Lady GaGa Calls It Quits With Taylor Kinney
Lady GaGa has made official what I told you about a month ago. She and Taylor Kinney have split. She says it is so she can focus on her tour. I say it is because she got back with her ex-boyfriend because she could control him better and he didn't have four roommates. I don't think her ex-boyfriend even worked. Yeah, a bartender, but that is such a vague job title. If you worked in a bar once for a month you could call yourself a bartender. Everyone who has ever appeared on any reality show was a bartender or waiter or waitress. It is a job that makes you sound like you are working and not just an out of work actor.
That is not to say there are not some bartenders out there who actually do bartend for a living. They should be given a different title because they should not be forced to have to lump themselves with the people who just use it in order to not have to say they are unemployed or are such a lousy actor they can't ever get hired for anything.