You know it must be true love if you refer to you significant other as your f**king boyfriend or girlfriend. To me, it shows you are trying a little too hard to make your point and that you are not the best actress there ever was. Kristen Stewart is in two issues of Elle. One here and one in the UK. Anyway, in the interview Kristen is walking around a bookstore and lo and behold there is a copy of the book Bel Ami. You know just sitting there. Go ahead and walk around your own bookstore and see if you randomly walk across a copy of Bel Ami. I will wait her while you go try. I bet you don't. It is not one of those books that is just sitting out there waiting for you to walk by like one of Tosca's diet books or Lauren Conrad's riveting new best seller. Those two thoughts don't go well together. Lauren Conrad and best seller.
So, Kristen walks by the book and suddenly exclaims, "Oh my God, my f**king boyfriend just did this movie! The French, they're up in arms that he did it." Yes, there were riots in the street. Everyone thought it was about the elections that were held last week, but it was really because Robert Pattinson was cast in Bel Ami. It was all over CNN.
I findly it highly implausible she'd use the term "up in arms".
ReplyDeleteSomeday she'll realize that peppering her speech with the F word isn't attractive. She drops the F bomb a lot.
Or maybe she just cusses like a sailor and almost every sentence has "fuck" in it.
ReplyDeletePlease, someday she'll admit she's gay....
ReplyDelete@MISCH: Exactly!
ReplyDeleteSounds like someone is trying way too hard to just "casually" mention their boyfriend... while always drooling over their female co-stars. ;o)
That's kind of her nature. I saw a photo of her at the Snow White premier giving Chris Hemsworth the finger. She wasn't serious about it, but there she was right in front of a hoard of photographers flipping him off thinking it's cool.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of that premier, her stylist has to go. The dress she wore was even worse than her Twilight premier dresses, and that's saying something.
Seriously, why is she famous?
ReplyDeleteMy local bookstore has Bel Ami prominently featured in a display, because the movie is coming out. Seriously, Enty--come up out of the basement once in a while.
ReplyDeleteI admire the fact that she doesn't seem to give a tinker's damn what the media thinks of her. Stewart's been that way ever since she was a kid, and I find it refreshing that at least someone in Hollywood doesn't "play the game" she's supposed to play. Stewart's not some prepackaged, brainless bimbo who, when somebody pulls the little ring at the back of her neck, automatically gushes the "appropriate" phrases. Stewart lives (and may ultimately die) by her acting skills, which I consider to be formidable. Okay, her choice of vocabulary is more than a little salty at times, but to me that only indicates that she is a self-confident young woman who's perfectly okay with being whom and what she is, and as far as I'm concerned, that's something to be admired.
ReplyDeleteI just saw the book on display at McNally Jackson books in soho.
ReplyDelete@Robert, I agree with some of your points, but I disagree on the language. If she's that confident and formidable, she should be able to use her words to get her point across, and not have to resort to the F-bomb every five words. It's just lazy.
ReplyDeleteShe may not be a prepackaged bimbo, but I don't think she's a formidable talent or articulate.
ReplyDeleteShe is such a refined lady...lol
ReplyDeleteWow. The F-word is only a word. It's a cool word though, because it can be used as an adjective or a verb -- multitasking rocks. My daughter is 22 and every sentence she says has at least one f-bomb in it. It's really just a word these days.
ReplyDeleteKristin is okay -- at least she's not the same bubble-headed moron that you read in every other interview.
I wish she'd come out and end this farce with Pattinson. They're clearly NOT a couple and lying about it to the fans who made them millionaires is a douche move. These two talentless hacks needs to disappear.
ReplyDeleteI swear. I'm intelligent and can express myself very well, both verbally and in written form (I am so making sure I don't make a spelling or grammar mistake here) but I swear. And I say "fuck," I don't say "F-bomb."
ReplyDeleteHere's an example of the need for the word "fuck":
"What's the weather like?"
"It's cold."
Ok, not very clear. How about this:
"What's the weather like?"
"It's fucking cold."
That means it's freezing out and you should consider calling in sick and hibernating for the day.
And it's always possible France was mad because a non-Frenchman is playing a French role.
