Thursday, May 03, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH popular talk-show host has never cared for Jennifer Aniston and isn’t afraid to say she’s on "Team Angelina"? The chatty star won’t go public with her views because the former "Friends" beauty has been a returning guest on her show, but she was very vocal behind the scenes when Jen’s BFF Chelsea Handler slammed Angelina Jolie as a homewrecker!


  1. Oh, I was thinking someone on The View...but Ellen sounds good

  2. There aren't that many female talk show hosts, so Ellen sounds good. I wonder about Joan Rivers too, but she doesn't like either of them.

  3. Ellen and Jen are REALLY close friends. I'm thinking someone on The View or Kelly Ripa.

  4. I think Ellen and Jen are good friends, so I'm going to guess Rachel Ray.

  5. Wasn't there something about Ellen asking Jen prior to buying her new home from Brad if she would have an issue with it. - That's definitely a close friend kind of discussion. So I don't think it's Ellen.
    Im guessing Rachel Ray.

  6. Yawn. Anderson Cooper?

  7. I'm guessing Kathie Lee Gifford.

  8. Joy from the view?

  9. Joy Behar or Barbra WaWa.

  10. Based on all the times she's been on Ellen, I always though she and JA were friends IRL?

    She's only been on Rachael Ray once (I know b/c RR made a VERY BIG deal about this).

    Kelly Ripa? Someone from one of the morning new shows?

  11. Barbra Walters - she is very pro Angelina and does not like Aniston at all.

  12. I'm going with Ann Curry - she's always the one interviewing Brad and Angelina for the Today show.

  13. Wild stab : Julie Chen

  14. Today on the View (yes I sadly watched.. don't judge!) While the other 3 were ripping Edwards to shreads.. guess who was defending him??

    *hit... she can't pronounce W's)

  15. I never cared for Jennifer Aniston either.

  16. Anonymous9:38 AM

    "Former 'Friends' beauty"? Ugh. With you all the way, Pogue Mahone.

  17. The talk show host isn't afraid to say she's on Team Ang, but won't say it publicly? Sounds like she IS afraid.

  18. First thought was Okra.

  19. Kelly Ripa because she's dressed like Angelina Jolie for her Halloween shows. Concrete evidence.;)

  20. i know that kelly seems to have a girl crush on angie

  21. Who has Aniston on their show a lot? I can't comment on the other hosts mentioned, but I see her a lot on Ellen.

  22. From all the attention, it's as if Hollywood has never seen a man leave his wife for another woman before. It's HAD to have happened to someone else once or twice in the history of world, right?

  23. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I think what really broke Brad n Jen up is she really doesnt care to have kidds and outside of her body n great looks what does she have? ? U know Angelina is doin the majore naughty in bed and is a beauty with a super body n great looks aswell and way more talent then Jen I mean come on U know its true!
