Mistie Atkinson was arrested last month and charged with incest. The 32 year old woman had tracked down her biological 16 year old son last year and then began pursuing him sexually. She was arrested in a California motel room she was in with her son. Police say the son has naked photos of his mother on his phone and there are also videos on his phone of his mother performing oral sex on him. This is like the third or fourth case of this in the past year or so when a parent tracks down the child they have not seen in forever and then this happens. The boy knew Mistie was his mom but did not grow up with her in his life and did not even see his mother until last year. How often do you think this kind of thing goes on and no one ever finds out? Do you think it scars the child less because he never had maternal feelings for his mom?
ReplyDeleteThis just made me feel sick.
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ReplyDeleteWhat the what?
ReplyDeleteI don't want to read about this.
ReplyDeleteIt's disgusting.
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ReplyDeleteGross! What a skank.
ReplyDeleteShe is his mom in only the most biologically necessary way possible - more like a surrogate carrier. Hopefuly, he had another mother figure in his life for whom he has normal maternal feelings. The sickness is hers, but he will have to live with it forever. A 16 year old boy's perspective on sex is quite different from a father's.
ReplyDeletein France,a famous writer woman Christine Angot wrote about her incest affair with her biological father(she only knew at 14) when she was teen and even adult and apprently she was willing
ReplyDeleteIt happens enough to be given a name.
ReplyDeleteEnty, didn't you post a blind item about something similar that happened to Mae West. But she never got arrested.
What?? Of course this is scarring, this is beyond unfanthomable, I'm baffled. Regardless of this insanity, teens should be having experiences with other teens only.
ReplyDelete@tara17 as long as the teens aren't experiencing it in Georgia.
ReplyDeleteEww. I remember a few years ago reading about this, but it was a kid and his grandmother. I understand the whole "I wasn't raised with this person" aspect, but there has to come a time when the kid grows up and realizes...Holy shit I fucked my mom. Maybe he is willing now, but I wonder how he will feel about it when he becomes an adult and is able to see it in a different perspective.
ReplyDeleteThis sort of thing with long-lost parents finding their kids and entering relationships is not uncommon. It seems to pop up somewhere in the news at least once a month. I recall a case in Germany involving siblings and a father-daughter pair in South Australia that had had children of their own.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes wonder if this isn't a sickness per se, but trying to fulfill some sort of biologically innate longing, if you will. (That sounds about as gross as these scenarios... sorry.) I'd be curious is there's any research on this.
In any event, it's still icky.
Just when mankind can't sink to a new low or blow.
ReplyDeleteI have a 16 year old son and find this revolting. Whether they knew each other or not is irrelevent. She's his mother. She's 16 years older. He's messed up for life. She needs to be locked up. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteSure, it's revolting. But the question is how often I think this happens and goes unreported. After having to go into a North Carolina Walmart on occasion, I can tell you it seems to be happening more and more.
ReplyDeleteWhat's WRONG with some people? This is just plain SICK.
ReplyDeleteHi @Cindy, I'm clueless in Boonsville along the border in Canada. I did a quick net search, still no clue but curious - what's going on in Georgia??
ReplyDeleteTo answer that last question, no. Just my opinion of course but that child will almost certainly be scarred from this & seems to already be EXTREMELY mentally effected (affected?) to allow himself to go there.
ReplyDeleteSo very, very sad. Fucking hate all of these stories of child abuse!!
Agree with Lynette - he's a kid; as a mom, can't think of much worse. And why would a grown woman want to have sex with any kid, much less one she gave birth to?
ReplyDeleteBut, and not defending her, just as way of explanation, perhaps sex is the only way she knows to relate to men/show love. As sick and sad as that is, God only knows what her background is. A complete train wreck all around.
Why..just why?
ReplyDeleteWhy would any grown woman want to have sex with any child let alone one she carried in her womb?
So sick!
I guess I'm not clear on this point: the son knew this woman was his mother and had a relationship with her anyways or did he know he had a biological mother out there somewhere, just didn't know it was this particular woman?
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting, albeit disturbing, to read cases of this - as well as biological siblings who meet and take up relationships unknowingly only to find out years later that they are, in fact, brother and sister. The family magnetism is an interesting concept - but personally, that only goes for those who do this unknowingly - this case is predatory and twisted.
I don't know if it scars him or not, not having maternal feelings...but this is just plain old sick. I'm sick...absolutely sickened from this story. Lost my appetite.
ReplyDeletei read this and simply can't wrap my head around the effery of it all (no pun, i swear). it's all sorts of disturbing and sick. i also thinks it's child abuse. of course that kid is scarred, and then some.