Oy vey, really? I cuss like a sailor when I'm in a casual environment. ("I need another fucking beer." "My fucking cat shit right outside of her fucking litter box again." "Fuck me, it's hot outside.") In hollywood, the parties that they have are fancy and photographed for everyone to see. No reason to not have fun and be yourself, regardless. She really doesn't bother me that much. The stupid twilight movies bother me. She's not overly sexualized in the media (by any stretch of the imagination)and she seems relatively normal to me. Just a little awkward and makes some bad fashion choices and there's nothing wrong with that.
ReplyDeleteYes. I did it. I just defended Kristen Stewart. Point your slings and arrows over this direction.
@discoflux, hahahahahahahahaha. We sound the same.
ReplyDeleteI also cuss on the regular in both casual and more serious environments. Just the way I am. I'm more questioning of her all of a sudden being so open to annoying she has a boyfriend when she has always been so staunchly opposed to talking about her personal life. That seems a bit much to me not the language.
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh at her defenders who are all Twiligt fans but post under male names because male opinions will be taken more serious, in their minds.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing real, cool, or different about this spoiled brat. She dropped Pattinson in that interview to calm down the lesbian rumour that always arise and then went on to complain how perfect her life is and she wishes that someone fuck her over. Well I can't wait for it too because she doesn't deserve the money nor the fame but thanks to mommy and daddy and her godparents she has a career.
The first reactions to SWATH are negative.
I can't recall ever seeing any movies she has been in, but my friends are always joking about how she can't emote.
ReplyDeleteThere's a YouTube video with a guy doing an impression of her at a job interview, and it's hilarious.
I'm waiting to see SWATH, mostly because of Charlize and Chris. This will be the big 'can she act or can't she' test of Kristen's acting ability imo, because anything I've seen her in thus far, it's been so obvious to me that she's acting in it. Emoting is her biggest weakness. It just seems so wooden. Maybe she'd make a better action star?
ReplyDeleteI think she sounded silly and immature in this interview with the quotes like the one below...She is so overdramatic and pretentiously unpretentious.
ReplyDelete“Maybe because my life is so perfect, when I see the other side of life, it just seems like, almost like I want…” ... "I can’t wait for something crazy to f–king happen to me. Just life. I want someone to f–k me over! Do you know what I mean?”
I don't know whether they are a couple or not but they do seem to spend lots of time together.
lol, Bally.. I didn't see your comment before posting mine and we both zeroed in on the same thing - emoting. She just can't do it believably, thus far anyways.
ReplyDeleteI find it ironic that she never talked about her relationship with Rob in the beginning, but now she mentions him as her boyfriend by name. . . Hmmm, not enough Twilight attention lately or more press for SWATH?? Me thinks she's realizing she may be a passing fad!
ReplyDeleteI love the word "fuck"! I have a little guy (seven yrs old) and never say it around him, but as soon as I'm around adults I let it fly for some relief. LOL
ReplyDeleteFrom the screening.
And It’s a real shame I had to type it, was hoping for a cracking film in this one, but beyond the production design (Hampered often by the incredibly painful direction), there wasn’t anything worth catching in this film. The best, most visually striking shots, are in the trailers, so see any other film, and that’ll play beforehand, leaving you 127 minutes free to not see such a disappointing waste of an amazing cast in a pretty turgidly written and paced piece.
I hope I’m in the minority and a lot of you go out and enjoy the film, but as one of my more anticipated films of the year, this wasn’t even an adequate film experience.
Stewart didn’t even seem to stretch on this one, which is a shame because she can act when given the right material. I’d kill to see her do something much more Adventureland, not necessarily the nicest, most heroic of a character, but with shades, and layers.
I just want my kids back
Wow is that a low number or what? If midnights couldn’t break a million just how bad will the weekend be?? Btw. I saw Snow White and the Huntsman… Three words.. I walked out.. Miscasted disaster of the century. Just sayin
Snow White And The Huntsman’s best visuals are in the trailer
Charlize Theron not daring to let the scenery be chomped on by anyone else, we have no standing with this version of Snow White, and neither does Stewart. She does her basic stuff here, no quality acting on display, just bog-standard Twilight paycheck performance, confusing underacting with subtlety.
After just commenting on how Alba has no acting talent and used her looks to make it, I now really have no explanation for Kristin Stewart. Can't act and while pretty, definitely not a Hollywood sex pot type. I really can't understand why she is famous.
ReplyDeleteBtw I am not afraid to throw in an F bomb here or there when I'm trying to really get my point across, but I find people who use that language in every sentence very off-putting, and I actually think its very lazy use of language. Like, is that the only way you think you can sound interesting?
