It is Friday so it is announcement time. Unless of course you are in Australia right now and then it is Saturday afternoon and you can already see Sunday and the next work week on the horizon. Sorry. Speaking of Sunday's, I really liked posting all your links and commenting on them last Sunday so make sure if you see something interesting during the week to e-mail it my way and if I don't use it during the week, you can bet I will on Sundays. On Saturdays I reveal a blind item. I have one in mind for tomorrow, but it is going way way back so need to try and find it. Now you know how I will be spending my Friday night. It works best when I do it drunk. Please follow me on Twitter. The follow me thing is over there ----------> I think. Doing some remodeling so it may have been moved. On twitter I talk about a lot of stuff that is not always on the site and also have extra blind items.
So, this show was a favorite of a lot of people. It went off the air a few years ago, but not long enough where people don't remember it. Everyone remembers it. It was a comedy. Typical sit com stuff but designed for a younger audience and a big hit for lots and lots of years. Anyway, the female lead of the show has started opening up about her experience on the show and it is pretty revealing. Everyone who watched the show was in love with her and the actors on the show were no different. She was new to the whole experience and new to the attention that was being forced on her from every direction. She started the show as a minor but that didn't stop her from being hit in by everyone. She told me that 40 year old guys who were married with kids who worked on the show would hit on her and were always groping her. Always touching. When she talks about ti now she visibly shudders when she describes it. She says she can still feel their hands. They knew she would not do or say anything and she says sometimes four or five guys a day would be groping her. When she got older and began to really devlop she says it got way worse. Then, it was not just the groping but they also would ask her out or corner her. She said that she never really felt safe the whole time she was on the show and this was years. She did have a relationship with two of her co-stars, one of which took her virginity. Of course that actor told everyone so then the old men making moves on her grew more intense. She did admit to having a one season long relationship with a producer on the show who was married. She said he was so good looking and now she wouldn't have done it but she was 18 and didn't think about his wife and kids but only the fact that this boss saw her as attractive and didn't grope her so she went to lunch with him which turned into them getting hotel rooms and then it was over. She said that she almost died inside when he dumped her and also thought about killing herself. She didn't know how to deal with it. One of the actors she had sex with on the show later came out to her as gay even though he still has not to the rest of the world. She was miserable for years and when the producers wanted to do one more year of the show she told me she knew she would fall apart and never be the same and told them no more. They decided not to do another season. Her experience has left her so shattered she does not really do much anymore except live day to day and hang out with a few friends. She does not work, and has thought about acting from time to time, but just is afraid of what will happen.