About once a year Mariah Carey's sister, who is a former drug addict, hooker and is HIV+ shows up in a tabloid. Sometimes it is really interesting but most of the time I just feel sorry for her. Yes, she made the decisions she did and is responsible for them, but it must suck to have had so much misery in your life while your sister has had all this fame and glory. She has not really been close to Mariah since 1994 so doesn't have much gossip about her sister that she hasn't already sold. She told The Sun that she wanted to speak to Mariah and that she is finally clean and on the right path and just wants to be a part of Mariah's life. She says this almost every year too but it does not seem to have had much effect on Mariah. Would you let her back in your life?
Wow, I definitely see the resemblance!
ReplyDeleteI think that I would probably give her a chance. I would be skeptical since I "change" is difficult.
ReplyDeletecomplicated family dynamics :(
ReplyDeleteIF what ive read is true, Mariah has given her a bunch of support and money in the past, and on multiple occasions, so I kind of understand that she has cut the toxic relationship with her sister
No. It's been since 1994? She's had plenty of time to get clean. There comes a point when you just need to give up on someone, accept the loss, and move on.
ReplyDelete@SueRH, this. At first glance I thought it was an early photo of Mariah.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read Mariah is doing the right thing by not speaking with her. Especially now that she has kids. They don't need that drama in their lives.
ReplyDeleteWe don't know what lead to 'no mas' with Mariah. Was it selling info on her? Shooting up in her house? Putting her in danger? Worse?
ReplyDeleteI have a great relationship with my siblings for which I am grateful. I know many people who do not for a variety of reasons. But you don't cut a sister off lightly, so I won't be admonishing Mariah on this issue.
Would I? Oh hell NO!
ReplyDeletenope, glad she is coming clean but hell no
ReplyDeleteI'd need to see tons of proof that she has been, is and will be clean for quite a while before I would.
ReplyDeleteI kinda agree with philly. Have had dealings with addicts- while u love them , they exhaust you and sometimes ya just gotta cut them loose. Part of heartbreak of addiction. You know, addicts are fond of saying "i only hurt myself"- but so not true- they drag dveryone around them into their swirling , dysfunctional life.
ReplyDeleteOne of the main factors in making most drug addicts clean up is running out of cash. If you have a drug user in your life, you have to be super-cautious in assisting them financially. Even the cleanest cleaned-up addict can be triggered by money. Thus, I can see that it might be the best thing to do to stay away from this woman, if you're a multi-millionaire.
ReplyDeleteI agree w RenoBlondee, clean for a couple months? Good for you but no. Clean for five years with a productive life? Okay maybe we can talk.
ReplyDeleteFamily dynamics with addiction are very complicated and she's had lots of chances already. I don't blame Mariah anymore than I blame Madonna for cutting off her brother.
Totally get why Mariah is through with her sister. I had to do the same for my mother's son. I cut him loose when I was 17 and never looked back. He's been in and out of prison with promises to various family members that he's never kept. Mariah is doing the right thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm the bad one in my life, so I'm really not sure....it all depends on how long she'd been truly sob's.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm sure she has a name other than "Mariah Carey's sister", sheesh!
ReplyDeleteIs it me or does every celeb have a drug addict/mentally ill/homeless sibling?
ReplyDeleteMariah has her own issues to deal with, chiefly buying dresses and shoes that allow her to stand vertically and walk without assistance.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if she had approached Mariah privately instead of going through the media...
ReplyDeleteYes, forgiveness is the key to happiness for all involved. However, she should not give her any money or enable her in any way.
ReplyDeleteMariah has small children now and that would be an issue for me. I agree that she would need to be clean and sober and doing something for herself for a substantial period of time before I even considered letting her back in.