As George Carlin pointed out, swearing, when used sparingly for "shading," as he called it, achieves the effect anita_mark was talking about, but when overdone, becomes...less than effective.
ReplyDelete@(another) Robert: "A tinker's damn" is one I haven't heard in a long time!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNo different than typing "like."
ReplyDeleteI've never seen the Twilight movies, I imagine everyone is terrible in that because I've heard the books are terribly written. But I saw her in The Runaways and Adventureland and she wasn't awful.
@(second) Robert - Kristen supposed "over"-usage of the f-word didn't seem to have any less effect on most of the posters here. I mean, Stewart made you comment didn't she?
ReplyDelete@Char - I know what you mean. It's not supposed to make her sound interesting. But for some reason, Stewart stirs an raging emotions from Enty and some of the poeple here. Is that power? It boggles me no end too.
Using the f word is not bad language. Saying ummm, like and you know constantly is bad language.
ReplyDeleteSome of the most intelligent and erudite people in the world swear like sailors.
I fucking hate her.
ReplyDeleteOveruse? I read "fucking" once. Does she say it all the time? She's a closeted lesbian who can't act? What else about her is bad?
ReplyDeleteI love the word Fuck. (autocorrect capitalized & it stays) Not only is it my favorite word, it's my favorite activity.
ReplyDeleteI like the word 'fuck'.
ReplyDeleteI also like words with 3 and 4 syllables in them.
I think what makes using the f-bomb obnoxious is when little kids do it with no other way to back up their points. THEN it's really just an ignorant excuse to swear while speaking a language they have no concept of how to wield.
I think when adults do it, it's awesome.
Bet then again, I also love the word 'cunt' too, so yeah.
Fucking Fabulous
ReplyDeleteFuckity Fuck Fuck Fuck
Oh yeah
Fuck it
They always start displaying the book again when the novel comes out. Because R-Pattz fangirls will buy it (hopefully improving the breed).
ReplyDeleteI love Kristen Stewart. Not that I think she's any kind of great actress, I just love her. I'm sick of overly manufactured, perfectly behaved and politically correct 'starlets'. Kristen is the Sid Vicious of crappy movies.
I liked her in The Runaways. She was perfect.
I like her grubby looking boyfriend, too, for the same reason.
I rarely swear, normally only when extremely stressed or in pain. I have no problem with people swearing but sometimes it is just SO unnecessary. Point in hand - I came into college early to to a bit of least minute reading before my exam, I went and sat near the hall the exam was in and the door happened to be ajar to a nearby office with some PE teachers or something in it, and one of them was using the word 'fucking' in every sentence. Eg 'it's so fucking early, i'm not normally in til fucking five to'...'why the fuck are you here'
ReplyDeleteIt just struck me as OS unnecessary. I don't think it gives an impression when someone swears like that.
Why didn't she call him by his name?
ReplyDeleteThis is just sexism, plain and simple. When was the last time there was a multitude of posts by folks up in arms that Russell Crowe, Robert Downey, Jr., or Shia LeBeof (just to name a few) generously insert "fuck," or some variation of it, into their interviews??
ReplyDeleteI don't think Stewart will ever have the talent of Kate Winslet or Natalie Portman, but at least she hasn't tried to become a walking blow up doll, like so many women in Hollywood!
Maybe she was being sarcastic. I like her, I think you can only act as well as your characters are fleshed out , Twilight is awful in that respect.
ReplyDeleteShe swears, she makes bold clothing choices that mostly work, she likes wearing comfy clothes when not "on the clock" , she can be awkward too. Sounds like lots of 21 year old girls to me.
I love Kristen Stewart. I acknowledge that there might be more studied actresses, there might be more polished starlets, there might be an army of bleach blondes servicing greasy middle-aged Hollywood execs and getting more jobs than she does. But she's freakin' Kristen Stewart. Awkward. Sleepy-eyed. Unique. I think about her fashion mistakes symbolically, that I love her the way Jacob loved her while she was making that dreadful Edward mistake. If loving her is wrong, I don't want to be right. Seriously, I love this young lady.
ReplyDeleteLooks like she was majorly photoshopped on the cover. As if she weren't thin enough IRL, looks like they shaved off another 10-20 lbs...sad.
ReplyDeleteThe president supports gay marriage now, so Stewart should be able to come out of her closet.