Have you ever heard of Pat Houston? Surprisingly it is not the name of a restaurant, but it kind of has that feel to it doesn't it? Like a restaurant that can't decide if it wants to be a steak place or a pub. It is actually the name of Whitney Houston's sister-in-law. Not her sister, but her sister-in-law. She also managed Whitney Houston and as we can all see that did not turn out that great. Well, after years of being stuck behind the scenes Pat wants to be famous so she got a reality deal on Lifetime. Don't be fooled by the promise of Bobbi Kristina and her brother making out. They will show up in episode one and won't probably grace your screen unless its sweeps. Nope, this new reality show on Lifetime is going to be focused on Pat. Why? I have no idea. Who cares about her. Lifetime says the show will have Dionne Warwick in it sometimes and Cissy Houston. Great. Should be interesting. Cissy thinks this will help launch the career of Bobbi Kristina. Nope. Maybe Pat though. Maybe when it is over she will open up a restaurant.
Good grief will this crap ever stop???
ReplyDeletethat will be the most boring show ever...next to watching golf.
ReplyDeleteCissy also said she was happy it was happening so the "extended family" could make some money, which is sad, because you just know they are all leeches. Whitney probably supported 30 people.
ReplyDeleteCan't they just get regular jobs? I know regular jobs suck but sweet Jesus, why must everything be a reality show?
ReplyDeleteGod I am so with you on this one. Will the age of reality please come to and end?
DeleteSurprised they waited three months.
ReplyDeleteLaunch the career of Bobbi Kristina as what, a Stage 1 reality star? (with Stage 2 being Dr Drew's Celeb Rehab, etc). The field is overcrowded as it is.. and building a new show around surviving in-laws is stretching 'fame' tissue paper thin.
ReplyDeletePlease, don't watch this shit.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that your free ride ended so abruptly, people, but like @anita said, get yourselves some fucking regular jobs and shut up already.
Looks like a bunch of g-d ghouls to me.
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch the show with Whitney & Bobby - I sure as hell won't watch this crap. Don't people have any sense of privacy anymore? Any sense of responsibility? They're just going to throw Bobbi under the bus in their quest for fame and money.
ReplyDeleteHmm, they need some money - did they spend all they made off Whitney on drugs too, or did Whitney borrow all the money they made off her for more drugs?!?
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, Pat comes off as intelligent, and while she may have aided and abetted Whitney, she is not the reason Whitney did drugs either...
Isn't Gary technically her half brother (by her mother) that only started using Houston after Whit became famous? Where is Michael, the other brother? Did he die from an overdose too, or was that someone else?!? Didn't the dad have more kids too, where are they? Making their own money perhaps and not living off a dead but very famous drug addict?!?
Yes, my contempt is hard to hide, but so many people who have incredible talents have incredible demos too, they just learn how to control them vs let them be controlled!!
this makes me want to vomit
ReplyDeleteI believe the day Whitney died, she filmed an "infomercial" for some kind of candle product from a company owned by.....Pat Houston.
ReplyDeleteI remember this trick from Whitney's funeral, because she was so obnoxious. Every word of her speech was devoted to kissing ass of every entertainment exec in the church.
ReplyDeleteI think Whitney had an incredible voice. But I think the Houston family are no better than the Lohans.
ReplyDeleteI was really hoping they'd have more class than this. This woman--in her heyday--was a champion. Her voice was Incomparable. And to see this is how it all ends? Just makes me stomach sick.
ReplyDeleteHouston, we've got a problem!
ReplyDeleteShame on Lifetime for exploiting a train wreck.
ReplyDeleteWhitney would not have wanted this and Pat Houston just revealed herself as a real-life Nikki Marron. I can't understand how someone, who saw what "fame" brought to Whitney's life, would want it for herself. Maybe she's the one that leaked all those stories to National Enquirer before Whitney's passing. Anyway, real fans will not be watching and she showed her true colors.
ReplyDeleteNow we know why Whitney never was able to stay clean and why she died. Being surrounded by leeches is not good for your health when you're an addict.
ReplyDeleteAs Van Halen said, "Everybody Wants Some"
It's curious that the most drug fucked or loony celebrities are the ones with the greediest parents/relatives.
ReplyDeleteIs her mother off her rocker? This may explain Whitneys demons. Pat Houston is a leech. I wld love to see exhaustive true bio of Whitney, to see what happened to her to make her turn to drugs. In what f*cking world is this show appropiate????????
ReplyDeletePat is married to Whitney's brother who did her security. They are the ones who cleaned the room of drugs and got Bobbie Kristina out of there before they called the cops. The same woman who sat there telling Oprah there was no sign of drugs, no one knew Whitney was using, yet when forensics sweeped the room there were obvious signs of drug use and hasty events to cover it up. I still think Bobbie K drowned her mom and Pat and her brother covered it up.