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ReplyDeleteThis family grew up not far from me. They were all older and I never met them, but I used to work with a few people who knew them very, very well (I saw plenty of pictures from them to prove it). From what I understand, besides what this article says, Allison used to also try to blackmail Mariah. Telling her to send her money, limos to pick her up, etc. Otherwise Alison said she would go to the media and sell them made up stories about Mariah, which she said the media would believe because it was coming from Mariah's sister. Mariah's mother took in and raised Alison's kids, and Mariah paid for them to go through school. One (Sean) graduated from harvard law I believe.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Mariah...it's hard to trust someone like this..
ReplyDeleteno such thing as a hopeless case
ReplyDeleteThe real life Ringer.
ReplyDelete@Unknown thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Mariah did what she had to do. Nice to know she's taken care financially of her nephews :)
Ive always though M. Carey has a great heart (a friend of mine is a super-Mariah-fan and has told me lots of mariah-kindness-stories)
Family doesn't mean people get to abuse you without consequences. I think Mariah should keep Alison far, far away from her life and her kids. I know I would, and have in similar circumstances. I would not be considered an enabler.
ReplyDelete@ sussique yes there is!!!
ReplyDelete"Hopeless" in the sense that you cannot change anything for them and sometimes there is no choice but to remove yourself from their lives because of the toxicity.
ReplyDelete@unknown thanks I know Mariah has been through tough things in her personal life; it's good to know she cared for her nephews.
ReplyDelete@bartonfink. You're absolutely correct. All that visible money, would be almost impossible for a addict not to rationalize ways to get their hands on some.
She is an AMAZINGLY supportive Aunt. I feel for her right now. What a tough situation, so sad.
ReplyDeleteMy sister is mean as a snake and totally nuts...but she used to be a good sister a long time ago, before she became mentally ill. She hasn't spoken to me in years now.
ReplyDeleteI would let her back into my life if she wanted, but, I dunno, I might just be a glutton for punishment.
Same boat here krissie. Mine is mean and manipulative. We once had a great relationship. Haven't seen her in years and sadly I am ok with that. Don't feel like being screamed at for all of her bad decisions in life. She is a prescription drug addict.
ReplyDeleteHi Della! I know exactly how it feels. It stinks to be a punching bag, but it also stinks to lose your sister. And my sis is into prescription drugs too...last I heard of her (2008) she was taking way too many pain meds. Don't know if she's since gotten help, but from what relatives have told me, it doesn't sound like it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you!!
ReplyDelete@ Krissie and Della. Boy can I relate. My sister is a horrible horrible person and knows it. My dad calls her satan's spawn. I remember a great example.
ReplyDeleteIt was my 16th birthday. I was in my room that I shared with her. She turned to me (she was 14) and said "Do you want to see another bday ruined?" I said "What does that mean?" She said "Haven't you noticed? For the past 3 years I've ruined your birthday. Then she proceeded to scream, while I sat there confused. My parents came running up the stairs. My sister started screaming that I was punching her and pulling her hair and turned on the tears. I was shocked at this little liar. They sent us both to bed and said no birthday cake for you. Then she started laughing after the fact and said "Let's do this again next year...shall we?" The next time she pulled a stunt and got away with it was my 22nd birthday.
Needless to say, I haven't spoken to her in 2 years. She's done a far worse to me over the years for me to cut her off like this. She's devastated that I've cut her off. She thinks I should grow up and take her abuse. My dad can't stand her, and my mom said she loves her, but can't be around her for long periods of time.
My sister also has no friends and she keeps losing employees.
I would pay for her healthcare and medications directly, but no other money and no contact. You have to take care of yourself and your family, and sometimes that means you have to cut off people. It's very sad, but sometimes it HAS to be about you and your needs.
ReplyDelete@crila16 I am so sorry.
ReplyDeleteI think it's interesting that your sister wants you to speak to her. Mine said she won't ever talk to me again. I stopped taking her bullshit and I stopped letting her talk to me in the (disgusting) way she did and she sees that a traitorous act. In my sister's world, if you don't let her treat you exactly how she wants to treat you, you are a mean person and she won't be your friend anymore.
It's kinda messed up that I still miss her I guess, but I can't help it. I guess i still hope one day she'll go back to how she was before (at least a little bit).