Mena Suvari's Ex Wants $17K A Month
The whole time Mena Suvari was married to her husband she always said what a wonderful businessman he was and how everything he did was great. It turns out that maybe he wasn't as good as she thought. In court papers that TMZ obtained, Simone (which I always thought was a woman's name) Sestito says he is broke and is asking the court to award him $17K a month in spousal support. He says that Mena earns almost $1M a year. I think last year was a very good year for Mena with that whole American Pie check coming in. She never really worked while she was married. That is a whole lot of money for spousal support. He basically wants $200K a year because he was married to Mena for a little while. The guy spends $3K a month just on eating out. Learn to cook!