Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Has A $40K Tanning Bill

Lindsay Lohan gets sued all the time, but it seems as if there are never any resolutions. Well, one has been resolved. Kind of. Nine months ago a Nevada judge ordered Lindsay to pay $0K to a tanning salon that she used almost every day but never paid. Shocker. There is also the matter of missing towels that were never returned but that is another story. Do you remember Lindsay being in Nevada for two years between 2007-2009? I don't either. Was she going that often? I bet she was flying there just to tan. That and hanging out in Las Vegas hotels with Sam Ronson and the male friends Lindsay had who would visit. She always had to look her splotchy best. Have you ever seen Lindsay with a good tan? It always looked awful. You would think that if you spend that kind of money at least you would have every part of your body covered.


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