ReplyDeletePlease, please, PLEASE...can we stop with the incest stories on here? Not in real news, not in BIs. Just...STOP. This is NOT why I come to this site.
ReplyDeleteit would be disgusting if it was just a 'regular' old woman chasing a 16 yr old boy, but the fact its his biological mother makes it 100x worse. why are people so awful? theres no need for her to do this let alone to her own son.
ReplyDeletei hope she gets locked up for a long time.
I saw a documentary about those siblings in Germany, and they were.. I dunno how to say it without being weird.. quite sweet. They didn't know about one another until they were older, really loved each other and their kids, and a couple of the children were disabled, but with only as much probability as any two people have for producing disabled children. This though, this is wrong wrong. This isn't unknown siblings, this is an innate bond and awful and sad.
ReplyDeleteThis story is gross.
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, I think Michael K would have a field day commenting on her eyebrow situation.
Reports like this just makes me think this world is so so sick and the mayan prediction will come true.
ReplyDelete@hunter, I thought the same thing he would love her Pam Anderson brows.
ReplyDeleteAs for this woman, I won't call her a mom, she is twisted and needs to be far away from her kid, and the rest of us for that matter.
"On a lighter note, I think Michael K would have a field day commenting on her eyebrow situation"
ReplyDeleteThis is what I came here to say *L*
Those eyebrows were the first thing I noticed...other than the icky headline.
DeleteJudging by the eyebrow situation she has going on, Miss Mistie's decision making skills went out the window a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteThis is Doug Hutchison x 1,000,000.
@Beth You are right on with your comment. I think a large part of it is when adult parents and children meet like this, they don't have an appropriate way to express how much they love the other person and want to feel intimacy with them and they fall back on sex.
ReplyDeleteHow many times does any adult make close and extremely intimate friends with a stranger? I feel like it happens rarely because most people have friends that they've known a long time who are close. When you do meet someone as an adult that you feel strongly connected to, sex might feel like the only way to express it.
Sorry I sound like a hippie trying to explain this.
p.s. I'd be really interested to know if there has ever been a reported case of a gay or lesbian adult incest case like this. I'm guessing no since the likelihood of both parent and child being gay and the same gender is probably extremely rare. If this did happen, there would be no chance of conception (i.e. flipper babies) -- would we still be squicked out?
AuditoryCooze - I'd be squicked out - sex between relatives is sex between relatives. Period.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what either one was thinking. Could you imagine if your friend came up to you and said, "Dude, I just banged my mom!" This is a HUGE W.T.F.
I know that they have done studies that show that people are more sexually attracted to people with features like their own. I know that is one of the explanations for homogamy--when a person marries someone who looks like them. Researchers morphed a photo of a stranger with a picture of the participant (and didnt tell them) and the pictures that had more of the participants features were rated as much more attractive. Also, people rate a stranger as more attractive if there is shown a split second image of their parent before they are shown the stranger, than if the opposite sex parent's picture is not shown (i.e. some random person). when they did the experiment again and told the participants that they had morphed the faces with theirs (which they did not during this experiment) the participants rated the faces as less attractive. There is some debate as to whether it is a cultural (Freud) or psychological (Westermarck) adaptation that has led to the incest taboo, why the students would rate as less attractive in the last experiment. Some feel that habituation and incest taboo are the only reasons that we do not feel sexually attracted to our family members. When you dont live with them, there is not that habituation and sexual attraction may occur. I have heard that it happens a lot with people who were adopted and meet their birth siblings or family members.
ReplyDeleteShe could be emotionally stunted and locked in the age she was when she had the kid -- 16. That would be a key component of the mental illness she no doubt suffers.
ReplyDeleteHe could be a 16-year-old boy trying to fill an inexplicable void he has always felt.
They both probably felt something deep and powerful. I mean before the statutory rape part.
I could so write some 50 Shades of Grey crap with this.
Auditory, Lori, McSpanky - well-said and thought - provoking. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis is one thing I'd rather not know how often it's happening.
ReplyDeleteJust sick.
I can't believe neither of them, at some point, thought, "This isn't a good idea. We should stop."
Who the hell willingly does this with their parent or child?
ReplyDeleteBoth mentally ill
In the animal kingdom, as well as in a fair number of human cultures, incest is quite common. Ancient Egyptian dynasties as well as the not-so-ancient British royal lineage were rife with incest. In the Old Testament, Lot's husbandless, childless daughters got him drunk and had sex with him so that they would have offspring to care for them in their old age. Our current cultural mores about the inadvisability of incest are similar to our mores against homosexuality a few decades ago. Both incest and homosexuality are counterproductive to the evolutionary process. This specific criminal case involves a minor, of course, but between consenting adults, incest is a victimless crime. Perhaps Mistie Atkinson and her son were just "Born This Way"...
