Jennifer Lopez & Carrie Underwood Are Trying Way Too Hard
Whenever I see celebrities really making a point of something I start getting really skeptical. They have never done it before so why are they doing it now. Think about Jada Pinkett Smith and her sex talk. All the time she wanted the world to know that she and Will Smith were having sex everywhere and anywhere. Now it turns out they probably don't even live together. When Jennifer Love Hewitt starts going ring and wedding crazy and gushing then you know her relationship is in trouble and likely to end soon. Over the past two weeks Carrie Underwood can't stop mentioning Mike Fisher. Every interview she somehow brings him into it. But, at the same time she doesn't actually come across as saying anything meaningful. It is like she is talking herself into the relationship. They never see each other. I think that is the only reason that relationship is still kicking. Jennifer Lopez wants us to know that she and Casper are great. On American Idol last night she was all over him. See, look everyone. I think he is great and he loves me and we are together forever. Nahh. Not buying it. Jennifer realizes the kid is a kid but if she dumps him she is going to look stupid so she overcompensates and will probably marry the guy and divorce him six months from now. She would rather take it to the very end then just end it now like a normal person.