I find it very very hard to believe that Isabella Cruise has reunited with Nicole Kidman and nothing will happen to her. If it is true, and the report does come from New Idea magazine, then Isabella would be getting away with something that no other Scientologist could do without serious repercussions. When you break up, you break up. There is no more communication. None. Families have been broken up over this hundreds of times. Why would Isabella be allowed? Isabella says that she sees her mom and talks to her mom. And yes, Isabella used the word mom. Really? See, this is where it gets strange for me because Nicole has always said her kids don't call her mom. I don't think Nicole talks to Isabella or Connor. It would just go against everything that has ever been said or written about Scientology and would show that Tom Cruise does not have to follow the same rules as everyone else who had their own family lives destroyed.
It's possible that Isabella grew up and started thinking independently (maybe that boyfriend of hers helped with this). Maybe now she WANTS to call Nicole "mom".
ReplyDeleteIf my mother were sane I would gladly give up my "church" to have a relationship with her. I hope this is true and as Amber said she wants to call her mother, Nicole Kidman, Mom.
ReplyDeleteAlso, she probably wants to see her sisters! I would!
So sad all around; to me this is the most heartbreaking aspect of Scientology.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, it proves what a colossal prick Tom Cruise is.
It always skeeved me out that right after Tom got with Katie they said Isabella and Connor called Katie "Mom". It was so inappropriate and disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteSoooo, I really hope this is true!
I don't have kids or anything, but if I did, no amount of money or religion would keep me away from them.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for kids who grow up in extremist religious households. A lot of them fail to use their adulthood and independence to think for themselves, find a middle ground or just get rid of religion altogether, and instead live to perpetuate the cycle of ignorance and hate onto newer generations. Perhaps she's one of the lucky ones who realizes she shouldn't allow her life to be dictated onto by her parents and/or a cult.
ReplyDeleteSince they divorced, Nicole was declared an SP (Suppressive Person) and as an active member of the CO$ Isabella would NOT be allowed to have any contact with her. Them's the rules.
ReplyDeleteIf she did, then Isabella risks becoming declared an SP herself and losing ALL of her friends and family.
I've read a lot about this and while I think it would be nice I'm not sure it is true.
If it IS true, than Isabella better prepare herself for a shitload of auditing and be ready to renounce the relationship all over again to remain in good standing.
The SP stuff is probably true, but since TC is such a CoS muckety-muck, perhaps it's different when it's his kids and not an ex-wife? I would be anything that he, Katie, and the kids don't have the same rules applied to them.
ReplyDelete*BET anything...
ReplyDeleteI have always had the feeling that Isabella is not buying into this Co$ stuff and is just waiting to make her break for it. Hope she gets far, far away...
ReplyDeleteOK, say what now? The blog is taking two outright smacks at COS in one day? Because, you know, short of the KGB or DOJ the one organization in the world who could bust the anonymity of this blog and ruthlessly hunt down and persecute whoever is behind it...is the clam factory. I mean, everyone remembers Operation Snow White and knows that Sea Org has brigades of brainwashed attorneys willing to litigate to the death whilst subsisting on bogus vitamin treatments, right?
ReplyDeleteSomebody's got balls, that's all I'm sayin'.
maybe the scio talking heads are 'allowing' it? i mean, this young lady breaks my heart...i hope someone cared enough to try to give her as much of a well-adjusted a childhood as possible, but deep down there must surely be feelings of abandonment (and most likely resentment, along w/ a ton of anger)...so if this relationship w/ nicole serves as a bridge to healing, then i'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure where this story came from but the headline says Isabella says she has been in contact with Nicole. Why, if there would be such dire consequences would she possibly say it if it wasn't true? I don't know that much about this group but unless she was trying to provoke a response would she announce it? It's not like Isabella has a long history of press conferences or something. There is something odd about this story--and the one we had a week or so ago about her moving in with her boyfriend--didn't someone post that the boyfriends family is also a member of COS?
