Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dina Lohan Is Getting A Reality Show

It pains me to have to type right now. You know the world is messed up world when someone decides that Dina Lohan should get another reality show. And it is not even good casting. The show is about famous ex-wives. Ex-wives of people like Eddie Murphy and Prince. Even Will Smith's first wife. But Dina Lohan? Is this so the producers get some attention? Maybe she will be like Lindsay and get arrested and then fail a drug test and say she is working on something else more important. Of course it is going to be on VH-1. That is the bottom rung for reality. If your show is on VH-1, you are thisclose to being web only.


  1. Do you think her and LiLo ever tag teamed?

  2. My prayers have been answered.

  3. I would say that Dina filmed...

  4. ...And people are going to watch it, like the vultures we are.

  5. @FSP -- Absolutely.

    So DiLo is hosting the show?

  6. Prince? Really? I might have to tune in....

  7. I read somewhere she isn't going to be a regular, just a visitor. You know, kind of like the kind of mother she is.

  8. Whenever that's on, I'm pretty sure I'm busy.

  9. Thank you Great Spaghetti Monster not permitting an agreement between Hulu and VH-1 for rebroadcasting.

  10. I have no sympathy. But, I can say that I think she was financially royally screwed as a child / young actress by her family and their associates. Really, really screwed. Appalling that the beastly mother is rewarded by any kind of employment (even lowly VH-1) that trades off her daughter. @FSP, yuck. Not you, the beast mother.

  11. Dirty, unwashed POS.

  12. she is so horrendous. And why do I feel like I have already had the nightmare where she had a reality show/???

  13. I can"t wait to hear the pearls of wisdom that will flow from her gaping maw, because you know she will position herself as a divorcee who really has it together now. Idiot whore.

  14. That said people, what the hell ever happened to Baseball Wives on VH1???? I LOVED that one chick everyone hated, Anna Benson. How that show didn't take off in beyond me.

  15. What a relief! I haven't watched VH1 in years, so I won't have to change my viewing patterns. I'm so over reality show train wrecks. Gak!!!!!!!

  16. I don't watch reality tv shows so I'm thankfully being spared the loss of several IQ points by watching this crap.

  17. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Wake up...most of the world is becoming web-only.

    Which is why the establishment is upset and losing power every day.

    The PEOPLE will now judge whether something deserves their attention, not a bunch of self-serving parasites

  18. Somebody needs to get Anderson Cooper watching this....

  19. I'm a fan of the first Mrs. Smith. She handled Jada very well when Jada took it on herself to sign a school permission ship for Will Smith's son by his first marriage -- and also instructed the boy's school not to address his mother as "Mrs. Smith", but by her maiden name. The ex set her straight. Jada apparently thought she was getting back at her by using the incident in the sitcom she and Will developed, but it only made the ex's grace and class clearer, and showed Jada up for the pill she is.

  20. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I miss the days of Flava of Love, I Love Money, etc. *le sigh*

  21. Nostradomus (or was it the Mayans?) was right, 2012 is the end

    This proves it.

  22. @Looziana I got a kick out of Flava of Love too...was pregnant and on bedrest so plenty of time to enjoy some trashtastic tv...but I think I'll be skipping this show. Famewhores are too boring to watch.

  23. OH man. I can't decide whether this makes me angry or really really excited to watch her delusion.

  24. @RocketQueen i agree! She is a mess but its just like a car crash!

  25. Hey, at least she's more interesting than Bristol Fucking Palin.

  26. Like I have said before, if people would start sending rolls of toilet paper to the TV execs and tell them to stop putting this shite on TV, then people would stop watching it. Who the hell is this woman>? I mean really? Haven't we all seen ENOUGH of her? I swear, I am bordering on going AMISH to get away from her and the Kunttrashians and the rest of them. I have noticed that the latest "trend" is the "Mob Wives". I did see they now have one out of Chicago. Yeah, nothing says "I'm a Star" like being the spouse/daughter of a dope dealing, thieving, threatening, murdering piece of garbage.

  27. Moosefan, I bet my sister watches Mob Wives. She was obsessed w/dating wannabe gangsters when she was younger and named all her dogs gangster names. No Italian blood that I know of, but that was how she wanted to live. Never got it...

    I will sadly DVR this show. I DVR'd Baseball Wives that I learned about via CDAN and also Rock Wives. Reminded me of Rock of Love. Oh please bring back that show w/another hairbander!! Pretty please!!

  28. Her manicure is fcken ugly. Nails like that scream trash, IMO.
