Isabella Cruise Says She Has Reunited With Her Mother, Nicole Kidman
I find it very very hard to believe that Isabella Cruise has reunited with Nicole Kidman and nothing will happen to her. If it is true, and the report does come from New Idea magazine, then Isabella would be getting away with something that no other Scientologist could do without serious repercussions. When you break up, you break up. There is no more communication. None. Families have been broken up over this hundreds of times. Why would Isabella be allowed? Isabella says that she sees her mom and talks to her mom. And yes, Isabella used the word mom. Really? See, this is where it gets strange for me because Nicole has always said her kids don't call her mom. I don't think Nicole talks to Isabella or Connor. It would just go against everything that has ever been said or written about Scientology and would show that Tom Cruise does not have to follow the same rules as everyone else who had their own family lives destroyed.