ReplyDeleteHi B.Profane - when it comes to anti-CO$ sites this is nothing. There are WAY worse out there with details and names, dates, etc.
ReplyDeleteThose are the people really putting themselves at risk. Makes for fascinating (if disturbing) reading.
But if SP is true, doesn't Katie still have a relationship with her parents? They're not CO$ are the?
ReplyDeleteI hope it's true. Run, Isabella, run!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpunky, I kinda thought Katie's family are Catholic right?
ReplyDelete(Was what I just posted even English? WTH is wrong with me?)
ReplyDeleteSpunkyPR - here's the deal, since Katie's parents haven't (apparently) done anything to subvert or reject the COS they have not been declared SPs.
ReplyDeleteYou do actually have to piss off the church to be declared.
I obviously know WAAAAYYYYY too much about this. And no, I've never been a Scientologist.
In other news, you can actually be a Catholic and a Scientologist at the same time.
^^ However I don't believe Katie's parents are involved in Scientology.
ReplyDelete^^ Where did I read that they say nothing just because they want to be involved in Katie and Suri's lives.
ReplyDeleteWe used to see photos of them with Suri but not in a long time now.
Bella looks like this girl Beth that I grew up with.
ReplyDeleteThe older Connor Cruise gets, the more and more he resembles Tom. It's very strange - though I suppose could be just mannerisms or something.
ReplyDeleteI do hope this story is true, because something about Isabella has always seemed "off". She's always looked like such an unhappy child - half the time she looks like the nanny and not part of the family. if true, I hope a renewed relationship with Nicole is giving her the peace she is looking for.
The older Connor Cruise gets, the more and more he resembles Tom. It's very strange - though I suppose could be just mannerisms or something.
ReplyDeleteI do hope this story is true, because something about Isabella has always seemed "off". She's always looked like such an unhappy child - half the time she looks like the nanny and not part of the family. if true, I hope a renewed relationship with Nicole is giving her the peace she is looking for.
@hunter--I know, but those sites don't purport to be written by an attorney idly dabbling in celebrity gossip. We know where to go to read up on OT III, right? But those are hardened sites, expecting clam-attack. Gotta give props to the blog for being willing to take on COS.
ReplyDeleteRemind me to re-post my story about testing "Clear" in a COS initial "personality test". Robin might remember. It's a hoot.
Good that she thinks for herself..
ReplyDeleteMy friend adopted 2 daughters...and I swear they look just like her....
I wonder what type of education/training Bella has received to help her survive out in the real world if she were to leave the church. I doubt Tommy Girl would continue to support her if she left.
ReplyDeleteI've always heard the COS provides very subpar education. They dumb down the children so they don't question how ludicrous the church and it's teachings are.
I'm glad for her (if this story is true), I remember photos of the kids with Nicole when they were little and still married to Tom, she seemed happy and the kids too. It has to be heartbreaking to leave your kids behind because of Xenu, etc. I've read some horrifying stories.
ReplyDeleteIsabella can do whatever she wants because she is Tom Cruise's daughter. Celebrities don't have follow rules that regular people do. She is still allowed to maintain contact with a "suppressive person". That's why celebrities are involved with creepy things like scientology. They don't get treated like regular people.
ReplyDeleteI suspect this entire article. I think it came from Kidmans PR team and its meant to dig at Tom Cruise who is having a better career than Kidman is these days. Ms Cruise is 18 years old but is still very private. I don't see her risking a break from her father. I think Enty got it right when he nailed Kidman on the they don't call me mom bit. Also Kidman may visit Nashville but hasn't really lived there for the last year. In the article Ms. Cruise said she has gone to Nashville a few times. I don't think Ms. Cruise or her father will challenge the article but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteThere was that other item about her that she and her boyfriend are living in an apartment in LA's "skid row". And now she's in contact with her mother? Sounds like she's gaining some independence (I hope).
