Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Suddenly Has Money For A House

No longer forced to stay hidden away at Chateau Marmont, Lindsay Lohan must have made some deal with her billionaire boyfriend, Vikram Chatwal and now Lindsay is going to be renting a house in Beverly Hills to the tune of $25K a month. Apparently Vikram thinks Lindsay is worth it. I think he was probably getting some kind of hotelier discount for Lindsay at Chateau Marmont, but she wanted something bigger where she could really get her party on. The house is four bedrooms and five bathrooms. I wonder which bathroom will be the party bathroom.


  1. Awww there's always some foreign dumb billionaire dying to sleep with anything remotely resembling celebrity for everyone, perhaps, it's not too late for Tara Reid after all.

  2. Does everybody in her life enable her? It's fucking ridiculous. Are people that hard up that they need to be associated with a trainwreck? Does it make them feel better about themselves? What exactly do they get out of it? I'm confused and annoyed that I'm taking up this much of my day commenting on something Blohan is doing.

  3. Girl's gotta take care of herself and hustle. Maybe she actually likes him. And what's a little thing like he is married to stand in the way of her morality or happiness.

  4. There will always be some ugly, disgusting, old geezer with money that HAS to pay for sex with a young person.

  5. Ugh, her life is like a limbo game- how low will you go?

  6. I remember those pics...yikes, she looks such a druggy.

  7. So basically, she's a professional prostitute.

  8. @Liz, he's only 40 or 41 -- I don't consider that old -- yet,lol

  9. Where did this story even come from, though?

  10. It looks as if he's doing her from behind...should I presume that's what's going on? *sigh*

  11. Which bathroom will be the party bathroom?

    All of them!

  12. Her part on Glee last night was shit too.

  13. Am I the only one that didn't know she had a boyfriend?

  14. Also, if you're going to pay good money for someone younger....why not get someone that actually looks the part?

  15. A saying that I have heard through out the years-and please, feel free to share it with your friends-"A hard penis has no conscience" Obviously, this one has no brain either because the only difference between her and a hooker off of Cops is better hair dye, and even that is a thin line.

  16. She's a port-a-potty. In case you haven't heard of this, it's girls who let foreign men pee and poop on them. In return they buy girls purses, clothes, cars, houses, and trips.

    What a shitty way to earn a living.

  17. @strawberry girl "What a shitty way to earn a living"

    ba-dum CHING.

  18. What is the story behind those pictures?

  19. If I remember correctly there are additional photos in this series that show Lindsay bending down and snorting something.

    I dont believe the photos were sex related.

  20. You're right 41 is not old, but Lindsay is only 25, so he is too old for her. I was also overtaken by how disgusting he looks. She must be on drugs to sleep with that. She's no prize, but he's revolting.

  21. She looks doped up in that pic. Is she trying to relive Linda LoveLace?

  22. In the next picture after being kissed, she looks totally skeeved out. It skeeves me out.

  23. Looking at the photos, I honestly thought they were around the same age. I don't know if that's a compliment to him or an insult to her.

    If I were going to spend $25K a month on a piece of tail, I think I could do hell of a lot better than Blohan.

  24. Anonymous9:29 AM

    someday the movie about her will win an academy award

  25. I read that the 25k a month is blown way out of proportion, but the fact that she could afford 10k on a house is unbelievable.

    She is definitely a high paid whore, because she hasn't really worked in Hwood for years now, and has a ridiculous amount of legal fees to pay.

  26. $25K/month for rent, plus another $25K or so for expenses.

    She must be spending ALOT of time on her knees...

  27. well, the 15 year old girl in me wants to mockingly say, "THAT'S her boyfriend?! Ewww!" the mom in me wants to cry.

  28. I guess if she's a prostitute that makes him a john - an older, fat one. Don't doubt she's been doing this for a while. There will always be some john who has to pay for it, and someone willing to put out.

  29. That guy is considered a billionaire and allegedly "dated" an -ian.

  30. I figure she's a 3 input girl....this man isn't paying for what he can get at home.
    Actually I don't think this is a good thing for her, now she can run wild and she will.

  31. Whole lotta speculating going on here.

  32. Despite his gobs of money he wants to be famous and supposedly has been in rehab for alcoholism in the past.

    This isn't going to be a trainwreck of epic proportions, nope! Not at all!

  33. Since when is 41 too old for 25? Shoot, that describes the relationship age difference (or more) for 75% of wealthy men. Now if the WOMAN is that much older, well hell's bells, people act like they're two different species.

  34. Yeah her spot on Glee last night did not do anything for her image. She was crack thin and her voice sounds like she smokes 90 packs a day, not cute! While we are on the subject, is Perez Hilton on crack or sick?? He was a chubby little thing and now he looks crack thin.

  35. From Wiki..

    The multi-million dollar wedding celebrations took place in February 2006 was spread across ten days and three Indian cities, Mumbai to Udaipur and Delhi, and was attended by 600 guests from 26 countries who were transported on private chartered jets.

