Before I started watching American idol 3/4 of the way through the season I thought Phillip Phillips was a men's Wilson Phillips tribute band. So, call me shocked when I didn't hear Hold On when I heard Phillip sing. Apparently Phillip is desperately sick. His doctor told him he needs surgery immediately and he is lucky he has made it this far without having surgery. The type of surgery that Phillip needs requires a 6 week recovery period which he obviously can't do because of the show and finale. As soon as it is over though and before the tour, Phillip is going under the knife.
yeah, after someone on here mentioned that he had a kidney issue i started snooping around online. i feel so bad for him. was wondering yesterday what this will mean for the rest of the kids if he wins, because none of the rest of them can release an album until the winner drops theirs. is he going to be in any position to make an album??
ReplyDeleteUm, if I were told that I was desperately sick and needed a surgery to get better, nothing-including the American Idol finale-would make wait.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't need to win to get a record deal - if he's good. If he drops dead, it's his own doing.
ReplyDeleteshame on the American Idol Producers for letting him keep going for the sake of ratings. Now everyone will watch to see if he collapses on stage live.
ReplyDeleteThis kid isn't thinkiing straight. I get that everything he was worked for is about to blow up but being dead won't serve you much purpose trying to find money and fame.
I'm with ecua and shakey. If someone told me that I had to have surgery or I'd die, I don't think American Idol would keep me from going under the knife.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was kidney stones, not life or death?
ReplyDeleteIn my word "immediately" means as soon as possible, not as soon as you are through with a lame singing show that won't really make you a star. Ask Taylor Hicks or Rueben Studdard or Kris Allen or all the winners that I can't even remember if they'd put off surgery.
ReplyDeleteTMZ is f*cking awful with details -- because they reported he has "serious kidney problems" everyone has picked up on that and spit out the same thing. And that's not the same thing at all as having kidney stones. God only knows what the truth is.
ReplyDeleteI have plaque that builds up in my kidney and breaks off in pieces, similar to kidney stones. Every few years I have to have surgery and get a stent. It's painful so I feel his pain
ReplyDeleteI feel bad that he's stayed and done this show and he's been in pain the whole time. I read it wasn't 6 weeks but more like a couple to recover, but who knows.
ReplyDeleteI noticed this week when they showed his trip home and showed some film of him early on how much weight he's lost. Since they've been singing more than one song a show, it always seems like he makes it through the first one and by the second one he looks really tired. Poor kid--I wish they had offered him the option to come back another season at his same level and let him have the operation--It is hard to make that kind of choice for someone that young who wants it so bad.
I believe they put a stent in (I think that's what it's called) to help him when he first started having trouble in Hollywood--but I understand that is painful too. Seems like they let him skip some of the stuff like the rigorous things in the Ford videos, etc and just focus on the shows.
You know when you've got a shot you take it. There are very few kidney ailments that are quick killers. Those who never would never will.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about priorities and how much we value life.
ReplyDeleteThe promise of fame can be a killer.
I'm sure he never thought he would make it this far. If he'd been voted off a few weeks ago, he'd have had the surgery by now and time to recover before the tour.
ReplyDeleteBeing a finalist he is entitled to the AFTRA health insurance. I wonder if that was a factor.
Stents are painful when the kidney is spasming. When my doc pulled mine right out I was like THAT was what was hurting me!! It's tinier than an ng tube
ReplyDeletePerhaps this "kidney" problem explains his singing issues....pitchy all over the place and not hitting the high notes. I think this might also explain why the judges kept giving him passes on his poorer performances. Now that this is public he may even win due to the sympathy vote factor. That said I do wish him good health.
ReplyDeleteNo one has said anything about what his actual health situation is yet. Do you think Idol wants him to drop dead, or have serious health issues as a result of staying on the show? That would be horrible publicity. If it really were life-or-death, he'd be out of there. Also, if he had dropped out of the competition, they could've had a non "white guy with guitar" winner for a change, so I seriously doubt they put a lot of pressure on him to stay against his wishes. Nigel has dealt with so many injuries on SYTYCD, I think he's pretty good at figuring out if someone needs to leave the competition or not.
ReplyDeleteAt his age, I would have done the same thing if it was standing in the way of my dream.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he's great, but I feel for him and enjoy his performances.
Hope they are not going to hand over the AI crown to a 16 year old filipina now because of his ilness....
ReplyDeletePoor guy! I like him. I hope he wins and gets to the doctor immediately.