ReplyDeleteShe's a teenager in a repressive religion who's escaped from her father's household and is living with her boyfriend. She's in active rebellion mode. The story about her and Nicole could be true. But -- how are she and the boyfriend paying for the loft in downtown L.A., unless she's benefiting from some sort of irrevocable trust her father set up?
ReplyDeleteEnty has been railing against CoS for fucking years, this isn't new information to anyone here for more than a month.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe anyone would adhere to this batshit dogma!!!! Bella, u do what u want!!!!
ReplyDeleteJax is right, enty's always been negative about the CoS. Fail to see how it would mean anything either way though.
ReplyDeleteI hope this is true. I also hope Katie Holmes finds a way out someday.
IF you put a photo of Isabelle Cruise next to a photo of Mr. Scieno himself - DM, you will notice a strong physical resemblence. Shocking coincidence? Just sayin...
ReplyDelete"Mr. Scieno himself - DM"
ReplyDeleteWho is DM? Do you mean L. Ron?
DM = David Misgavige (or however you spell it...)
ReplyDeletere Isabella's boyfriend, yes, he is Co$
ReplyDeleteHow can you be a Catholic and a Scientologist at the same time? Don't they worship L. Ron?
Just re reading this. What the hell is wrong with Nicole that she wld allow this shit to go on????? You cldnt pry most moms from their kids!!! Why didnt she fight for custody??? I think they are all f*cked up!! Whi heard of stopping education after lame- o cos high school?? Thise kids shld be in ivy league colleges, growing their minds. Ugh! Im getting so annoyed!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteScientology blackmails their peeps. Nicole was probably told to take a hike and never to utter a word about Tom, COS, or contact the children or whatever secrets she may have would come out and destroy her career. Tom probably told the children Nicole was a horrible, human being and mother and that she didn't love them, or whatever he had to say to keep them from calling her. Isabella says she is a proud scientologist, so if that is true, she is lying about "mom" just to keep the press from bugging her about it. Scientologists teach their members and children to lie lie lie. It's part of their COS training.
ReplyDeleteFirst off everyone, that quote about being called Nicole instead of mom is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe interviewed aired in 2007 and can be found on YouTube.
Nicole said: "They don't call me mummy."
Interviewer: What do they call you?
Nicole: Mum, sometimes Nicole.
This has been misquoted from the time she said it--and it is in black and white or living color on YouTube that she didn't say it.
Secondly there have been pics of Nicole with both kids except in the last several years. She has said that they talk and the kids have visited.
For those of you criticizing her lack of a relationship with them--they are bombarded on their end that she is a suppressive. The cult very well may have threatened not only her, but her family (sister, sister's kids, mom/dad, Keith etc) with blackmail, bribery, physical harm and abuse. They have done plenty of that with non famous ex-members.
I saw Nicole in a NYC park once with the kids when they were young and she was still married to Tom. There were no paps around just a nanny and what looked like a body guard. Just based on watching her, she loved those kids. She had such fun with them and was constantly picking them up and hugging them. And there were no cameras around. For her to stay silent on the matter and for her not to see them regularly--well I believe from the bottom of my heart that the cult is the reason.
The interview if it is true said she and her boyfriend are both members of COS.. and that they are PROUD to be so.
ReplyDeleteI agree with one of the posters that said how hurtful and disrespectful it was that the children call Katie Mom. Katie that is not their Mother. And that they don't call Nicole mother. The person that raised and love them. That is sick. And it made me so mad after reading that. And while I feel for Nicole, I find some of her statements a bit sad too. How she talks about her biological children as if they are her only children. Like having them made her a "mother".. even though she had 2 older children
This whole thing is just SMH.
She has seen them atleast some since becoming an SP. Connor and Isabella were at Nicole's wedding to Keith Urban in 2006 and in pics with Nicole and Keith in 2007 in Australia.
ReplyDeleteHollywood relationships are weird enough and then you add this CO$ mess to the mix. And I can't imagine wanting to have kids knowing that you might one day lose them IF you leave the church?? I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I do not think Connor looks ANYTHING like Tom Cruise. At all.