ReplyDeleteBatshite effin cray cray!
ReplyDeleteNot only are people attracted to people who share facial features but, also the other similarities family members tend to share. Facial expressions, political and religious views.
ReplyDeleteIt really is quite common for our minds to confuse commonality with romantic love. The majority of reunited family members manage to put it in perspective, some dont.
I'd have to disagree with people who are saying the kid is scared for life. Knowledge and emotion are two separate entities. You can know someone is related to you and have no feelings for them or even lose feelings for them, this is the case with me and my mother who, after years of constant verbal remarks when she is frustrated and angry, has left me with almost no feelings for her. She's my mother but if she died today I probably wouldn't shed a tear. Sad I know but that's the case. My point being that he could have very well known that this was his mother, as is the case, but had no emotional attachment for her and being a 16 year old with almost constant sexual desires, and someone who is willing to have sex, taken advantage of the situation. Doesn't mean he is going to be scarred. If he had videos of her giving him a blowjob then I highly doubt this is something he didn't want. Scarring occurs when it is something that is forced upon you. Not consensual acts. The mother is the one who is obviously scarred. The depth of that pain depends on her intentions. Maybe she simply wanted to get to know her son and like other have posted only knew how to be intimate with sex. Or maybe she specifically tracked him down to have sex. Either scenario is pretty wrong but both are still fairly telling of a deeper psychosis that she needs help with.
ReplyDeleteWe live in the animal kingdom of Disney, not the days or yore. The Old Testament had a lot of ghost writers.Incest usually begins with child abuse,and homosexuality does not.They are not in the same league. Nor were they'Born This Way'.An adult abused a 16 yr old child and it is F'd up.
guys, GUYS! this is what tonight's Law and Order: SVU is about.
ReplyDeleteIn this case, I think it's about a dad and his biological daughter... which makes me miss Detective Elliot Stabler even more. He would NOT let this stand.
Actually, sexual attraction between reunited birth parents & children is extremely common. So common, that many agencies that counsel the children & adults, prior to the first introduction, discuss this side effect of a reunion.
ReplyDeleteIt has to do more with the excitement, anxiety, and build-up to the initial meeting, than lust. There is a physiological response that can sometimes be confused as sexual attraction. A lot of the same nerve endings are involved with flight/fight, arousal, anxiety...
The adults & offspring are advised to meet infrequently in the beginning as they get to know each other to help avoid this issue. And if the issue does arise, then they are cautioned to avoid all contact for a few months, then start again.
That's True. There was a program on National Geographic about the physiological/psycological response to meeting someone reunited/lost family members. I'm not sure if it was on the program Taboo, or if it was on its own special. I do know that they featured the German brother/sister, and american, mother/son, brother/sister, and a British brother reuniting with his sister. The british guy talked mainly about how he was just in awe/attraction to his sister that he had just met. He never acted on anything, but he does acknowledge the emotions he was feeling when he first met her.
ReplyDelete@Dani, so true. My first thought was "she looks like someone who would track down her teen son and bang him."
ReplyDeleteThis is squick (squeamish and ick) on MANY levels. Do you think she was trying to "get him back inside her body" as a DO OVER??
ReplyDeleteWhy? Why would you give him away then proceed to f^( k over his life?
Go to jail. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not get $ from a book deal.
I guess the meth just didn't do it for her. She had to go and f*ck up a kid. HER kid. This is so beyond messed up. I want to come back as a dog. The human race is seriously overrated.
ReplyDeleteThe story is not clear whether or not she gave her son up for adoption or not.
ReplyDeleteIt is fascinating how we are attracted to people who look like and love us though. I know one of the main reasons I fell in love with my hubs was due to his looking so much like my favorite uncle. I've never been attracted to men who look like my father, which is why Robbie Williams creeps me out!
There have been a lot of studies done on this phenomenon. Kathryn Harris' The Kiss was a memoir about her affair with her father.
Anyone else think this story was just publicized as a tie-in to tonight's Law & Order: SVU?
ReplyDeleteYes, Mooshki, for sure!! Just saw it on Law & Order SVU and even though he didn't turn out to be their "father", it was still disturbing they were OK with an intimate relationship with the man they thought was their bio dad. UGH. Oh, and BRING BACK STABLER. SOOOOO not the same.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Don't care for it without him. The new people aren't very interesting.