Thursday, May 31, 2012

Devil Wears Prada Is Getting A Sequel

You would think there is no way I would ever love Devil Wears Prada. You would be wrong. I think it is a great movie and that even counts the time where I was on a flight and the airplane screen kept showing it repeatedly because they couldn't get anything else to show. Some of my all-time favorite lines are in that movie. (I'm a stomach flu from my ideal weight) I didn't really think Adrian Grenier was good in it. I didn't feel the chemistry with Anne Hathaway. I don't think they like each other very much.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting there is a sequel in the works. The reason? Lauren Weisberger, the author of the book is writing a sequel so naturally the movie also needs a sequel. I want to know what happens to everyone. This is actually a sequel I can get behind.


  1. I really, really loved this movie. Probably the only instance where the movie is leaps and bounds better than the book. The book pretty much SUCKED.

    Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci are THE BEST in this.

  2. I loved the book so I was slightly dissapointed with the movie version. I thought that although Meryl was fab, they should have kept the character's "Englishness" and not have made Miranda American.

  3. It's a great movie if you mute Anne Hathaway. She was a whiny, ungrateful bitch that thought she was above the golden goose taking a shit in her lap. The best part of that movie is when Meryl Streep told her off. I just wish she'd fired her, too.

    Is the sequel gonna be her writing a blog about the celebrities she met while she worked at the magazine?

  4. I liked the book but LOVED the movie! Can't wait for the sequel.

    My personal favorite role of Meryl's and Emily's breakout role.

  5. Best lines for me:

    So none of the girls here eat anything?
    Nigel: Not since two became new four and zero became the new two.
    Andy Sachs: Well, I'm a six...
    Nigel: Which is the new fourteen.

    Love that Tucci!!!

  6. Don't think I saw it. If I did, I don't remember. That stomach flu line is great!

  7. I really liked that movie. It's obviously not a cinematic masterpiece or anything but it was entertaining and Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci were great in it! Not sure it needs a sequel though...

  8. 'listen six!' I try to say that AT LEAST 2x a week. Lol

  9. Beelzebub wears Miu Miu!

  10. Lauren W. is a whiny hack, but the movie was terrific!

  11. Funny I loved Meryl, Stanley and Emily (I know it sounds like they're my best friends) .
    Anne...well she was O.K. the woman annoys me.

  12. I agree, Jolene - I liked it much better than the book.

  13. Never read the book, but the movie rocked. I've seen it several times. Can't wait for a sequel!

  14. One of my favorite movies of all time! Absolutely love Emily Blunt in this role. Cannot wait.

  15. I haven't read the book (it's been sitting on my shelf for years), but this movie is like catnip to me. Anytime it's on, I have to watch. So I'm intrigued at the idea of a sequel.

  16. a sequel? BRING. IT.

    'Yes. That's what this whole multibillion-dollar industry is about : inner beauty'. -Nigel

  17. a sequel? BRING. IT.

    'Yes. That's what this whole multibillion-dollar industry is about : inner beauty'. -Nigel

  18. Adrian Grenier was awful in TDWP because he can't act to save his life. Pretty to look at though.

  19. "One time an assistant left the desk, because she, I don't know, sliced her hand open with a letter opener. Miranda missed Lagerfeld just before he boarded a seventeen hour flight to Australia. She now works at TV Guide."

  20. A sequel could be fun, but I can't see how Anne Hathaway's character could be in it. Would love to see Meryl, Emily Blunt, and STANLEY TUCCI again though (yes, his name must be in all caps, it's required for some reason).

  21. Soooo excited! Hells to the YES!

  22. I liked the book better than the film but am definitely excited at the thought of a sequel

  23. Maybe the sequel will have Meryl be more of a Darth Vader-esque non-seen presence like she was in the book. But then again you don't hire Meryl for 8 million and keep her off screen.

  24. Bore someone else with your questions.

  25. If they can get Meryl, Stanley & Emily again, I'll see it. And the same costume designer!!!

  26. I hope they take a long time with the sequel. By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.

  27. If I were her character, I would have jumped Simon Baker's bones from Day 1, lol.
