Friday, May 25, 2012

Heidi Klum Goes Bad

Heidi Klum's new music video is the Bizarro version of the Heidi Klum we are used to seeing. I know, I know, you kind of had your jaw drop when you read the music video part didn't you? This is her second or third attempt to try and break out as a singer. Apparently being a host of multiple shows, a producer, and a mom is not enough for her. Anyway, the video shows Heidi smoking, pole dancing and getting a tattoo which is exactly how I would want to spend my first night with Heidi. That and the answer to whether she has ever just wanted to really give Michael Kors a beat down and if he really believes half the stuff he spouts on Project Runway or just is making it up as he goes along.


  1. Oh geez, Heidi. Please just stop.

  2. That's an awful song.

  3. so who is really singing this garbage? whoever it is needs to go have a seat, this is awful.

  4. This is just bizarre - but not in an artsy way. Why why why? At least it's better than anything Paris put out, but c'mon.

  5. ok, i'm not going to bash her voice, its not so so bad. reminiscent of the 90s. In the video though, there were parts where she looked like older Deborah Harry.

    It is weird seeing her in that light though. It looks like it was fun to make?? (trying to be posi here, I don't have a problem with Heidi)

  6. heidi klum wants to be kate moss? or she listens too much Garbage?

  7. Yeah, that's very 90s angst, isn't it?

    I got bored and stopped it halfway through.

  8. Oh boy! I'm getting a post-divorce/getting older vibe here.

  9. why can't successful people be happy with the success they have? They always seem to want more, and wind up embarrassing themselves.

    STOP IT.

  10. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Erm....slowly backing away from the room...

  11. Very 80s for me.

  12. That was embarrassing. Midlife crisis on aisle 3.

  13. This is a divorce-revenge video. I say go ahead girl. Some people have divorce parties; hey she has access to make a video. Ultimate revenge is Heidi having a number 1 single while her soon-to-be-ex is still hanging to his fame from the 90s.

  14. I agree Borg Queen. Also - while no formal statements have been made, Seal seems to have been the reason for the divorce and she doesn't want to be viewed (moving forward) as the victim (it would probably hurt her brand as well as her emotional well being).

    While not a great song - it's a marked improvement over many songs produced for the hell of it - and if this is the worse that she acts out post-break up, both she and her children are lucky!

  15. Coming soon to a stripper pole near you: this song.

  16. She should have done it in German, I'd be going "this sounds pretty cool" instead of WTF?!

  17. seriously awful. I like her and seal together as a couple, but not individually. heidi, please go and do something else out of the public eye, okay?

  18. YIKES. I didn't think it could get worse than the Christmas single she released in Germany a few years ago. Apparently, I was wrong.

  19. Maybe its her room 23 marketing video.

  20. wow. there's 2 mins of my life i won't get back.
    no really this looked like flashdance mashed with a short andy warhol film and the music didn't seem to fit at all

  21. If I liked her, I'd feel embarrassed for her. Can't stand her, though. I hope this makes her go away faster.

  22. Michael Kors was responsible for the Wretched win. I will never forgive him for that. Heidi and Tim thought he was on crack, but Nina took his side, so we got stuck with the worst winner ever.

  23. WTH
    I'm sure Seal is laughing his ass off at that.

  24. music video? hah. it's a Budweiser commercial ffs.

  25. ....a Kate Moss copycat...

  26. Is this a joke? And usually I like Heidi, too. Eeek
