Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Has A $40K Tanning Bill

Lindsay Lohan gets sued all the time, but it seems as if there are never any resolutions. Well, one has been resolved. Kind of. Nine months ago a Nevada judge ordered Lindsay to pay $0K to a tanning salon that she used almost every day but never paid. Shocker. There is also the matter of missing towels that were never returned but that is another story. Do you remember Lindsay being in Nevada for two years between 2007-2009? I don't either. Was she going that often? I bet she was flying there just to tan. That and hanging out in Las Vegas hotels with Sam Ronson and the male friends Lindsay had who would visit. She always had to look her splotchy best. Have you ever seen Lindsay with a good tan? It always looked awful. You would think that if you spend that kind of money at least you would have every part of your body covered.


  1. ha ha ha ha ha hah!

    Love the photo.

  2. In my boredest moments, I've been reading dlisted's Lindsay Lohan posts starting from 2006. I just got to May 2009 and she still has her old face, but has started to fuck with her lips. It's like reading a really fucked up book, seriously, if she would just write an autobiography she'd probably make more money than movies are ever gonna pay her again.

  3. Orange you glad to see me?

  4. I'm sorry, but any company that lets a bill ride for over a year is stupid in the first place.

  5. Whorange you glad I didn't say strawberry?

  6. She looks positively radioactive in this pic.

  7. Great comments. I especially like Temp Grape's.

  8. If the "Tanning Mom" needs a stand in, this trick has it locked in.

  9. seaward, I misinterpreted the line that "she has started to fuck with her lips" to actually imagine her fucking with her lips, and ... well, only Lindsay Lohan could have fit in that picture. Egads. Our little girl has grown up to be a Tanning Mom.

  10. Why do people feel the need to burn their skin or apply gross looking orange goop on themselves?

    Tanning very fair skin constantly causes premature aging and cancer, it's just not worth it so try to enjoy your life sans tan.

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    @GSDlover, you said "premature aging" and I got this mental image of a 50-ish Lindsay. Not pretty. Of course she almost looks 50 and she's not even 30, so when she actually is 50 (which I doubt ever happens), she should be a real treat.

    How do you run up a tanning bill like that? What do they charge to tan there? Around these parts, the salons are always running specials, unlimited tanning for a month for $25, stuff like that, so it is beyond me that you could run up a $40K bill even in a year. I mean, they use the same beds, there aren't that many tanning bed manufacturers. That's crazy.

    Second question. WHY would you run up a tanning bill like that? We all know it's dangerous to keep tanning so extremely. That's why UPF numbers get higher as time goes on.

    She looks like hell here.

  12. Uhh doesn't this stupid bitch OWN a self tanning line? Way to advertise your own product.

  13. Yeah it is called Sevin Nyne.. lol...she owns a self tanner and has a 40K tanning salon bill....

  14. i get tanning a little, while it's not my thing i can understand why people do it, but GODDAMN! Are you kidding me?

  15. 40K to look like an Ommpaloompa? (sp?). Not exactly a glowing endorsement for the tanning salon, non?

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Haha -- trick can't even spell "seven" and "nine" correctly. Nice.

    All she needs now is a ridiculous little white bow in her hair and she could double for tanning mom.

    I've never been tanning (pale redhead here), but don't you have to pay for those kinds of services at the point of sale?

  17. I tan really nicely (light olive skin) but have thankfully stopped w salons for a few years now. I can't IMAGINE trying to force a tan out of pale, freckled skin - it just isn't natural and seems very damaging.

    Not to mention, wouldn't it make the hated freckles darker? This girl is a cocktail of bad judgement.

  18. There is a rash of malignant melanoma cases in 20 somethings and 30 somethings...most of whom were tanning bed addicts. It's BAD for you, especially with the Irish skin of Lindsay Lohan.

  19. Isn't it kinda beside the point that tanning is aging LiLo's skin? Compared to her other vices/proclivities tanning seems far down the list. Sad to say, but does anyone believe she's going to make it to forty? She's knocked out the last part of "live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse".

  20. LL looks much older than her actual age and when your lively hood depends on your looks you should try to safeguard your health as much as possible, this girl is a wreck she drinks, smokes and abuses drugs and to top it off she tans, by the time she reaches 35 she will look 50 and that's a conservative outlook.

  21. Oh c'mon. Get off the meds+ LL!

  22. She must spray tan, the way she is orange and splotchy.

  23. I have been tan my whole life, and look 10 years younger than I am. I attribute it to good genes and always getting a lot of sleep. I loooove sleeping.

    I don't get ridiculously tan anymore, but I love my skin color when it is darker.

    However, Lindsay is a pale freckled ginge who should NOT be tan.

    This company is stupid for letting her rack up a bill so high, and she is known for screwing people on payments. And FOR payment. Ha.

  24. Yes she has to be spray tanning and that can be $$.
    Enty is implying she was in a relationship with SamRo but had mens on the side.

  25. Re Unknowns comment about her tanning line Sevin Nyne:

    Im pretty sure "Sevin" was the name of a banned herbicide

    ...chuckle chuckle

    how appropriate!

  26. Just her face looks orange in the photo. They guys arm next to her looks redder than she does.

    I don't recall Lindsay ever being that tan to have spent 40K on tanning.

  27. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Since she's rarely sober, maybe they just coat a plastic sheet with the tanner, and she rolls around in it or her handlers just drag her through it.....could explain the blotchy-ness??

  28. She looks just demonic in that picture.

    Why not just buy your own tanning bed? A friend of mine did and loves it.(Yeah, he's crazy)

  29. They r dumb for letting it get so high! Who gives Lindsay a tab anyway!

  30. I can't believe she used a tanning bed, not with her pale skin. ITA they provided artificial tan. And she should countersue for non-performance.

  31. She looks like Janice from the Muppets.

  32. Yeah, I'm not getting the stupidity of any of these companies letting her bills rack up this much. If you are a celeb, you just get a house account everywhere you patronize?

    I agree w/ paris. She needs to embrace the pale.

  33. XCentric, Janice just removed you from her Christmas card list.

    Lindsay, oh boy...at this point this type of stuff isn't even her fault. Maybe this is some form of advertising for these companies that continue to let her run a tab. They get free publicity in gossip rags? I don't know but it's just stupid.

  34. Okay, it's come to this. THIS BITCH!

    Meh, I really don't care. Anyone who lets her run up a tanning tab, or any tab is begging for it.

    The pic is priceless! She should be in horror.

  35. As a person who is "blessed" with porcelain skin I must say that using fake tan is like straightening curled hair. It's fun to see what you look like. I don't use fake tan often because most don't work very well on me. And am against sun beds. Dumbest idea ever. You're basically injecting melanomas into your skin (that's not a real thing I know). I agree with whoever said earlier than tanning is the least of Lohan's problems.
