Lady GaGa has made official what I told you about a month ago. She and Taylor Kinney have split. She says it is so she can focus on her tour. I say it is because she got back with her ex-boyfriend because she could control him better and he didn't have four roommates. I don't think her ex-boyfriend even worked. Yeah, a bartender, but that is such a vague job title. If you worked in a bar once for a month you could call yourself a bartender. Everyone who has ever appeared on any reality show was a bartender or waiter or waitress. It is a job that makes you sound like you are working and not just an out of work actor.
That is not to say there are not some bartenders out there who actually do bartend for a living. They should be given a different title because they should not be forced to have to lump themselves with the people who just use it in order to not have to say they are unemployed or are such a lousy actor they can't ever get hired for anything.
At a certain point, you outgrow having a boyfriend who has four roommates.
ReplyDeleteWith her career and her money she will be lucky to ever sort through the BS and find someone who would genuinely love her and care for her. Good luck to her. The life of fame and fortune has it's drawbacks.
ReplyDeleteRemember when all the British aristocrats were claiming to be "photographers" because being an idle gentlemen was no longer socially acceptable? Lord Snowden being the most prominent example. I own a camera. I'm a photographer.
ReplyDeleteEnty, the non famous male is referred to a "bartender" nowadays, back in the 80's they were known as 'businessmen". The same way the non famous female is always referred to as a "model"
ReplyDeleteI think this guy is cute and made more sense for her. I know he's an actor but not really sure on/from what. A lot of adult people rent out a house together in LA even when they have a steady job and are out of college. I'm not going to hate b/c of that. I'm sure he wasn't sharing a room or sleeping in a bunk bed.
ReplyDeleteHe is much better looking than her ex. Shallow but I'd just deal with the four roommates.
ReplyDeleteShe seems to have one of those never ending off-again/on-again relationships with her ex though.
And philanthropist is what we now call rich unemployed people. Sounds like a good gig.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone watch Duck Dynasty where Willie's wife is getting a pedicure and drinking champagne in the middle of a weekday and she was mad at him? Seriously, if my husband's salary allowed me to do that, I'd let a lot slide.
I had no idea she had a boyfriend. I thought she was asexual for some reason.
ReplyDeleteHer boyfriend was on the Vampire Diaries for a while. And looked great without a shirt.
ReplyDelete@anita_mark, no but I caught the one where they needed the decoys for their booth at the fair.
ReplyDeleteOr when they put in the conveyor belt to help production and instead all took rides on it.
It's crazy the money they have!
I kinda wish GAGa could find a really nice guy with a decent paycheck of his own to date. The rest of her life is such a huge production number.
@seaward i thought the same thing!
ReplyDeleteI love euphamisms related to employment status. A "Consultant" is someone who's just been laid off but is hoping to get a new job soon. "I'm going back to school" is someone who was laid off and DOESN'T think they'll get another job soon. An "Independent Business Owner" got fired, not laid off. And a "DJ" is someone who got fired and is now selling drugs.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ Goober
ReplyDeleteRandom pairing
ReplyDelete@Del, the reason for the decoys on the roof made me laugh. An argument over how often sattelite imaging is updated led to them throwing the decoys on the roof.
ReplyDeleteThe episode I mentioned involved Uncle Si and the grandfather going to talk to school to talk to kids on Career Day. The grandfather showed them how to prepare a dead duck (disgusting) and Si told Vietnam stories.
J.Simp's fiance should start calling himself a "philanthropist."
ReplyDeleteIt was good enough for Vadge (her idol) why not her? Vadge has and does date guys with below level funds.
ReplyDeleteHer ex, Luc, works at a great bar in NYC. He's waited on me a few times before. Perfectly fine bartender, always checking his hair in the mirror but it's that kind of place. He looks like the missing member of Poison.
ReplyDeleteHer ex, Luc, works at a great bar in NYC. He's waited on me a few times before. Perfectly fine bartender, always checking his hair in the mirror but it's that kind of place. He looks like the missing member of Poison.
ReplyDeleteBartending and waiting tables are what unemployed and generally lousy actors do to make money - just like the rest of us. The joke is that most all waiters and bartenders are wanna be actors/models/singers. Entertainment lawyer should know easy stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteToo bad, he was a hunka man!!!
ReplyDeleteIf U really are a lawyer your an incredable dumb ass why should the good bartenders, waitress, an waiters have to get new job names because of the fly by night bartenders n such they aready have names for them like lol unemployed - underemployed - loser - user - scab - couch monkey - couch potato - deadhead - basement dweller - ect my new name for U is "the mighty mighty under thinker"
ReplyDeleteBy the way I very much agree with hatfull!!
ReplyDeleteI also noticed that the females here talk about GaGa n other women dateing men below their income ugh!! can ya tell me the lasttime U made 50 million a year??? n why should that matter men have been doing that forever plus dateing n marrying women with children women really are the shallow ones here unless your GaGa of course n ya dont care to focus on the unimportant things that that the shallow women of the world consume themselves with whatever happend to jus being happy with someone? whatever happend to jus careing about someone?? whatever happend to just being in love with someone??? I cant help but feel sorry for some of the comments n how this world has brainwashed U into thinking its all about the money "love" it would seem is third or forth on your list no wonder your not happy!! nobody is gonna have it all !!! and some may seem to have nothing at all!!! n some only have the best gift of all their whole heart .