really pregnant.

  29. I think the blind about Matthew/Camila actually mentioned heroin, not coke. And they sure look like it :(

  30. Those Smith kids are grating on the nerves. Ya, incessant dressing like an extra from Fresh Prince, circa 1992, is so original. *eyeroll* I hate a try-hard, at any age.

    I'll take the high buns over Swifty/Underwood hair anyday.

    That mustard yellow is everywhere now. I really love it for summer, especially on tanned/olive/dark skin! It's such a happy color (well it was until someone pointed out the 'urine'. lol)

  31. I can't hate on the highbun. It's my go to style right now as I so desperately need a haircut. But, I, unlike them don't have nice soft straight hair that would look good in any style.

    Nice outfit, Sienna. *rolls eyes*

    Oh, Matthew, what happened to you? I've never found him attractive, but his face is verging on Skeletor skinny. Yuck!

  32. I loved Matthew in "Frailty" too. What an excellent movie. But holy shitski, he looks awful!

    Love me some Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Yep, I'm a dirty old lady.

    Kim who?
