Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Prince William Talks About Diana

In that Katie Couric interview with Prince William, he says that the only time he has really missed his mother since she died was on his wedding day. Having not had a parent die, I would have thought you would have missed them more often, especially if you were younger when it happened. I just didn't think the only time he would have missed her was on his wedding day. What about all the other special days of his life or just any average day? Maybe he just doesn't like to talk about that and this is his stock answer to the question? Do you think Harry misses her more?


  1. That seems like such a bizarre thing to say, maybe it was taken out of context.

  2. I think they both miss her tremendously, but I imagine that was a day where her absence was truly felt on a larger level.

  3. My mom says she misses and thinks of her mom every day....

    1. Dido with my mom and I cant even begin to imagine my life without mine...

  4. I agree with Beth, I'm willing to wager that he probably misses her every day and that feeling has become part of his every day existence, but on his wedding day was when he missed her actual presence and ability to participate in that particular moment in his life.

  5. I understand completely. Life goes on and you have to learn to accept and let things go, otherwise you have one foot in the land of the living and one in the land of the dead. And you can't live like that.

    At least, I can't.

  6. I'm in agreement with @Nichole and @Beth...

  7. I think it depends on the age that you are when you lose a parent and the era that you're living in.

  8. That's NOT what he said!! He said something along the lines of what Beth suggested above.

    That of all the days he really wished she could have been present, his wedding is the one.

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I agree with Beth. His wedding day was one where he probably wished MORE than any other day, that she could be there with him.

    I miss my grandmother everyday, and my wedding day was the toughest.

  10. I think this translates directly as:

    'Of course I miss her, she's my mother for God's sake, what kind of moronic question is that to ask? But if you think I'm going to talk about my deeply personal feelings with someone who would ask such a stupid question, you can get bent, you dumb ho.'

    It's just that being royal, William is brought up to answer even the most idiotic questions more politely than they deserve.

  11. I know with me, the missing them (parents) is everyday, but it's more subdued, not as sharp and obvious. Major days stand out and it moves to the forefront and it kind of dominates your thoughts. I would imagine (I'm not married) his wedding day might have been like that. Maybe that's what he meant??

  12. How do you even answer such a ridiculous question? Was the follow up, So the sun, do you think it's hot?

  13. The British media don't "mark" the day of her murder or her birthday. For as HUGELY popular she was--- it would appear the Firm have a tight control. He's been coached upside down and backwards --- poor kid. (one needs to appear sympathetic but do keep that stiff upper lip. One does not show emotion). Media said yesterday that "people" are more welcome to Chuck succeeding Betty. Oh really??!!! And WHO are these people?!? Do they live near Green Park?!!!

  14. I think its unfair when people tell others how they should feel in certain life events.

  15. Of course he misses her. It's just that as time goes by the ache fades a bit and while you still miss them, you can live with it. But yes, when big events happen, like his wedding, well, I'm sure he felt the loss more acutely that day.

  16. yes, I believe he was misquoted or doesn't want to talk about it. of course he misses her. the rest of the world misses her, why wouldn't he! she was beautiful and kind and you could tell, loved her children deeply.

    that photo tells it all: she adored them.

  17. I think I can see where he's coming from. My sister died when my nephew was 9 and I know he misses her every day, but he still "feels" her with him. I imagine Wills and Harry went through similar emotions.

    However, at such a momentous life event as his wedding, Prince William probably felt Diana's absence more acutely. He might have gotten used to her not being there every day, but to not see her there on his big day, that would be a great emotional hole. Does that make sense?

  18. Anonymous10:43 AM

    No comment on the asinine misquote but had to say how precious I think that photo is.

  19. Jesus, the man has been bred to rule his country. Of course he has polite, stock answers for the moronic questions he knows the press will ask.

  20. I know answers sometimes come across as rude or insensitive, but answering stupid ass questions has got to get frustrating as hell after a while.

  21. She was away a lot, so he probably did not miss her on a day to day basis. Also, he is a pretty private guy, doubt he would open up too much.

  22. i don't know how diana could stomach seeing the woman who married charles interact with her kids and be included in thwe royal family??? after all he BS from that woman durng charles & diana's marriage; hell no! there are probably times when william's glad his mom didn't have to see it.

    what he said was; "It's the one time since she's died, where I've ... thought to myself it would be fantastic if she was here, and just how sad really for her, more than anything, not being able to see it."

