Simon Cowell loves to see X Factor in the news. The thing is it is never in the news or discussed because of the performers. The only time anyone ever talks about the show is when it comes to the judges. Simon has pretty much run the course of rumors for who is going to be the third judge with the latest rumored for the spot being Britney Spears. Now, Simon wants younger viewers to start watching the show so is talking about a fourth judge which never worked on American Idol and wants that fourth judge to be Demi Lovato or Miley Cyrus. The two of them already hate each other so this is a natural for the tabloids. Plus if Miley wins then the tabloids can wonder if Demi is going to have a relapse. I wonder if being on national television twice a week is good for Demi or not. I think it is great for her if she realizes she looks wonderful and does not start thinking about eating and body issues. With Miley? Do you really want Miley & Britney on the same panel? How many ya'll's can you fit into one hour?
I thought they just put in that article about her drug use that her and miley were friends? Personally X Factor had me at Britney so I dont care about the 4th judge.
ReplyDeleteI hear you Candi! All i need is to see Brit Brit!
ReplyDeleteAll these beautiful and talented girls, and all they do is fight each other? C'mon ladies, girl power!! Unite!
ReplyDeleteI have yet to watch X Factor, but obviously plan to for Britney. My question is this, though: Demi and Miley are pretty manufactured (not that Britney isn't). Shouldn't someone that's a legitimate artist be judging? Maybe it's ageist of me (and I'm "only" 30), but what do a couple of barely legals with presumably not much actual business experience know about creating a star?
ReplyDeleteIf it has to be between these two, I'm team Demi.
Demi seems to actually be able to sing from what limited exposure I have had but does Miley ever sing or just make noise into an autotuner?
ReplyDeleteI almost agree with Amber but they both have spent many years in the industry, is just that the people who really do know what they are doing won't attract viewers.
I'm as Southern as a pan of cornbread, but I totally agree with Enty. Miley and Britney on the same panel is a whole lot of drawl, y'all. I think it would drive viewers in other parts of the country insane!
ReplyDeleteI can't say no to Miley. Her cigarette-cured voice, her Daisy Dukes, her flirtation with normative drug use without plunging face-first into piles of cocaine and punching people in the face while pretending that her problem was just missing a sandwich -- Team Miley!
ReplyDeletehaha! that was funny!
Delete@.robert - that's a good point. And that's what it's really about, because let's be honest here...these talent shows rarely yield someone who ACTUALLY becomes a star. They're just entertainment. Which is kind of sad, because I'm sure contestants actually believe they're going to become famous.
ReplyDeleteMiley was raised in the industry - she would have seen a lot with her dad. Pair that with her attitude, I think shed be able to say 'no.' I don't want another 'everyone should win' judge, and I feel Demi would be just that. I think Miley would be a better fit.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does Demi look like she's really forcing that smile? She looks like she'd rather get her legs shaved with a rusty shark's tooth than be standing next to Miley.
ReplyDeleteHow about neither and bring back Paula. I'm so sick of these shows. Find real judges who know what the F they are doing. Miley and Demi are not experienced enough. They're not even 20 yet. Give it to an older person who's been in the business for a long time. Someone who can be respected. Not these 2 jokes. Simon's really going down hill.
ReplyDeleteAt the end f the day money talks (and ratings) and bullsh*t walks so personally I don't agree to have either one of them OR britney on the show. Demi isnt ready yet,and the other two although they know the business sound like wet cats meowing in the rain. Simmon knows what will bring ratings and so he is "playing the game"
ReplyDelete*simon* lol
ReplyDeleteNo one watches this show, it won't help either of their careers.
ReplyDeletedemi is a MESS still. contrary to what her people will lead you to believe, network exposure at this point is not a healthy thing for her, only her bank acct. sadly, her people can't see beyond that.
ReplyDeleteeven though I LOVE Demi (I'd sell my soul to have her singing voice), I gotta say, Miley's prob a much better pick. Demi would be fine too, but I vote Miley. anyway, Britney's my main bitch, so idc either way...
ReplyDeleteThis show always had 4 judges.
ReplyDelete"My question is this, though: Demi and Miley are pretty manufactured (not that Britney isn't). Shouldn't someone that's a legitimate artist be judging? Maybe it's ageist of me (and I'm "only" 30), but what do a couple of barely legals with presumably not much actual business experience know about creating a star?"
I think anyone winning that show is going to be intensely manufactured in whatever mold Cowell thinks will make the most $$. And I gotta say - Miley is going to know a hell of a lot about how that goes down and seems way more together as a person than Brit. I kinda like her, actually. AND! More potential for her smoking hot BF to make an appearance.
Of the two suggested Miley would seem to have more knowledge about the business and more importantly how to survive it relatively intact.
ReplyDeleteDemi seems a bit fragile for this kind of gig, she'd be the *I love everyone judge*.
This is why I like the dance shows, the judges do have concrete critiques of form and line and showmanship.
Def Miley for this one.
ReplyDeleteI love Miley's singing voice! The Climb is awesome! So I pick her because I can't name a single song I know of from Demi. And amen to the Britney love!
ReplyDeleteMiley is really outspoken and confident, despite what's been rumored to be going on with her body issues lately. I think she'd be an interesting judge. Demi needs to go to a Tibetan monastery for a year or two.
ReplyDeleteWell, if Simon really wants someone that "never worked" on AI, it would rule out Miley, since she was a guest mentor - can't remember which season.
ReplyDeleteI'm pro-Demi because I would love for her to get better. I think a job would be the perfect step in the right direction but I didn't think about all the constant scrutiny from the tabloids until someone else brought it up.
ReplyDeleteMiley would be more entertaining. She isn't afraid to be goofy to be funny. I like her sense of humor. I think she'll make a great judge.