    Search for the photos on line, quite an astonishing , garish event.

  36. @MontanaMarriott - Perez has been losing weight forever. He means to look like that.

    Linds on Glee made me nervous. Her energy sucks. The party bathroom will be the one that finds her on its floor the most.

  37. Then those wealthy men are too damn old. A 15 year age difference is huge.

  38. SO GLAD someone mentioned Glee!!!

    Yes, Perez has been working on his fitness for years now and while he's accomplished A LOT, he now looks like a bobble-head. :(

    Lindsay was HORRIBLE, her acting sounded like reading lines at a table-read and she was no better than Perez (who's not even an actor!).

    Her "acting" was shit. I was actually shocked how bad it was. Her looks? Same as any recent pap photo so... *meh*.

  39. I really didn't think she looked "thin" though. Not compared to her Rachel Zoe days.

  40. I do think he's a little old for her, but I wouldnt say that he is bad looking...

  41. I do think he's a little old for her, but I wouldnt say that he is bad looking...

  42. Is that a blonde wig she's wearing???

  43. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Those are pretty cheap rates for such a famous hooker.

  44. I can't stand Lilo, but this whole situation is just sad. How far we've fallen, Lohan.

  45. Maybe the john got the blue light special. Maybe she felt sorry for him.

  46. And this will be her downfall. At least now that she's living at CM she can party right there, or walk to the other drug dens. But if she rents this house, she will NOT be able to stay away from the clubs, so that means trips in the car and more of those "falling down" pictures when coming out of the club.
    The cycle starts again...

  47. That's how I imagine Marilyn looked right before she died. But less skanky.

  48. Lindsay needs a sassy gay friend to slap her across the face with his scarf and say "what what WHAT are you doing?! Look at your life; look at your choices"

    she really does look like Victoria Gotti in that second pic though. And dead behind the eyes.

    pre-emptive RIP Lohan.

  49. 25K to rent? Might as well buy something for that payment. I feel sorry for the landlord, she is going to wreck that house, whatever the actual rent is. If I were to bet on Lindsay's lifespan, I would be more inclined to go with 2013. I think she's going to make it through this year by some blessing of dumb luck. Parent Trap was on over the weekend, I caught the end of it and almost cried, that talented little girl is long gone.

  50. Wow...can't wait to see what that house will look like by the time Lindsay moves out...that's if the house is even still standing.

  51. Well if she's willing to screw some fat turd of a Raja in exchange for rent$$$ more power to her....i'd have to put a bag over his head.

  52. As much as I can't stand her, has any of this been confirmed or is this just some petty piece of gossip? Is it a made up sum? Because another poster said the number was actually lower. And is the rich guy paying for it or are you just saying that? I enjoy gossip but this is weak.

    As for Glee, she was beyond bad. She has no comedy timing at all and was trying too hard to laugh at herself. She can't laugh at herself because she's complete un-self-aware.

    Also, did you notice during New Directions' performance, the judges were never shown but during Vocal Adrenaline's performance, they kept showing her.

  53. First I've heard of this person, but he looks fat and hairy in these pix.


  54. And..maybe she wants someone to be her father, look after her, etc. In return he gets sex. So what.

  55. Lohan is such a bad actress now, she can't even play herself. Sigh...

  56. apparently the prize of the location less expensive around $10,000

  57. Dead eyes is what, hmmm. This is sad.

  58. "someday the movie about her will win an academy award" that made me LOL but the irony of it all should it actually happen.....

  59. "is this just some petty piece of gossip"

    Um, did you forget you're on CDaN? Of course it's gossip. It's a guess, but a good one - we know she's renting a place that she can't afford, so somebody's got to be paying for it. (Despite her Playboy issue and other modeling/promo work, she's known to be hundreds of thousands in debt.) This guy has spent a lot of time with her in the past, and is obviously sexing/drugging with her, even though he denies it. He's let her "borrow" a couple of really expensive cars in the past. (The ones she keeps denting in one accident after another.) It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together to get "hooker/john."

  60. This guy has the same first name is me.


    I think we're both Punjabi Jatt Sikh.

    If I ever run into him at church,I am going to pull his nipples and twist until he agrees to change his name.

  61. For f**k's sake, can this gal ever get a break???

    She was on SNL, on Glee last week and is staring in the Liz Taylor movie.

    Do you think she has enough money to support herself???

  62. @Frances Parker she had a sassy gay friend, Patrick who was zero help and stole from her!

    You're half way there though. She needs some actual friends.

    Great to see her on Glee! Shame on Dot Marie Jones for blabbing and complaining like that.

  63. For that much money in rent (not to mention the other places she's blown money on renting in the past), why not just BUY a house??

    I didn't know Lindsay had a "boyfriend"? I thought she was back w/ Sam R.?