  23. I was thinking the same thing. I know my mom passed on almost fifteen years ago and I miss her every second of every day. But it becomes just a used to everyday feeling. Maybe that's what he meant. That on his wedding day the feeling of noticing her absence was more prevalent.

  24. My parents are both still living and i think about them every day.

  25. That's not exactly what he said and I'm sure ot what he meants!

  26. Sounds like the royal family's 'downplay anything Diana' regimen has worked somewhat even on her son.

  27. Good lord, it's no wonder celebrities complain about the media...every little thing they say is magnified and twisted!

  28. I would have thought she'd always be in his heart; that he'd miss her all along, esp. since she died while he was still quite young. I'd expect her memory would be with him daily, at least in the back of his mind, sometimes more, sometimes less, but always there.

  29. Anonymous11:27 AM

    everything he said was scripted. they both miss her

  30. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I agree with OMAMA. He misses her all the time, but has learned to live with the loss on regular days. His raw feelings rose to the surface when he got married. Perfectly normal, IMO.

  31. I miss my father every day, and moreso when I'm sad or stressed. When I remarried he was missed, but I definitely miss him more when I'm doing my day-to-day things.

  32. @supapimp heeeeeee!

    My dad died when I was in my early teens and while I still think about him all the time, I don't ACTIVELY miss him that often. But he was a distant man emotionally and I really barely knew him. I more often wonder what our relationship would have been like now (probably not good, but you never know,) rather than miss him, exactly.

    Anyway. Grief, dealing with loss, is different for everyone. I would never judge (on this basis) because I will ever know what it's like to be in William's shoes.

  33. It was espcially tough for me to walk down the aisle on my wedding day without my father on my arm.

    It was also exceptionally difficult for me to be unable to share my pregnancy with my mom.

    I miss them both terribly, but for me, in life changing events like this, I just wanted them to physically be there. They're bittersweet moments without them.

  34. I'm so sure that's not what he meant. It definitely had to have been taken out of context. What he probably meant was that he was greatly saddened by his mother not being able to be there on the biggest day of his life, his wedding day. I'm so sure he's missed her during other special events in his life, such as graduation, birthdays...etc...but the wedding day was huge for him. I'm sure he just generally misses her deeply overall.

  35. Considering some of the other misquotes on this blog, I'll wait until I see the interview for myself tonight before I make any comment.

  36. I think they miss her greatly. I think Harry took it harder, he seems to get quiet and shy when asked about and William is ever the big brother. Oh gosh I have such a crush on them.

  37. My dad died when I was 14. The only time I miss him is during major events or holidays. I guess that makes me a real ass.

  38. ^^Above, 'Me' reported that the true quote is: "It's the one time since she's died, where I've ... thought to myself it would be fantastic if she was here, and just how sad really for her, more than anything, not being able to see it."

    So William missed his mother, because he was sad she had to miss a day she certainly would have cherished with all her heart?

    Sounds like a man who not only loved his mother, but knew how deeply he was loved by her as well.

    Diana was so physically affectionate with the boys. I'll bet they really miss that a lot. The Windsors aren't known for hugs & kisses.

  39. He's a guy. An Old Etonian. British. Royalty. A career military man. Stiff upper lip and all that.

  40. I came away taking it that he meant to say he missed her the MOST on that day, not that it was the only day he'd missed her.

    Say what you will about their father, he was a good dad and gave those boys a good childhood after they lost their mother.

    They were so young to go through all that--I'm sure they both missed her many many times in their lives.

  41. Two people have given the actual quote above. It is not even about when and whether he misses her. It is about one day in particular he knew she would have loved to see. It was a quote from him taking on her perspective, not a quote about his emotional state at all.

    My confirmation was six weeks after my grandfather's death. "Your grandfather would have loved to have seen this; he would have been so proud," my grandmother said. This is the same kind of statement.

  42. Men are so different when it comes to "emotions". It sounds like (from experience) that he has pushed this tragedy to the background in order to deal with it. I did that with my dad, my brother and my mom. Death is some weird shit, and it can be hard to process, especially if the person who died was full of life. Honestly - I have still not dealt with the full impact of my brother's death. I choose not to, and as someone who tries to live an honest life, that is so weird.

  43. Yeah, Enty is just wrong in the way he reported this.
