Wednesday, May 09, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

Which superstar entertainer swears by her expensive “lifesaving” bottled water and vows that she can taste the difference? Turns out the actress/singer’s terrified staff ran out of the must-have H2O so they filled a few bottles with L.A.’s finest tap water and she guzzled it without question!


  1. sounds like Madonna lol.

  2. Madonna, and the kabbalah water bullcrap.

  3. Yes, Madonna swears by her Kabbalah water.

  4. Ms. "I LOATH Hydrangeas"...

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Realistically it could be any of those idiots with the red bracelet but it probably is Esher. But really it's pathetic to spend that much money and not know the difference. I can tell the difference between tap, filtered tap and bottled. I'm just fine with filtered tap but I can't stand tap water, especially out here in LA. Ugh.

  6. seriously, who cares, nat'l enquirer.

  7. This is why I come to CDaN because they round up the juiciest gossip all in one place so I don't have to jump from website to website.

  8. With her attitude, she's lucky all they put in it was water.

  9. Sounds like something someone made up to fill their quota @The Enquirer.
    If it was true, I doubt it'd be Madonna. She's the type that seems like she'd know exactly the taste between a bottle that had been opened five minutes ago as opposed to ten minutes ago.

    Speaking of which, another thing that rings false is that who wouldn't notice that the seal on the cap was already broken? Sure you can say that a celebrity can't be bothered to open their own bottle.. but I'm gonna call this one as BS.

  10. @Graham, you're assuming that they didn't deliver it poured into a glass accompanied by what remained in the bottle.

  11. I came to guess Madonna too. I drink NY tap and it tastes fine to me.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. She's such a pretentious turd.

  14. I seem to remember Xtina has something against Evian water, but not sure what kind of water she demands.

  15. Anonymous10:54 AM

    @Prada Maybe b/c it's spelled naive backwards.

  16. Jennifer Aniston --spokeswoman for "SmartWater"

  17. Hmmm, interesting conundrum. Does she fire them and expose the fact she didn't know the difference. Or ignore the whole incident and act like it "couldn't" have happened.

  18. You can smell LA water coming out of the tap from 5 feet away, and they advise pregnant woman against drinking it.

  19. Am i the only one thinking JLO?

  20. NA makes up these blinds Im sure of it.

    As a person who drinks bottled water, the minute tap water hits my lips I know. Had they said they filled the bottles with Poland Spring or something...

  21. more than 25% of bottled waters come from municipal sources, i.e. tap water. Aquafina, Nestlé Pure Life and Desani are a few examples. Just sayin'...
